fast metabolism diet



  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    The author doesn't want coffee consumed except one way: Yes folks the coffee enema--->personally I like a piping hot cup of Joe in the AM, but down my throat.....

    OP since your doctor recommended it maybe ask him why this diet versus other diets. Best of luck.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    :laugh: I have been on the fast metabolism diet since January 30th, I have lost 51 pounds, and I have never eaten cleaner, drank more water, eaten a healthy breakfast more consistantly, stayed away from caffiene, soda, and pre-made foods or felt better....everyone who is putting down this diet should read the speaks many truths, BTW, I was recommended this book by a nephrologist that I work MD, so read the book, then tell me how much better you're doing! :tongue:

    So you buy into a book that says calories are a lie yet creates a very low calorie diet? If you don't see the hypocrisy in Haylie Pomroy's statements and actions then you simply fail to pay attention.
  • Shimmerrzz
    Shimmerrzz Posts: 32 Member
    This diet is not "low calorie", not to mention I am probably getting the best nutrition of my life, feel great and have results...can't argue with that!
  • Shimmerrzz
    Shimmerrzz Posts: 32 Member
    BTW, she never states in either book to use coffee enemas....I've read them. I have been off of caffiene and diet soda since I've started this diet and drink the recommended water and occasional herb tea. Yes, I looked at your web page link....and no, I have never been tempted to do this.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    This diet is not "low calorie", not to mention I am probably getting the best nutrition of my life, feel great and have results...can't argue with that!

    Yes it is. Do the math ... unless that interferes with self delusion about how low the caloric intake truly is.

    It's not that I can't argue with it ... I just choose not to argue with self delusion. Logic and sense rarely have any impact upon it so it frustrates the wise while the delusional remain wrapped safely in their willful ignorance.

    Just like you shouldn't be able to argue with the fact that Haylie Pomroy advocates coffee enemas but you then run and say it isn't in her book so fingers in ears, keep screaming LALALALALALALA, and hope that the bad truth stops getting uttered near you.
  • Shimmerrzz
    Shimmerrzz Posts: 32 Member
    LOL....I can see we'll have to agree to disagree...this is working wonderfully for me and I am very happy with it. I hope your journey to better health works great for you, too! Best of luck! :smile:
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm going to try this diet again.I read the book more and I found some good recipes. I was doing good until I hit phase 2 day 2. I just wanted some people who has or is doing it to give me pointer but I get negitive responds. I'm just giving it a try I have been trying to lose weight since Feb of 2013.
  • AmyScraymee
    AmyScraymee Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there, well this has been entertaining to read. I remember when I first started MFP and I was an passionate about the magic of calorie counting like all these negative Nancy's. I am on the FMD and i completed my 1st 28 days with excellent results. I was a sugar fiend before and found that allowing myself to eat what I wanted within calorie limits just wasn't working for the last 5 kgs because I have poor self control and I would be good for a few weeks and then fall off the wagon, a vicious cycle :(.

    I was over weight when i started on MFP and had great success with calorie counting. When I started I was close to 80 kg and at my best I was 66. However for the last 1.5 years i have been yo-yoing between 70 and 67. My goal was 65 and I have had real trouble losing the last of it. I am an exercise maniac so its not from lack of trying.

    I tried this diet on a whim and never dreamed that I would want to continue such a "deprived" lifestyle outside of the 28 days. I am now nearly 2 months into FMD and I honestly don't want to stop. The way it makes you feel is fantastic and I had a "cheat meal the other day and I really noticed the way that having sugar effected the way I felt afterwards especially my mood. Even when I reach my dream body I will continue to maintain the principals behind this diet, it really has changed my life. I recently started writing a blog about it and have written about my experiences and tips that helped my which sounds like what you are after. I am 22 and I am getting results but my mum who is 54 is also doing it and getting the same great results. It is not a fast loss bulls*** fad diet although the way the sell it makes it seem like it. Reading the book is the best thing you can do because it is extremely scientific and really explains the biological processes that are going on in a way that your average person can understand.

    I continue to use MFP as I like reading the forums and the community. Good for you I wish you the best!
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    My only fear is that it may cost a lot I'm on a fixed income.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    You're posting here on my fitness pal. Why not use this website the way it's intended? It's much less complicated than what your attempting to do through this fad diet.

    Just log what you eat, log your exercise, and stay within your calorie goal. Keep it simple, and it will work.
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    Lmfao at this thread.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Lmfao at this thread.

    There are suckers born every minute.
  • stacyosoyoos
    stacyosoyoos Posts: 41 Member
    The author doesn't want coffee consumed except one way: Yes folks the coffee enema--->personally I like a piping hot cup of Joe in the AM, but down my throat.....

    OP since your doctor recommended it maybe ask him why this diet versus other diets. Best of luck.

    Ewwww.. who puts coffee up their rectum? what a waste... lol
  • dgnomeswife
    Enjoyed your blog on the FMD. I've attempted to start this plan as I too believe in the reasoning behind it, however, I always seem to stumble thru phase 2. Appreciate your tips on getting thru it. I'll continue to give it a go. Looking forward to your update when you complete your second 28 day cycle.
  • AmyScraymee
    AmyScraymee Posts: 12 Member
    My only fear is that it may cost a lot I'm on a fixed income.

    Yea I find that when I have to go to the super market it does. I guess it depends on where you live and what season the fruits and vegetables are in. I go to a local market day every Sunday and get all my fruit and veg for the week at a fraction of the supermarket price. Butchers are often cheaper for meat than supermarkets as well and I just tend to buy what is on special that week. That just leaves things like rice, pasta and milks that come from the supermarket which I can live with. Organic is very expensive so I just get the normal fruit, veg and meat. Its less convenient having to go to separate places for everything but it does save money so I just have to make sure I am super organised and have all my meals planned out so I know what I am getting on Sunday.
  • AmyScraymee
    AmyScraymee Posts: 12 Member
    You'd have to be a moron to want to try this diet.

    bigcrystal123 is asking for help, this forum is motivation and support, you are clearly a troll and aren't being very motivating or supportive. I am pretty sure that you and all the other negative unhelpful people on this thread have not read into this diet because if you had you would know that it is one of the most nutritionally sound plans around. I know a few body builders and it is not far off what they eat with a few swap outs in ingredients. It is not for everyone as it cuts out some major ingredients like sugar, soy, wheat, corn and caffeine and yes calorie counting does work great too. But there are dangers with calorie counting that people get caught out by i.e. eating high cal low nutrition food and being starving on a 1300 cal limit. Also as I posted before sometimes it is hard for people who have been on this site for a while and have hit a plateau. This plan takes all the guess work out of it. If you follow it its pretty hard to mess it up. You don't have to part with any money as you can get the book out from the library and there are no products that she tries to sell you. I know that this is not the easiest or the 1st thing that people should try if they want to lose weight but if you are frustrated with things not working out then its worth a go.

    The coffee thing is not part of the diet just an article the author wrote on her website.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    So Phase I avoid all fats, but enjoy all fruits

    Phase 2 avoid all fats, avoid all fruits, but lemons and limes

    I didn't get to Phase 3, but it seems cutting all fats means C and P are the MACROS of choice, maybe.

    Thankfully they wrote a book, and have recipes, and everything. Best of luck.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    LOL....I can see we'll have to agree to disagree...this is working wonderfully for me and I am very happy with it. I hope your journey to better health works great for you, too! Best of luck! :smile:

    I have no problem disagreeing with those who fail to use logic. The author says not to count calories and calls them a "lie" only to then publish a list of approved recipes that happen to be low calorie in what is a low calorie diet. You then buy into the hype rather than putting forth any thought and realizing what she's peddling. Pomroy and PT Barnum depended on the same demographic for financial success.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm gonna have to look at different stores I get to go shoping this Thursday I'm so excited to be able to start. On Monday I'm going to start the working out part.I'm planning to shop for two weeks and make my meals out for the week on Sundays.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I believe the average is 95% of people who lose weight regain it. I would bet closer to 99.9% will regain. This is one of the more idiotic ......diets......I have seen. Once again proves that common sense is a super power.