Tupler technique-diastasis recti



  • I am 9 months post-partum and have such a hard time with my mid-section... I definitely have DR, at about 2.5 fingers width, and have been looking into the Tupler Technique. I wasn't sure if it was worth it, but just from reading some of the posts I am definitely going to give it a try.

    Also, with DR, can you do workouts like P90x? Or must your DR be healed in order to take on such an intense ab-routine?

    I would love to join this group!
  • Kirst1979o
    Kirst1979o Posts: 2
    I have DR and have tried physio exercises and general exercise but nothing with get rid of my hideous belly. I came across the tubular technique and it is now my 4th day of splinting and exercises. I'm so excited to have actually found something which could hopefully help as my tummy really does bother me. Would love to hear how others are doing with the TT and if they are benefiting from it. I already see a difference but I don't know of my stomach would return to its normal size if I didn't wear the splint for a few hours! Please let me know how you are doing, it's nice to see if it's working for others.
  • Kirst1979o
    Kirst1979o Posts: 2
    I have DR and have tried physio exercises and general exercise but nothing with get rid of my hideous belly. I came across the tubular technique and it is now my 4th day of splinting and exercises. I'm so excited to have actually found something which could hopefully help as my tummy really does bother me. Would love to hear how others are doing with the TT and if they are benefiting from it. I already see a difference but I don't know of my stomach would return to its normal size if I didn't wear the splint for a few hours! Please let me know how you are doing, it's nice to see if it's working for others.
  • sn0786
    sn0786 Posts: 1
    I have a large DR after having had twins and another baby recently. I'm petite, and had large babies, so I think my case is especially bad. I just bought the package, and im hoping it'll help, but I'm so busy to exercise three times a day. Hoping the splint is better than using the squeem or other compression belts.
  • Hi - I am a Tupler Licensee in Illinois and would love to answer any of your questions...Yes, it is quite normal to show quickly if you have a diastasis to begin a pregnancy. You are holding the baby in with thinned, stretched out connective tissue in the center instead of a strong transverse muscle.

    I hope you have purchased the splint, but if you are within driving distance to a licensee I would also recommend seeing one ... it's so much more than just doing "some simple exercises"... it's about alignment, technique... You most likely have a core - transverse muscle - that is not functioning... or functioning well at all and wants to rehab! But we have to give it the tools with which to do that. Don't think of it as an "exercise program"... think of it as rehab. I have many, many women that come to me after trying it on their own - and not succeeding and then feeling like a failure. It is an investment in yourself, your well-being, and in your family because a Mom that's "whole" and healed is a stronger Mom that can do what's needed!

    But any of you not within driving distance - I will help any way I can to encourage you!
  • lsco29
    lsco29 Posts: 2 Member
    I have just realised this is what I have after eight years and had an open vertical hernia repair and nothing else, doctor says I do not meet criteria for NHS tuck! But after researching now as its getting me depressed I realise I was misdiagnosed I would like to know where I can get the split from to help me start the repair can you tell me where I can get one
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    i have this severely. i had corrective surgery that failed within 3 weeks. its now been a year and a half of waiting for surgery to correct it (i waited 6 long years to have it fixed in the first place!)
  • Hi I have commented earlier I couldn't decide which one to choose mutu or tulper. just wanted to update to update on my choice. I went for mutu. My gap is nearly closed my core is really strong and my stomach looks slightly better. I would recommended mutu. I was strongly warned off by my sister who is a doctors that any kind of pressure on muscles does weakens them and do start to relay on splint. Here is also an interesting link which explains the difference
    I hope it helps
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Is there a group for this??? I would seriously love to be added if so!
  • sylviaquinn
    sylviaquinn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I would just like to let you know this really does work. I am a 35 yr old mum of 2 children and my little one is 23 months now. I have been flogging my butt 5 days a week at the gym since she was 9 months old. I am fit and toned,but still had a 6 month looking pregnant belly. I was opting for surgery and also to get my pelvic floor repaired as a physio had said there is nothing they can do for me....aslo Cause no one should put up with bladder leaks while trying to smash out a great work out....it's so debilitating. Long story short I have been doing Tupler technique since 1 may 14.
    So 7 weeks in. The results are fantastic!!!!!!!!! I have gone from a 4,7,2 diastasis split, to a 2,2,0 so far and stomach circumference at belly button has gone from 81cm to 69.5 cm. This is not losing weight ladies.....this is pushing your insides back to where they should be!!! And pelvic floor has improved greatly! I have followed exercises to a T but I don't do her full body work out option with the elastic band as I still go to the gym. I do all les mills classes. Only at ab track time I do the tupler technique exercises, which are the head lifts. With using my towel for extra split support . Absolutely no planks or obliques. The first two weeks are hard so push through...it only feels tight for a few days, and the sore back is actually from finally being able to give those lower muscles a break by engaging all of your core. Which technically doesn't exist if you were like me. it's so worth it .. Winter is always a better time to start. The body does adjust thou and the sweat pimple do go away. you actually feel guilty with out it on. I even paddle board with it on for support. I believe that I will wear this for full 18 weeks, so till October. Which is actually a really loooooooong time! But I will go 12 months if that's what it takes I believe people who take this off to soon won't get result. The abs might be pulled in after two weeks but you need time to repair the connective tissue. And have it join permanently. Like pregnancy it took 9 months to stretch. Give it time to repair. It's never to late and I will be passing my stuff on to my mum, when I'm finish. Hint: buy two splint for washing freshness and don't put them in the washer dryer. Trust me. I now have to buy an extra small size so cheers to that.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Bumping this topic because I think I just found the group and joined it. I would love to get a bunch of us together to talk about this. I just started tupler today and I'm feeling so down. I just don't know if I may be beyond help. Also it seems you have to limit kits of exercise types while on the program such as yoga or...well everything except walking really. Kind of discouraged. I feel like its really time to take care of this but I don't know if I can stick to it.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member

    Here is the group I found, I'm assuming the one mentioned in this thread? Please join and we can support each other.
  • My son is almost 5 and I have diastasis. I worked with a tupler technique licensee in the area for 6 weeks and then did the program for about 4 months - wearing the splint all the time and saw great results. Then I stopped and got my pregnant looking belly back in about 2 weeks :( . After that I have been doing it for a couple of months at a time and my belly become flat again but whenever I stop it protrudes out again in about 7-10 days. So is this ever going to be permanent or do we have to keep on doing the exercises for life? And can I join the group. Thanks.
  • mates612
    mates612 Posts: 1
    Would love to join this group.
    I have had 2 c-sections and definitely have diastasis recti. My 1st doctor told me not to worry about it, that everything would go back to normal. I knew something was up when all of my friends had nice flat tummies after giving birth and I had this pooch that wouldn't go away no matter what. I kicker for me was I worked up 5 days a week with my pregancy, was in stellar shape and most of my friends hadn't worked out one day while pregnant.
    Thankfully my 2nd doctor told me, this is not how you should look. Told me that it was diastasis and recommended I see a surgeon to rule out a hernia. Thankfully no hernia was found, but that surgeon was a crazy guy and told me to go home and do crunches- no joke. My ob/gyn said absolutely no crunches (she is also a fitness guru) and sent me to a plastic surgeon. He agreed with the diastasis and recommended a tummy tuck even though no real extra skin needed to come off, just bring the muscles back together.
    I found the Tupler Technique website and have to admit I was skepital at first and thought it might just be another waste of money. At this point, 2 years after having my second baby and still feeling gross about myself, plus seeing all of your positive results I'm 100% willing to give it a go.
    Not to mention, I just found out that I'm pregnant with #3 which was not planned. I'm hoping to get some corrective exercises in before even more damage is done. Has anyone worn the split or done the program while pregnant?
    I'm currently going into my 12th week and look about 4 months pregnant already- so depressing. Thanks for all your help in advance.
  • boazhess
    boazhess Posts: 1
    Hi, great group!

    My wife has this condition. She started to do crunches and run and play tennis and crossfit within weeks of giving birth to our third child! - yes she is sports crazy :)

    Now she is feeling awful and regretting all the effort which probably made it worse.

    My question is can she do the program but at the same time play a bit of tennis and/or run?

    Thanks in advance,

    boaz at linahess dot com
  • 4jamaica
    4jamaica Posts: 69 Member
    Home Depot, of all places, sells extremely heavy duty velcro. You could remove the velcro you have and sew on a new piece.
  • Please add me also
  • AdieEve
    AdieEve Posts: 87 Member
    I am 3 months postpartum after having 2 babies 20 months apart. I have a rather large diastasis and definitely noticed my belly isn!t getting any better after 9 weeks of exercise and calorie counting. I'm pretty sold by all the testimonies, but something about the website seems super gimmicky, and I'm not so well off that I can afford to throw $80 away. How is the splint? Is it uncomfortable or impractical to wear all the time? I'd be interested in a group to learn more about it.
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Please add me if u get the group going. I have a wide split.
  • cav2857
    cav2857 Posts: 1
    Isn't it interesting that so many of us pushed the strength training, crunches, etc only to make our very real medical condition worst?! My pt dx me after I noticed an 'alien volcano' shape in my tummy while doing crunches. Now I'm about to try the tupler technique. My pt said it was more than likely caused by multiple abdominal surgeries which include first baby c section, removal of large benign ovarian tumor, iguanal hernia surgery and radiation after breast cancer causing also major edema at stomach area. All this later confirmed by my pcp. Pls add me to your group. It's so good to hear from others.