Lose 10 Pounds by Valentine's Day!!



  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,443 Member
    10,225 steps today
    wt 137
  • MrsSeaShell
    WEEK 1 RESULTS:::::::::::::::::::::::

    Wow guys, 153 members and this weeks combined loss is 95.2!!! Let's Keep it up!!!!

    **I am human and I WILL make mistakes during this challenge, if you notice anything out of place plz message me, Thanks**
    ~Without further adieu; I present 10 Pounds By Valentine's Day Week 1 Spreadsheet::::::::::::::::



    Top Ten:::

    1. Lizardbreath06-7.5
    2. Snowball65-6
    3. BeautifulMe322-5
    4. Kc4173-5
    5. TattooedMommy4-5
    6. Merichick- 4.5
    8. HeatherBunnell-4
    9. Sarah44254-4
    10. Clintswifemomof4-3.6
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Nice Spreadsheet MsSeaShell...Thanks for all your hard work! :flowerforyou:
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member

    10 Water - No :(
    60 Cardio - Done - 50 min walk, 15 min treadmill, 10 min elliptical, 10 min bike, 5 min row, 5 min stair

    Under Calories - Yes!

    ** Bonus.....I want to go ice skating for V-Day... I haven't been in forever and for some reason this is something I want to do again soon :)
  • anrosen
    I'll give it a go, but just started Monday 1/04/11. My SW is 155.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member

    10 Water - Not quite complete. But I'm not going to bed until I finish. I'm at 9 right now.
    45 Minutes Cardio - I only got 20 minutes, but oh well.
    Under Calories - Yes!

    Bonus: I still have candy in the house, but honestly I don't have trouble with cravings of the candy and feel wasteful just throwing it away. I can easily just eat one piece and call it a day. What I did have to do was throw away the spinach dip I got at Safeway the other day. In the last 6 months I haven't had problems controlling any food intake until that spinach dip. I literally ate so much of it the other night it made me sick. It is now in the trash. And I didn't go bowling.. But I did go to the zoo today with my mom, cousin, and my boyfriend. It was a lot of walking :)

    And wow at the spreadsheet! That's awesome!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Ok everyone, we need to thank MrsSeaShell for such an AMAZING job at the spreadsheet!! :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    As she stated, be kind and remember she is human, so if there is ever a mistake she did not do it on purpose. Just send her a kind message and I know she will do anything she can to fix it for you!

    There has been suggestion, by LoveMe, to make MrsSeaShell's life much easier, and I think we should all try our best to do this!!

    You can still weigh in ANY DAY YOU CHOOSE, but if we can PLEASE try to POST our weights on MONDAYS I know this would help her so much!

    For example:

    Say your weigh in day is FRIDAY (tomorrow)... Go ahead and weigh in , but don't post it here until MONDAY, that way MrsSeaShell isn't scrambling around this whole thread trying to find everyone's information!

    Does that make sense?? I hope so!! And, I also hope this is a step towards making things even easier for her.. (she is amazing and has never complained, we are just thinking of nice things to do for her!)

    Ok, well I'm off to bed for tonight!


  • lauribear
    lauribear Posts: 28 Member
    Wow, MsSeaShell - you rock! That spreadsheet was impressive!

    Can I get in on this challenge? I would LOVE to lose 10 pounds by Valentine's Day! My SW is 215.

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Oh yeah... And welcome to our new members! We are growing daily!
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    Thanks for all your hard work, MrsSeaShell!


    10 Water ~DONE
    45 Minutes Cardio ~DONE
    Under Calories ~DONE

    Bonus: You MUST completely rid the house of ANY leftover candies, cookies, etc... ~GONE
  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    FOR MRS. SEASHELL Going out of town, so won't be able to weigh in on MOnday...........today's weight is 224.1.........so I'm like down .5..........not much but at least it's a half of a pound..............ALSO NOTE.......BRYONFLING...STAYED THE SAME WEIGHT.........NO LOSS.........THANKS........will be home by next WED. Lord willing!
  • skysilver

    e i know but felt lighter this morning so weighed myself yippee two pounds lighter

    why is my ticker not showing my progress????
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247

    e i know but felt lighter this morning so weighed myself yippee two pounds lighter

    why is my ticker not showing my progress????

    I'm not quite sure about your ticker... For one it should be in your signature instead of where you have to type your message.

    Are you copy/pasting it each time you post? I'm just curious? If you are, then just copy/paste it to your signature, and save your signature settings. Then it should stay there permanantly. I don't know why it's doing that.
  • MMClark80
    MMClark80 Posts: 27 Member
    @ Skysilver: I had that problem, too, with my ticker not showing my progress. I found out that if you have gone over your starting weight & then are coming back down that it won't reflect your losses again until you are under your starting weight. Don't know if that's the problem, but I thought any insight might be helpful! Congrats on your loss!
  • Boubat
    Boubat Posts: 7
    Weigh In: Starting weight 211 on 1/2, Weight today 208. Loss so far = 3 lbs.
  • Boubat
    Boubat Posts: 7
    Love the spreadsheet!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    First off, Mrs. Seashell, you rock! I bow down my to your spreadsheet glory (and as an accountant, I have spreadsheet envy!!) Thank you so much for keeping track of us and may I just say, I would love to be in that top 10 but it will never happen - some people are losing 7 lbs. in one week!!!!!! Awesome job folks (and as one of the people who gained may I just say I hate you! JK!)

    O.K. Challenge stuff:


    10 Water done, I'm gonna try to hit much more but I know some of it will have vodka in it (I"m having a day here folks!)
    60 Cardio-45 minutes of actual cardio exercise (spin class) but it is housecleaning day. I've already swept the floors, cleaned the bathrooms (except the teenage boys-too gross for me, that's THEIR job) and I'm off to vacuum in 9 minutes so that is done
    Under Calories -hoping so. I'm doing well so far but the past few nights I am STARVING after dinner (yesterday I was hungry all day) and I've been eating after I've closed out my diary. I have to stop that!

    ** Bonus.....Plan your "night out" for Valentine's day. O.K., here's my deal. It's not actually for Valentine's Day and I actually have 2 dates. First one is 1/27. (I know, only 3 1/2 weeks!!). My hubby just got into this social organization here in Tampa and their big thing is coming up 1/29 (too weird and long to go into) and they have a huge formal cocktail party the Thursday night before the event. This will be our first function we attend since he got in so I have (O.K., want) to look really good. I figure I'm already down close to 20 lbs. but I really want it to be 20 lb.s or more by then. We'll go to dinner at a friend's house first, then the cocktail party. The second thing is for this same group, they have their huge black tie formal end of year event on 2/26 so after our challenge. I really want to have hit my ultimate goal weight by then and have started lifting seriously so I can have rocking arms for that. Between our anniversary next Wednesday (20 years! and he's not dead yet!), the January functions, a huge swim meet that my son's club team sponsors (so we have to work it all weekend) and the February thing, we probably won't even go out to dinner on Valentine's Day! So those are my plans and goals. I can't wait to see what everybody else has. Have a great weekend everybody!!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Awesome spreadsheet Mrs Seashell!! You rock!! Thanks so much for taking the time to do it for the group.

    I started the TF/CLX hybrid today. We'll see how that works for me. Did pretty good this week with the food. I'm going to do my darndest to keep w/in (or under) my cal goal. I'm over already today. Haven't had dinner yet either, so I'll need to do a little extra in my workout tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend, all!!!
  • tcr1223
    is it to late to join this challenge?
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    is it to late to join this challenge?

    It's never too late! Welcome to our group!