Lose 10 Pounds by Valentine's Day!!



  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    First congrats to our "biggest losers" this week, awesome job :)


    10 Water done,
    60 Cardio-only 45 minutes, my inner thigh, I think I may have worked it to hard, to fast earlier and it was screaming by the time I got 30 minutes into it but pushed on for 15 before I decided to quit
    Under Calories -surprisingly yes (even before working out, slow day at work, so I munched to much :( )

    ** Bonus.....Okay well my husband isn't home and won't be for a while...but we get a visit if weather holds out so I plan on visiting, and if I do make the 10 pounds I will send him in some sexish pics of me in a red tank top that he loved and some sex black pants :)
  • skysilver
    This is Fridays update

    WATER - only five glasses
    CARDIO - 60 in doing WII BOWLING

    I also used Ab-tronic on stomach muscles for 30 min.

    Just under calories- but only just!

    You are all so determined in your quest for health and happiness that it helps me tremendously thank you all!!!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member

    10 Water ~DONE
    60 Cardio ~DONE

    Under Calories ~DONE

    ** Bonus.....Plan your "night out" for Valentine's day. ~ Valentine's Day is on Monday. Monday is already 'date night' for hubby and I and since he has no job right now we'll probably do what we usually do. The kids will go to bed or their rooms and we'll watch a movie. Maybe I'll buy a special goodie for us to share. I wish I could say it will be low calorie, but I am sure it will not be. :blushing:
  • Jessifer123

    10 Water ~ DONE (I managed 12 and I usually don't get past 6 so Yayyy!!!)

    60 Cardio ~ Nope :ohwell:

    Under Calories ~ Nope (just over) :ohwell:

    Today was not a great day, I had motivation and a list of things to accomplish....then life happened and it didn't get done. Tomorrow will be better!!!
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    Got my water yesterday..13 cups.

    But, I took a trip into the city yesterday (to get my first tattoo!) and had fun with my friends. Went wayyyyy over calories due to Buffalo Wild Wings and some drinking last night.

    No cardio because I was in a car for 5 hours and a tattoo parlor for 4.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    SW 160
    CW 157.2 : )
  • MrsSeaShell
    Hi Guys! I have been so busy, we are moving to another state in March and I am trying to stay on top of that sitch!!!! I need to get my butt back in gear, I have been lazy and have been eating BAD foods =[ Need to get back in my good mind frame and start working out again!!!

    *Thank you everyone for your comments on the spreadsheet, I wanted to kick it up a notch for this challenge +]**

    Now if only that mindset would drift over to the workout/diet area once more, haha, Good Luck on Mon!!!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Sooooo behind!!!!


    10 Water- done
    20 Minutes Resistance Training - done free weights and lunges/squats in hotel gym
    30 Minutes Cardio - done elliptical at hotel
    Under Calories - yes!


    10 Water - just under
    45 Minutes Cardio - nope
    Under Calories - yep

    Bonus: um, done except I'm keeping my frozen cake and cookies cause it's hard to get gluten free goodies. I promise not to touch them except on cheat days and they are cut into small pieces!!!!


    10 Water - no, I was stuck on the plane and didn't buy water beforehand. Dying of thirst!
    60 Cardio - not so much. Didn't even walk around the airport too much cause I had a close connection
    Under Calories - no, slightly over and had tons of sodium :(

    ** Bonus.....I am working overnight on Valentine's day but that weekend we are going to try to go to dinner with my mom and her new boyfriend she's getting serious about. It will be my first time meeting him!

    I have a week until my anniversary so I am going to be super good this week....
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Today is my rest day, so no workout. I always struggle with staying within my 1200 calorie goal on my rest days. Water, water, water....try to curb my appetite.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Sorry I haven't posted challenges! My laptop charger is broken! I am just checking in really quick today! Good luck on weigh ins in the morning! I will try and post challenges tomorrow or later tonight!
  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    MRS. SEASHELL.........came back into town earlier than expected, so skip that earlier post of weight loss last Friday....will post this Monday like normal............also, I agree w/ Paushtosh....that we should all try to just put in the weight on Monday.....sorry didn't see that post till later, and since I thought I was going to be out of town over Monday, put it in earlier...........here's to hoping that I will have a better loss tomorrow morning........last Friday it was only 0.5........wish me luck!
  • bluebeary
    bluebeary Posts: 1 Member
    hi! can i still join this challenge please? i just joined 5 days ago and I really need this! :)

    so uhm here's the stats :
    Starting weight: 120 lbs or less.
    (Havent weighed myself in months cause we dont have a scale. I'll probably be able to weigh myself by the end of January though at my friend's house.)
    GW: 110 lbs. :D

    Wed-Sunday: done 60 mins of running everyday and ab work.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    hi! can i still join this challenge please? i just joined 5 days ago and I really need this! :)

    so uhm here's the stats :
    Starting weight: 120 lbs or less.
    (Havent weighed myself in months cause we dont have a scale. I'll probably be able to weigh myself by the end of January though at my friend's house.)
    GW: 110 lbs. :D

    Wed-Sunday: done 60 mins of running everyday and ab work.

    welcome blueberry
    Well i hope to of lost some weight this week, found a bargain in a charity shop this wk, arm/ ankle weights for £3, i have used them on my last 2 work outs.
    gd luck everyone
  • KimA1
    KimA1 Posts: 47
    How do we pass on the updates to our weight for this challenge?
  • TRS214
    TRS214 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm ready...SW 168. Valentine's is my b-day so I need this bad!!
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    How do we pass on the updates to our weight for this challenge?

    Weigh-in is every Monday. Or if you weigh-in on a different day, post it Monday so MrsSeaShell can find it for the spreadsheet.
    Hope this answers your question!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Im down 1 lb this week, Im at 186.8
  • Jessifer123
    Down 4 pounds to 199 :bigsmile:
  • boymomthree
    boymomthree Posts: 28 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    Is it too late to join?

    It's never too late, April! This will be perfect because I am doing this one, too! Oh, I have an extra session with the trainer at the gym today at 4:30. If you want to meet me around 5, I can do a little with you.....up to you! Today is weigh-in, so post your starting weight today, then every Monday.