Ideas for no carb/no sugar meals

This is day 3 of the metagenics diet. No carb no sugar diet. It has been hard do far but I know it will be worth it in a couple weeks. I am planning means ahead to prevent snacking while thinking about what I want to eat. I need some meal suggestions!! Any ideas would be helpful.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Bacon and egg for breakfast.

    No carb means no vegetables, so I don't have any other meal suggestions. A few carbs in green beans and broccoli served alongside a steak or 1/4 lb burger.
  • Charityn12
    Charityn12 Posts: 268
    we can buddy up. I am also following low carb meals ;) will come later. Stay strong! ;)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    This is day 3 of the metagenics diet. No carb no sugar diet. It has been hard do far but I know it will be worth it in a couple weeks. I am planning means ahead to prevent snacking while thinking about what I want to eat. I need some meal suggestions!! Any ideas would be helpful.
    It will nto be worth it in a couple of weeks or a couple of months or a couple of years. Something being hard does not mean it is also good for you. And as most posters here who have succeeded in their goals can tell you, weird diets which are not sustainable on the long run, they will just lead to no results, or yo yo dieting.
  • AmyMS86
    AmyMS86 Posts: 30 Member
    No carb? What do you eat? Just meat? Are you opposed to low carb? I don't know all the carb counts of vegetables, but I can't imagaine you're getting many if you are completely avoiding carbs.
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    Does that eliminate both veggies and fruit?
  • pyramid918
    pyramid918 Posts: 23 Member
    A low carb diet isn't a "weird" way of eating and it absolutely works and is sustainable. I've been doing a ketogenic diet for months and intend to continue this as my normal way of life. Carbs and sugar aren't necessary or needed. I'm more energized and healthy now than I ever was when eating a "balanced" diet.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    No carb? What do you eat? Just meat? Are you opposed to low carb? I don't know all the carb counts of vegetables, but I can't imagaine you're getting many if you are completely avoiding carbs.

    Meat + fat......doesn't sound sustainable to me
  • pyramid918
    pyramid918 Posts: 23 Member
    Also there is not really a "no" carb diet because almost everything contains trace amounts of carbs. Even eggs have carbs. Under 30g net carbs daily is enough for a steady state of ketosis. Which mean plenty of vegetables and fiber.
  • SteveyBrule
    SteveyBrule Posts: 171 Member
    Hey pal, I have no idea what the program you're on is, but for no carbs you can't go wrong with boiled eggs and turkey bacon.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Why would you want to do something that you can't continue long term?
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I don't see this ending well. Maybe others will not notice this post. I have seen a couple others slip by this morning.

    I agree with many of the posters. Long term it is not sustainable. As another poster said, if you ask any of the long term, successful people using MFP they will tell you restrictive diets have a lot lower success rate than just learning to eat what you want in moderation and stay in a caloric deficit.

    Even after saying that, best of luck to you. I hope it works for you and you find the recipes you need to succeed.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    No carb? What do you eat? Just meat? Are you opposed to low carb? I don't know all the carb counts of vegetables, but I can't imagaine you're getting many if you are completely avoiding carbs.

    Meat + fat......doesn't sound sustainable to me

    My cats would disagree with you
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    No carbs = 8 lbs of water weight lost in the first week.
    Go back to eating carbs = 8 lbs gained in the first week.

    Sounds like a good way to waste your time and energy.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    No carbs = 8 lbs of water weight lost in the first week.
    Go back to eating carbs = 8 lbs gained in the first week.

    Sounds like a good way to waste your time and energy.
    Not enough apples!
  • sarahtsabo
    sarahtsabo Posts: 28 Member
    While I don't adhere to a low carb/no carb lifestyle, I do watch my macros.
    Recently we had pizza for supper and I really didn't want crust.

    So... I sauteed a cup of fresh mushrooms with a tiny bit of olive oil. Then I added a little sauce, some cheese, and a few pepperoni.
    Very good, but different!
  • txmorris3
    txmorris3 Posts: 2 Member
    Saute chopped brussel sprouts, sliced mushrooms, pinenuts in butter, season with salt and pepper (I used coconut oil last night, still tasty).

    Take swordfish (or any fish steak), pan roast in butter or oil, each side 5 minutes. Place fish aside on plate. On high heat, saute cherry tomatoes and sliced garlic in butter or oil for 5 min. Add spoonful of capers and lemon segments (no rind), saute 2-3 more min. Add chopped italian parsley, season with pepper, take off heat after 1 more min.

    Pour over fish and enjoy with glass of red wine:)
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I've worked my way down to low carb slowly. The first step is upping protein intake so that you don't feel ravenously empty all day. I don't know how metagenics works, but a lot of low carb diets include plenty of veggies they consider "free" so it's not JUST meats and fats. I eat lots of things like eggs scrambled with veggies, organic deli meat/tomato/avocado rolled up in lettuce, hamburgers topped with tomato and onion (no bun of course), meatloaf with several low carb veggie sides. A breakfast fave is cooking a couple eggs omelet style then rolling them up with some deli meat inside to eat like a wrap. And loads of bento meals! I have cute silicone cupcake liners that I fill with things like paleo tuna/egg salad, chopped veggies, nuts, a little paleo dip or guacamole, etc. I still haven't given up fruit or chocolate entirely, but I'm off all starchy veggies and grains and feel so much better! Good luck.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Is it really zero carb and zero sugar? Fruits and veggies are out, as well as most dairy and grains. So you are going to eat meat only?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    No carbs = 8 lbs of water weight lost in the first week.
    Go back to eating carbs = 8 lbs gained in the first week.

    Sounds like a good way to waste your time and energy.
    Not enough apples!

    Beat me to it!