My Family is doubting my efforts



  • jhines6927
    jhines6927 Posts: 19 Member
    use it for motivation and show them!!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I've been the type to say one thing (like diets) and not follow through. It would last maybe a couple day and then I was back to my regular eating habits. A friend from another site mentioned MFP, I signed up New Years Eve and I weighed myself. What I saw on the scale pissed me off but it made me so sad for myself. How did I get this big? Yes, I have 3 children but that was no excuse to still carry the extra weight. I have been on this site for a week now, logging in my calories and being under my goal. I feel great! My husband sees how determined I am. Tonight, he said "don't get too skinny on me". The word "skinny" and "me" have never been in the same sentence directed to me. I am going to prove everyone that I can do this and hopefully to inspire other people.

    I wish you the best of luck on YOUR journey to losing the weight.
  • 9virgo11
    I have faith in you!!!! Miss you lady......
  • angela_wolsey
    Dont worry 2 much about what others say. It's harder said than done, I know, but with every pound or inch u loose it will get easier! People will c u are serious about this and they will come around. They are ur family n they love u, so they will support u, u might just have 2 prove it 2 them! Stay possitive, n have fun with ur weight loss journey! U will do great!
  • sweetsexy43
    sweetsexy43 Posts: 99 Member
    Wow!! The support i am receiving from this site is OUTSTANDING!!! Im so blessed to have found it. I am truly motivated to keep moving on and not listen to the nay sayers!! Thanks Again for everyone's positive response..(Tear)
  • jmbender4
    I agree with doramouse; don't talk about it, just do it! My husband and kids have no idea what I am doing. They see the food scale and measuring cups; and I confirm my bubbie can stay with the kids when I plan to work out. I will show them my loose pants; when they get loose :)

    Find a diet and workout plan that works for you, and Do It ! Good luck !
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    I didn't bother telling anyone, I just started counting calories and as the weight was coming off people started asking me. Then I linked to my fb profile and everyone knew.