Cooking With Blood



  • Black pudding is pretty common here in Scotland. Hated it as a kid but when I got older, not gonna lie, I thought it was amazing. I'd absolutely try any other blood based dish at least once.

    I don't actually like black pudding! I'm more interested in using blood in sweet cooking: this Sanguinaccio Dolce looks amazing!


    Oh this looks fantastic! Let me know it turns out please. As far as cooking with blood, if you don't like it nobody's forcing you to eat it. I personally don't see anything wrong with it & would love to try it! My husbands philosophy is if it had a pulse you eat it! There's currently deer, beef & snake in my freezer that he killed & cleaned himself. So fresh!!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    If people are going to use animals for food, I'd rather see them use ALL the parts - not just the tenderloins.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member

    Why a vegan would even read this thread boggles my mind...


    That's what I thought. But... I... could... not... resist........

    and the first vegan post on here was to preach.... it's like when religious proselytisers knock on your door....

    Your long post is brilliant!
    I'm very accepting of people from every walk of life - vegans included! - but when they get all preachy and almost try to deny everyone else's lifestyles - "cook with love, not violence" - it's difficult to be accepting.
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    Black pudding is pretty common here in Scotland. Hated it as a kid but when I got older, not gonna lie, I thought it was amazing. I'd absolutely try any other blood based dish at least once.

    I don't actually like black pudding! I'm more interested in using blood in sweet cooking: this Sanguinaccio Dolce looks amazing!


    Oh this looks fantastic! Let me know it turns out please. As far as cooking with blood, if you don't like it nobody's forcing you to eat it. I personally don't see anything wrong with it & would love to try it! My husbands philosophy is if it had a pulse you eat it! There's currently deer, beef & snake in my freezer that he killed & cleaned himself. So fresh!!

    I will do! Please tell me what snake tastes like in return!
    If people are going to use animals for food, I'd rather see them use ALL the parts - not just the tenderloins.

    Exactly! People are not going to stop eating animals, so we might as not waste them.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    Why a vegan would even read this thread boggles my mind...


    That's what I thought. But... I... could... not... resist........

    and the first vegan post on here was to preach.... it's like when religious proselytisers knock on your door....

    Your long post is brilliant!
    I'm very accepting of people from every walk of life - vegans included! - but when they get all preachy and almost try to deny everyone else's lifestyles - "cook with love, not violence" - it's difficult to be accepting.

    thanks :)

    and I agree
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    If people are going to use animals for food, I'd rather see them use ALL the parts - not just the tenderloins.

    I agree.
  • Try cooking with love instead of violence. It is much more effective.

    I was going to say....
    I think eating blood is weird. A little sadistic IMO but that is just me, I tried blood pudding once and it was the most repulsive looking and smelling thing. If we were meant to suck blood I'd imagine the ppl of Vampire diaries and Twilight would be real, and a hot guy would be biting my neck? Not reality, welp there goes my fantasy!

    Everyone is different. Cultures and cuisines are all different but this is just my opinion so. HELL NO! haha
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Vampires used to be really sexy and mysterious. Thanks a lot Twilight for ruining that!!!
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I absolutely love black pudding.
  • Vampires used to be really sexy and mysterious. Thanks a lot Twilight for ruining that!!!

    Oooh sparkly!! :grumble:
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Try cooking with love instead of violence. It is much more effective.
    What violence? I go to the store and buy it, then come home and put it in a pot. Didn't rob anyone, steal from anyone, or threaten anyone to get it.
    And I LOVE cooking it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get that you're vegan, but portraying people that eat animal products as "violent" is kinda out of line. Respect others decisions as you want them to respect yours.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Humans needed tools before they started catching prey and cooking meat. Therefore, they developed the intelligence eating plants that enabled them to use tools to eat meat.

    But why promote evolution when humans have evolved into the species that will destroy the planet. Eating meat is the leading cause of environmental destruction. Ironic that you believe it was needed for our evolution, when in reality, it will be the leading cause of our demise.
    Part of evolution is demise. Ask the dinosaurs.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, you'll say why not be in control of it? Tell that to Mother Nature when you lecture.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    Wasn't expecting this to turn into a carnivorism vs veganism thread, but I'm definitely enjoying it!
  • Jaha1ra
    Jaha1ra Posts: 3 Member
    Im Puerto Rican.. we eat blood sausage and its sooooo delicious.