I've lost my motivation :(



  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    My motivation has ebbed and flowed over the last 10 months using MFP. On the days when I don't feel like Rocky I try to remember how much worse I felt before I started doing this. How walking up some stairs would make me out of breath or how nothing I tried on ever fitted how I wanted it to. I also remind myself of the great health benefits for my heart, lungs and muscles every time I get out there and go for a walk or do 30 minutes of circuit training. Music definitely helps too. Sometimes that is all it takes to fire me up to do a workout and then afterwards I feel great, thanks to those sneaky endorphins, and I remember why I started doing this in the first place.

    You lost 60lbs, take a second to pause and celebrate that! Let that be your motivation to carry on. Now go play Eye Of The Tiger. LOUD!
  • novembersuse
    novembersuse Posts: 77 Member
    Well done on what you've done so far - that's outstanding!

    But imagine if you hadn't. Imagine if you were still on square one....

    You're more than half-way there, and you'll get there eventually. Just don't make it slower by quitting :smile:
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member

    That's all some people need.
  • 12pillows
    12pillows Posts: 81 Member
    I'm gonna start of by saying you should lose weight for you, and it's your body and your health that's important, so screw everyone else's opinions!

    But saying that, if you're struggling to keep at it, and if the first wave of motivation came from proving to other that you could do it, why not use that again?
    I often get feelings of, aw screw it, maybe I'll just eat 20 burgers and forget the whole thing, but then remind myself of how many people know I'm doing this, and I don't want them to see me put the weight back on and politely ignore it.
    You said you've moved to a new area, and don't know many people? Use that to your advantage! You can go out walking and exercising and you won't see anyone you know, so who cares how sweaty and gross you get! Push yourself! If you really stick at it how awesome will it be when you next see someone from home? The people I work with everyday haven't noticed my weightloss much, but when I see someone I haven't seen for a few months they definitely notice!

    Also you should keep at least one item of clothing from when you were at your heaviest, preferably one you have a photo of yourself in. Everytime you feel like giving up, put it on and look at the photo and see how far you've come. Might make you think twice!
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Also, your cousin has had a gastric bypass. That means they'll never eat normally again. Ever. You on the other hand can! What a great motivator :)