looking for weight loss friends & I have questions

Hey all! :) How's everyone doing? Okay, there are two parts to this post. One part is finding new, supportive friends. I am active here, I log but don't have an open diary, but I am here and always exercising and I also love to motivate, support, and personally get to know each and every one of my friends. I am looking for others who are the same, male or female and any age, (I am 22) so feel free to send me an addy if you'd like. I am a very nice person, wicked sense of humor, and pretty much just a child at heart- not immature but I'm pretty much a fun person and I might make you laugh a few times or so :p

Second part to my post is finding out how much I should eat! I feel terrible for asking this, but I figured aside from all of my calculating work and google, I'd ask someone who has been in the same boat as me. I am 22, 5'8, and currently at a whopping 230lbs!! My goal is at roughly 160 and I seem to be having trouble losing. I don't eat entirely healthy, but I eat right enough and get my veggies, fruit, water, and protein in. I so snack but have started to choose lighter choices. Anyways, I was told from mfp to eat maybe 1560 (est) a day. And then I was told somewhere else to eat 2000 (est) a day since my bmr is 1870 or so. Okay, so do I eat my BMR or my TDEE (still have trouble understanding that) or what? And I am supposed to eat back calories. I guess if you were in my shoes, what would a typical day be like for you? As far as working I wor 5 days a week and stand for my entire 8 hour shifts. No moving, just standing in one place. But I do a minimum of an hour for cardio 6 days a week- kickboxing, walking, jogging, dancing, zumba) and then strength train an hour 3 days a week. If I eat 2000, do I have to eat it all back? What if I am not hungry?

Also, I know all of this varies per person per lifestyle..I am just kind of curious. Anyways, thanks for reading and happy Saturday! :D (also if you send a fr, please send a little message with it)


  • bkcuti3
    bkcuti3 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello :D

    If you don't mind me asking but how did you set your MFP weight loss goal, 2lbs per week, 1lb, etc. That's how your daily calorie rate is formed, the higher you want your weight loss rate, the lower your calorie intake is going to be. In my opinion, I wouldn't eat your BMR or TDEE, they're just an estimate of how much calories your body burns so that you know not to go over it. If you eat either of them, you probably won't see any weight loss because you're only replacing the calories you lost already. If I were you I would start with 2k calories a day and see how much you lose, if you want to see more results then go down from there. You don't have to eat back all the calories that you've burned through exercise, I actually prefer to keep at least half of the calories I've burned. I'm still learning as I go too, I never thought weight loss would be so technical. XD
  • DeeBerning
    DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
    This is my second go round on MFP... and I love it. The friends and support you will find here are amazing. Feel free to send me a request if you want.