So how did everyone learn about this site?

Boxing987 Posts: 143 Member
also what made you register and join? For myself I was searching google on reviews of the T25 training program and this site came up.

What about everyone else?


  • Beautiful_Pain
    Beautiful_Pain Posts: 102 Member
    I found it on google apps back in 2010. I was already losing weight on my own, and was just looking for fitness apps, I didnt count calories but i liked the social aspect of it.
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    i goggled beautiful_pain and never looked back
  • Boxing987
    Boxing987 Posts: 143 Member
    i didnt even know there was an app for the mobile phone
  • k1ttyk1tty
    k1ttyk1tty Posts: 86 Member
    My father was on active duty so he used it to keep in shape for weigh ins. That's how I found out about it. I actually made like two other accounts on here before this one but I kept just doing it for a day or so and not caring enough to keep going. Which was dumb and I wish I didn't. But, *shrug*. Better late than never, right?
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    i was actually stalking this chick, and i had to register on here, upload some photo's that i found on google and friends request her to see what she was up to.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I googled calorie counting and this was the first site that came up - BEST thing I've EVER done :-D
  • ccpauley
    ccpauley Posts: 70
    i goggled beautiful_pain and never looked back

    You said it!!!

    I found app on Google Play :tongue:
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    A friend recommended it to me :happy:
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    I noticed that one of the managers at my local supermarket had lost a lot of weight. I asked her how she did it and she told me about myfitnesspal
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    My cousin recommended it to me last year after I told him that I really wanted to lose weight and I've been pretty addicted ever since. I've been trying to lose weight for years, however I usually manage to lose weight but then I put it back on again and more. This time it is for keeps. We've got this. :D
  • haleema93
    haleema93 Posts: 70
    I decided to start writing down everything i was eating but as i spend a lot of time on the computer i were googling a website that lets you write everything online, and found MFP :) glad i did as so far i'm doing great!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I searched calorie tracker on google and came up with this. several.others.but this one seemed the best for me.
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Looking for a calorie counting app. Through the app store on my phone. ????????
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    My friend who had been very successful here kept badgering me to do it.... I kept telling her I didn't have time to count calories.... I'm so thankful she kept on and I gave in to shut her up :D
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    I saw the MFP app in a magazine, and decided to give it a try. Best decision ever.:wink:
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I googled "why can I lose weight while doing insanity" - it took me to the forums. i signed up and quickly learned its because i was eating waaaay to much! That was a year ago, never looked back!
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    My company is a corporate partner for MFP (Sodexo)...all of our recipes across all lines of business are loaded here, and all of them have barcodes for people with SmartPhones. I was given the informational packet so I could talk to our guests about it, and even created a profile. I never used it though, just used it for demonstration purposes. One of my guests took it very seriously, and was doing such a great job! I remember when she came in and the difference was noticeable. She had lost 50lbs. I asked how she did it and she smiled and waved her phone and pointed to the barcodes on the menus. "MFP, duh!"

    I activated my profile and have been here on and off since. I know my progress would be better/faster if I just stuck with it...I'm trying...
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    I started counting calories in a notebook a few years ago and thought there had to be an easier way. Googled it and found this site. So much easier!!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Found through a Google search. Had to sign up in order to see the food database.
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    I was reading articles on CNN and clicked on a story in the Lifestyles section about a woman's weight loss success story. She used MFP. I was curious so I did a Google search for a link, looked around on the website, liked what I saw, signed up and never looked back. :)