5 ft 2'' ladies.....whats your goal weight?



  • Tripletmom2012
    I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 120. Not only is it a realistic goal but it leaves room for further weight loss during toning.
  • airossell
    airossell Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my goal weight is around 115 (I have a small frame). I started off the year at 130, have gotten down to 120 but still have a noticeable pooch. I'm hoping another 5 pounds will be enough to eliminate this stubborn spot.
  • LillithM
    LillithM Posts: 17 Member
    I am 5 ft 2.5" I am currently 130-132ish. I reached my first goal, but now I'm thinking 125ish. I am super happy where I am at so if I don't lose more so what :happy:
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 61. I currently weight 178, down from 210, and am looking at 135-140. I was a 100-pounder when I was in my 20's and don't want to see that again at my age. I'd be more than happy in the 140's.
  • pjpealer
    pjpealer Posts: 1
    I am just a tad over 5'2" and weighed 105 when I got married in 1967 .. that was a LONG time ago and I doubt that would be a healthy goal for me at this late date. I have lost 11 lbs since May 11 and I'm not sure how long I will continue, but my current goal is just to break the 200 lb barrier!! I want to have more energy and look better in my clothes. I love to travel and hate it when I am the heaviest person in our group! I remember feeling pretty darn good at 175 so if that's as far as I get and I feel great, then I may just stop there.

    It is certainly hard though .. especially since I really don't like/do exercise! I have been trying a little harder .. like putting on Youtube and trying to learn stuff like the electric slide, and doing a little Zumba on the XBox. At the moment, I have a painful twisted ankle so other than some household chores, zip!

    Good luck to you!
  • AdelaideNat
    AdelaideNat Posts: 89 Member
    5'2" here as well !

    Started @ 130 lbs in November 2013 and was aiming for 110 lbs. Currently @ 106 lbs...on maintenance now but struggling a bit to find the right balance and stop losing.
  • Amy101975
    Amy101975 Posts: 37 Member
    5'1 ... 124 lb, lowest was 144 lb. Currently 169 lb.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my goal is 140.
  • rmpepin
    rmpepin Posts: 1
    Hey guys!

    I am also 5"2, however, not too sure what my weight is at this current time...and I am totally okay with that. I also don't have a weight goal.

    The reason for this is because in addition to tweaking my diet (watching my macros big time), I am doing a lot of strength training. This means building muscle (more muscle means you're burning more fat, even just by sitting in one place!) and with more muscle it can sometimes mean you don't see a change on your scale for awhile...which of course can be discouraging - I know this from experience.

    Is there anyone else out there taking this approach? Currently I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and I plan to measure my results by simply looking at my body, how my clothes fit, my energy levels, and if I get a BMI caliper anytime soon, then with that too.

    I feel confident that this is an approach that I am happy with and that it will minimize false disappointment, but I am open to hearing if this is foolhardy and unwise. If there is anyone else measuring their results this way, lets be friends! Or if you're not, let's be friends anyways!

    Oh and, I don't think I have to really include this because it might be an outdated perspective...but for any women who are concerned about strength training or building muscle and "looking like a man" ...its a total myth!!! Our hormonal make up makes it almost so damn impossible to bulk up the way they do. Just sayin'.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • dekadai
    dekadai Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 5'1 and my start weight was 136lbs. My lowest was 105. My goal weight is 115lbs.
  • romiga
    romiga Posts: 44 Member
    Im 5'1....5'2 on a good day and Im looking to get down to 115-120 but I am more than content with being a 130. As long as Im improving myself Ill be happy.
  • mckennaccwaller
    110 :) Good luck to all of you!
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    I couldn't choose one really. I look in the mirror and think "I can lose another inch" but there's no point chasing a number on a scale. I could make that number change in 36 hours by going low carb and shedding water.

    I'm 5 fot 3 and 112lb, thinking I'm gonna go down to 110lb, because it's a nice round number, then maintain, then bulk until I don't like the mirror anymore, then lose back down... repeat repeat.

    Go more off looks than scale numbers. A wonky floor can mess up a scale anyway. Mine gives me a different number in every room of the house.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    I'm 5'2, currently 226lbs, so my goal weight is a bit of an unknown at the moment. It's been a long time since I was under 14.5 stone! I like to eat and I'm curvy naturally so I don't expect to ever be teeny, but I'm aiming eventually for about ten stone (140 lbs). I think that's sensible. However, I'm planning on taking my time in getting there - once it happens I want it to be for good. We'll see what happens on the way.

    I'm 140 now, but I still feel a bit overweight - I'm aimimng for 115, but might stop at 120 if I like it there. Good luck with your goals!
  • izzydubiel
    izzydubiel Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5'1.75", so let's just say 5'2". ????

    I started out at 255 lbs wearing a size 20/xxl.

    I am currently 168 lbs and wear an 8/medium.

    My goal is 155 to say I dropped 100 lbs.

    Honestly I had never remembered wearing anything smaller than a size 10 so I have already made tremendous strides. I doubt I will ever get down to the "healthy BMI" but everyone carries weight differently and my now fairly muscular build makes me a bit heavier than I look and I am good with that.
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    We'll round my height to 5'3" :wink:

    I started at 164 lbs, I'm now down to 147.6lb and my first goal is 135. I would love to be in the 120's again but I'm going to find my happy place as I have curves I'd like to keep. I've been looking through the threads for success stories similar to my goals with pictures but cannot seem to find any. I love the picture success boards, they are great motivators :heart:
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I'm almost 5'3" and my current goal weight is 125lbs. I just pulled it out of a hat by looking at height/weight charts. I can't remember ever being below 160lbs, so I have no clue what my body will look like at 125lbs. I'll reevaluate as I get closer.
  • StephanieKTerranova
    StephanieKTerranova Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my goal weight is 110-115. I have that as my goal but with the amount of muscle I want to put on I am not sure if thats what weight I will get to. I'm currently 131 but before my daughter I was about 115 and still had a few pounds of fat on me.

    Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for friends!! :)
  • zavrrr
    zavrrr Posts: 27 Member
    slightly over 5'2" here...abstractly I'm shooting for 115-120, which is what I weighed for most of my life - at least until grad school / a few cross-country moves! started at about 140, down to 135ish now.

    I'm really more concerned with body fat and general "fitness" though. I started at around 27%bf and my long term goal is to reach 20%.
  • esthergrub
    esthergrub Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'2.5", and for my entire adult life, I had never successfully been under 120 lbs. In March I started at 130, and now I'm at 114, which is one pound away from goal. But my main goal is to reduce my body fat percentage. I'm 52.