Dieters shed two friends for every stone they drop?

Hi people.

This morning I listened to a discussion about this issue on my local radio station. Apparently there's a survey conducted by Brits and they've concluded that - Dieters shed two friends for every stone they drop - and it's all down to jealousy.

Read more:

Is anyone of you guys experiencing this? As for me, I did not lose any friend (yet, and hope I won't!) But I did noticed some jealousy vibes from this one friend of mine. While everyone around me is commenting that I look slimmer, she constantly says that I am her fat friend. I never bother about her comment before (because she's a fun friend), but after reading this article I realized that it could be that she prefers me to stay as her 'fat' friend.

There are a lot of things that she has said or done that hurt me like saying I won't be able to do yoga ever when I plan to do it once I lose 25 kg. One thing that I learnt from her is that, never tell people about my food diary. Haha! She used to say that I can never lose weight because I eat all these fattening food (a potato in one meal is not fattening for god's sake!). But she never say anything when I had successfully lost 16 kg.

I try to keep her in my loop because she's fun, or at least used to be fun. But while I am struggling in this lose weight journey, she seems to act like I am a threat. As if she keeps me because I'm fat so she can be a skinny friend next to me. This is depressing.

Okay, so my question is, is any of you guys having this issue?

Thank you!


  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Not me, but I'm a bloke, so most of my friends are also blokes

    And never believe what you read in the Daily Wail
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Uh, no....I don't have that issue. Then again I don't have hundreds of friends, I have a few and I'm pretty sure our relationship isn't that shallow.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Hasn't happened to me. But then again, I left the country before I lost most of my weight.

    However, some people, like food, can be toxic. It's best to get rid of both for maximum health.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I wouldn't say I have, no, but I have turned down social situations that I felt would be little more than eating and drinking way too much, and not much fun otherwise

    If someone kept referring to me as their fat friend, though, they'd be an ex friend
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    If I lost 2 friends for every stone then I would be in negative equity. Not because I have lost loads of weight (though over 18 months, until last summer, I had lost 12 stone) but because I just don't have that many friends. That said, I have lost 1 friend due to weight loss, albeit relatively indirectly. She started the South Beach diet with me, I lost 6 stone, she gained 7lbs. We then started Weight Watchers together, I lost 2 stone, she lost 4lbs...she stopped going and started on to the GP about getting a gastric band fitted, I continued WW and exercising. We didn't fall out through jealousy or anything else, but we drifted happens.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Articles like this make me happy I have a small, loyal, wonderful group of friends.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Always take everything published by the Daily Mail with a handful of salt.
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    This isn't jealousy. It's mean, and generated by fear. Fat people are "safe" to be around, because they make everyone near them look better. Hence the saying, "Everybody loves a fat man." Want to appear thinner instantly? Stand next to a fat person!
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    Huh.... Well, since I didn't gain friends with the weight, all of my friends knew me thin to begin with. Did this survey take that into account?
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    Always take everything published by the Daily Mail with a handful of salt.

    All hail the Daily Fail.
  • twopeas2
    twopeas2 Posts: 81 Member
    OP your friend doesn't sound like any fun to me, she sounds pretty horrible actually. I would be cutting her out of my life if I was you, as it'll only get worse.

    I've lost a couple of acquaintances, but no actual friends.
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    She doesn't sound like a very good friend at all....
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    16kg is a great weight loss and your real friends will love you no matter what weight you are, celebrate your achievements and support you through the rough times.

    This 'friend' - maybe you can lose her, she doesn't sound that fun to me, or you can deal with her on your own terms and ignore her when she talks dumb.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    If you lose friends when you lose weight, they weren't really your friends to start with.

    And the Daily Mail is the worst excuse for a newspaper ever. Except maybe the Daily Sport. Which looks like a newspaper but is actually just soft porn.
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    I wouldn't wipe my *kitten* with the Daily Fail...
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    luckily this hasnt happened to me. If someone stops being my friend due to my weight, then they were never my friend. Being jealous of someones weight is abit childish. I do admire other people's figures but jealousy no. Plus now I see what can be achieved if you put in the hard work.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    After I lost over a stone one of my friends decided to have a go too and has now lost quite a bit of weight too. Yay!
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    I don't have two friends to start with.
  • chriamaria
    chriamaria Posts: 76 Member
    Start the yoga now and then when you see that you are successful at it (I have done yoga even at the high weight of 260 lbs) tell her where to stick it. Although many people are saying to take this article with a grain of salt, I believe that it has helped you see truth in your life. I say call her out on her behavior. If she's a true friend she'll stick around...and she'll quit being such a jerk.
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    I dont have any jealousy issues (that im aware of...) but i have noticed a change in my interests that poses a threat some of my best friendships. I want to go out and do things, and they like to sit in and have dinner at home with some Netflix. nothing wrong with that after a work week, but my energy levels are certainly on the rise. and it gets old for me...