Guilty pleasure?



  • snowlover85
    Japanese anime cartoons.
    Anything with chocolate and nuts mixed together :)
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    Food/Drink related:
    I have to have one glass of wine each night. It's a ritual.
    Anything chocolate

    Star Trek
    Listening to old school music like Milli Vanilli, MC Hammer, NKOTB, 90s rap, and sooooo many more embarrassing artists. I dance to this music while I cook or clean... thank god no one but my husband sees me. Haha.
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    I reread the Secret Circle books because they were my favorite when I was in Jr High. They are definitely not written for adults but my earlier love for them makes it so they're still good to me
  • weightlifter01
    weightlifter01 Posts: 564 Member
    Old Dutch BBQ Potato Chips and Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Science Fiction/Fantasy books. If I'm having a ****ty day it's not to the tube or a pizza that gets ordered... It's a Heinlein or Asimov book that gets picked up.. possibly a Wells or Lovecraft.. or really anything that is so separate from reality that you can lose yourself in it for a bit. ;)

    Why would you feel guilty about that? That's brilliant stuff. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I can't stop watching America's Next Top Model. It just gets worse each season, especially now that Nigel was fired, but I just can't stop. I also love the original Conan movies and Red Sonja.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    Food related:
    Anything with banana, caramel or butterscotch in it. I freakin love those banana flavored swiss rolls, butterscotch discs, werthers original. Oh and i freakin love chinese and japanese food. I'm HORRIBLE at buffets. Every time I want to go to one I have to remind myself of all the hair that falls into those things. Gross.

    Non food:
    I LOVE ANIME AND ROLEPLAYING. I still talk online to people I've never met in person, who I've been RPing with since I was 10, and last night I was depressed and spent the night watching sailor moon episodes.
    I also love Yeah. I watch it a couple times a day.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    TV... TWD(The Walking Dead for the non deadheads)
    Music... Miley, lol dont judge me
    Movies... anything Marvel
    Food... Baked sweet potato with almond butter and cinnamon
    Drink... Diet Dr Pepper
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    Yeah, I've got a vibe that I really like. It's in my purse.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    Cool Ranch Doritos
    Sour Patch Kids
    Binge watching Say Yes to the Dress (I used to work for a bridal magazine)
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    Cake (especially fondant)
    Taco Bell
    All day pajamas & lounging
    Investigation Discovery
    Hoarding $$ bath/beauty products I don't need (especially MAC & LUSH :/)
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I don't think guilt and pleasure should co-exist.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    OMG I forgot lame tv shows!

    I can watch wedding shows, top chef and chopped on a row.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Re-runs of Family Guy.
  • ccpauley
    ccpauley Posts: 70
    Science Fiction/Fantasy books. If I'm having a ****ty day it's not to the tube or a pizza that gets ordered... It's a Heinlein or Asimov book that gets picked up.. possibly a Wells or Lovecraft.. or really anything that is so separate from reality that you can lose yourself in it for a bit. ;)

    Brian Lumley? Awesome
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    You all seem to have a very limited definition of both guilt and pleasure. How about cancelling your subscription to World Vision and using the money instead on a bottle of good claret and a gimp mask?
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Jelly snakes and a scalp massage...
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    masturbating in traffic
  • ThinkInOregon
    "Spirited" driving in my car. Probably not safe, and really not legal...although I'm only a few miles from the the highway with the highest speed limit in the US. :smile:

    Ohhhh, please tell where this highway is!!! Fellow 'spirited' driver here needs to know! :wink:

    I believe Oregon has one of the lowest speed limits, being 55 mph for the state with the exception of sections of I-5 and I-84 which are at least 4-5 hours away from me.
  • UnitedBoy_83
    UnitedBoy_83 Posts: 221
    Boybands; I just looooove singing along to Take That, Nsync, Backstreet Boys you name it hahaha
  • daviddjhonna
    Anime and manga.
    First off, I am way to old for that stuff to be soo interesting to me. Second, who prefers to watch animation with subtitles other than me.