SAHM 1/3 to 1/9



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    girls, we've been chatty this week, but other weeks are quiet.

    **please don't add this to you list of to-do's--read what you can when you can. it's ok if you don't read every single post. no one's checkin' and we all understand.**

    if you ask a q that's already been answered, who cares! if you tell us something you already told us, who cares! we are Mom's not cyber referees.

    so take what is useful from this thread
    --recipes, parenting tips, camaraderie, sewing suggestions, ways to stick to cals, ways to get your water in, etc
    and don't worry about the rest.

    imho, this thread should be a happy part of your life. not one of the stressors. just my 2cents. :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    val, i may need to do that. put myself on a VERY strict plan b/c i have zero self discipline
    this applies to most all areas of my life. my bed is made some days, some weeks everything gets cleaned and others not, hardly ever stick to the budget #s (gee, could that relate to sticking to calorie plan?!)
    anyway, you get my point. if i have a schedule/list in front of me all day for weeks, i just may be able to keep that focus. i love how you could tell yourself that the next snack was in 1 hour so you could wait it out. that could be a real winner for me.

    thanks all for your kind words and encouragement.
    GOAL today--drink more water and GET IN THAT EXERCISE!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Katie - I've always wanted 4 kids and my family thinks I'm crazy. Not sure about the hubby though, for sure want to start for a third soon. We'll negotiate after that. :P

    Barb - Living with the in-laws must be tough! I love my in-laws but it would not go well if I had to live with them. :P I figure if you've gained 5 pounds or less for the holiday season you have been rockin! :)

    Sarah - I'm turning 30 in July! Where did the time go huh? I am an avid reader but have yet to get a kindle. I've been dying for one. Is it pretty awesome to have then? Thank you so much for the awesome verse! Very encouraging for the start of the new year. :)

    Skinnydreams - Don't be too hard on yourself! There is always a chance with each day to do better. I often am very hard on myself about every little mistake, but we are all human. All this to say, you can do it! :) I gained about 30 pounds with my second kiddo. The first one was easy, so I didn't put much thought into it until she came out and I was still the size of a circus tent. :P That and a trip to the doctor where all my lvls were through the roof got me off my rear and working. So I know how you feel.

    Staci - I literally made a strict schedule of eating. I cut down what I ate for meals but then scheduled many snacks. I was eating every 2-3 hours so that when I got the munchies I would just tell myself I only have an hour then I get a snack. that helped a lot! But it is still the area I struggle with a lot and probably always will. I've taken to letting myself have 1 diet soda a day as well. Also, drinking water helps. I often get the munchies when I'm actually thirsty or sticking to fruit as a snack. Hope this helps!

    Tamelaine - I'm running a half marathon in a week! I'm excited to see how it goes!

    Haven't been running this week as we're all coming down with a cold. But I'm staying within range for my calories. Went out to eat, but got a 500 calorie or less meal from Applebee's. I wanted to get the appetizer trio, but managed to exercise some self control. Also avoided the dessert menu and didn't get the mudslide (my absolute favorite drink ever!!!!) Hubby got the hot tub up and running today so we're off to go soak and then to bed! Have a great end of your week ladies!

    Thanks, Val! I think over the years, that was the smallest amount of weight gained during the holidays....mostly though, I have my kids to thank, they keep me on my toes and as if I dont' get a chance to log in everything, I'm sure I burn more calories than what I list.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    skinnydreams~I think that sounds like a good idea. I was having a hard time getting in my water recently and started using the crystal light and it has helped me to drink it more. I haven't tried the soda water with it though. Got to tell us how it turns out if you try it.
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Katie~this is how I make a denim quilt. Cut the 'fabric' off the jeans, so all you have is jean material, no seams, etc. Sometimes you can use pockets, if they are small enough, though. I cut 3 sizes of squares, 4 x 4, 4 x 7, and 7 x 7 (all in inches). The 4 by 4's get sewn into a 4 square patch, the long sides of 2 4 by 7s get sewn into a big square, and the big squares are just big squares. Then you can sew them into whatever pattern you want. I use a 1/4 inch seam allowance. A baby quilt only takes 42 big squares, so it comes together rather quickly. But you can make the quilts as big or as small as you like. I made one in high school that is 10 feet by 12 feet! :smile:

    Also, you can make your own templates by going to a Lowes or a Home Depot and buying plexiglass and cutting it to size. Templates and a rotary cutter and mat make cutting squares SO much easier.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Jill ~ Welcome and congrats on all you have accomplished already!! :)

    Stacy ~ Well said, my friend!

    I've been getting more water in by drinking a full glass before every meal, even snacks. I've noticed it's helped in the hunger department as well :)

    Meeting up with the girls this morning at the gym for a workout, should be interesting! :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Sarah~Thanks for the info on the quilt and on the plexi glass. That way I don't have to borrow the squares from my mom and I don't have to go get them at craft store. I am hoping to be able to start soon. I am almost done with my current project so maybe next week I can start. That would make the hubby very happy since I have quite a bit of levi's in my craft room.
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Hope everyone's having a great day! Ready for the weekend?

    I've got to burn calories and eat light today and tomorrow. The family is going out to dinner with friends tomorrow night. Mexican food. Taste - YUM! Calories - BOO!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Okay I was SO bad today :embarassed:
    We had Winger's for lunch and I ate a Mushroom & Onion Burger, it was soooo good and I had been craving it for atleast a week so it was ever better. I atleast said no to the fries and had a salad on the side instead (which of course cost more) so I saved over 300 calories there. But still just with lunch today I ate as many calories as I have been eatting for almost the whole day lately, yikes. I know it's not something that I normally do or will be doing again for a very long time but man when I had to enter those calories I so regretted eating it. Especially since I probably won't be going to the gym tonight, hubby leaves for his training in the morning very early so I plan on spending the evening at home with him. But I find myself thinking well I could just go I'm sure he wouldn't be mad cause I think about how I could burn off half those calories easily in about 45 minutes. Haha I think I'm going a little calorie crazy. I guess It's good that I am learning to watch them so good but at the same time I know I can't beat myself up cause tomorrow is another day and now I know how bad I am going to feel so the next time I get that urge to eat something so bad maybe I'll talk myself out of it easier. Plus now I have a stomachache so was it really worth it. :tongue:
  • BringOn2011
    Hey Ladies, my name is Crystal. I'm a SAHM to 3 boys! I would love to have some more weight loss buddies!!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey Ladies, my name is Crystal. I'm a SAHM to 3 boys! I would love to have some more weight loss buddies!!!

    Welcome Crystal! Wow, 3 boys? What ages?
  • Tamelaine
    It has been a long day, but I got my 76 minute workout in somehow. My little Maddie got up at 4:30 this morning because she is teething and she was cranky all day today. And I was naughty. I went and got a yummy cafe rio salad for lunch (only ate half and I'll eat the othe rhalf tomorrow) but I was doing so good!
    My sister made a denim quilt! She made it out of old jeans and it is SUPER heavy. You might wanto go with the denim fabric!
    Welcome Crystal! 3 boys! Wow! How old are they?
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Katie~this is how I make a denim quilt. Cut the 'fabric' off the jeans, so all you have is jean material, no seams, etc. Sometimes you can use pockets, if they are small enough, though. I cut 3 sizes of squares, 4 x 4, 4 x 7, and 7 x 7 (all in inches). The 4 by 4's get sewn into a 4 square patch, the long sides of 2 4 by 7s get sewn into a big square, and the big squares are just big squares. Then you can sew them into whatever pattern you want. I use a 1/4 inch seam allowance. A baby quilt only takes 42 big squares, so it comes together rather quickly. But you can make the quilts as big or as small as you like. I made one in high school that is 10 feet by 12 feet! :smile:

    Also, you can make your own templates by going to a Lowes or a Home Depot and buying plexiglass and cutting it to size. Templates and a rotary cutter and mat make cutting squares SO much easier.

    Thanks for the how-to....I may just have found a new hobbie!!!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    katie ~ I have only tried the lemon crystal light with soda water...not bad, I will have to try out a few others!!!
  • Aquamarine7
    Hi SAHM in FL here. Have a 7 y/o DD, a 3 y/o DS and a 4 m/o baby girl. My baby was born via c-section so I have to start slow at this thing. Do y'all do little challenges or just report progress here?

    Would love to join, Thanks
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    We got hit hard by the snow last night, here in South Bend, Indiana we got 23 inches! I helped my husband's younger brother shovel snow and in 90 minutes burned 744 calories!! Could not believe it, so I retyped it and sure enough 744! Talk about getting a workout, I should help them shovel more often. Just wanted to share that.....

    Got my work out in for today just from shoveling the snow....
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Barb~I know I loved when I last shoveled snow then saw that throught the day doing it for 45 minutes at a time I ended up with 2 hours of snow shoveling & burned over 1200 calories, that is definately an extreme workout!! Love when you can get it in like that!

    Sprite~Welcome! My youngest is 3 months too. It seems that we all just write whatever we are feeling, if we had a great workout, a bad meal, a question or just need support or a place to vent!! We are all just here to motivate and support our fellow SAHMs!!

    Crystal~Hello & Welcome to the group! My boys are 10, 3, 1 1/2 and 3 months and they sure do keep me busy!! You'd think I would just have the fat melting off as much as they run me around, haha!!

    Katie/Skinny~My favorite crystal lite is the Cherry Pomegranate although I haven't tried it with soda water, may have to give it a shot.

    Hubby left this morning for his 3 weeks of training, will be back on the 30th so I am on my own. I am taking today off from a real workout although I did walk around for quiet awhile this morning at DS#1s scout event with the baby attached to my chest so I got a little there! I am starting the Slim in 6 dvds tomorrow so I will keep you all posted on how that goes.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    SAH mom to 3 boys.. Cade, Jace, and MFP......need to get back to the weight I was this summer. Would love to join your group.
  • jcch00
    jcch00 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey! If anyone wants to add me as a friend please feel free! I need some people to help keep me on track. :)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Christi-normally the inlaws don't like me or my hubby helping them mow the lawn or shovel, but since the f.i.l. got the car stuck in the drive way, he was too ticked off to unstuck it, so me and my hubby's younger brother did it. That was def. an unexpected workout for me today....but it was nice :)