Good Carbs Bad Carbs



  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I'm not sure if there is a difference or if your body processes good and bad carbs the same or not however I don't pay attention to the good carbs. They come with much more nutrients than a plate of pasta carbs would.

    The body processes complex carbs way different then simple carbs. Complex carbs are sugars that take longer to digest. They are usually filled with fiber, minerals and nutrients. They are better for someone who is counting carbs or is diabetic. Most vegetables come with a natural source of carbs. Instead of doing away totally with pasta or rice, you can try like wheat pasta or brown/wild rice. You get more bang for your buck and the body will process these a bit different. Potatoes are not bad for you, in moderation, even though they have carbs. Simple carbs are more processed sugars or processed food. They digest very quickly which can spike blood sugar up high and has little to no nutrional value for you. Simple carbs are like white rice, regular pasta and tons of processed foods.

    OP it depends on how many carbs you allow yourself daily. You can rely on veggies and fruits to make up your carbs as a whole, but you should probably add in some type of natural grains in your diet. It will also help to keep you more full. Try brown rice, or wild rice, bread with grains, potatoes in moderation.
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    "Roughly 50% of you daily diet should consist of complex carbohydrates, which should include, vegetables, fruit, grains and starches. If you do not maintain adequate carbohydrate intakes and stores (as glycogen) through a well balanced diet, then once any glycogen/carbohydrate stores have been used up, the body is forced into using other sources of fuel alongside fat. In these circumstances, the body would use protein, in the form of muscle. In these circumstances where carbohydrate is not readily available, and protein is being used instead, the body does not function so well. In terms of exercise performance, it may lead to earlier than normal fatigue and slower recovery after an exercise session. Take a protein supplement that includes branch-chain amino acids before exercise to prevent muscle loss during exercise and combine with resistance training."

    This was taken out of an article I just read. I found it very informative... hope you do too.
  • nsre1976
    nsre1976 Posts: 19
    ps: if you carry a lot of weight around your midsection I do think that lowering carbs is a good idea, or specifically everything but non starchy veg in the first instance.

    You can then start adding in starchy vegs to see how you react and then other carbs like rice, quinoa etc. Finally, introduce refined / processed carbs (bread / pasta) and so forth monitoring how you react again.

    Lots of fat around the midsection indicates visceral fat which indicates possible insulin resistance. Good diet built on lots of fibrous veg can help a lot as well as HIIT.

    Thanks for the info, very useful, Its just the love handles I cannot shift or do not seem to be shifting, at 20% BF right now, am 98KG and 6', you can see on one of my profile pics, arms back are perfect, but the shiney love handles are proper annoying, then there is the bit on the front of the belly which week by week is trimming up!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    ps: if you carry a lot of weight around your midsection I do think that lowering carbs is a good idea, or specifically everything but non starchy veg in the first instance.

    You can then start adding in starchy vegs to see how you react and then other carbs like rice, quinoa etc. Finally, introduce refined / processed carbs (bread / pasta) and so forth monitoring how you react again.

    Lots of fat around the midsection indicates visceral fat which indicates possible insulin resistance. Good diet built on lots of fibrous veg can help a lot as well as HIIT.

    Thanks for the info, very useful, Its just the love handles I cannot shift or do not seem to be shifting, at 20% BF right now, am 98KG and 6', you can see on one of my profile pics, arms back are perfect, but the shiney love handles are proper annoying, then there is the bit on the front of the belly which week by week is trimming up!

    Give it a bash then. If it doesn't work you can always try something else.

    Obviously keep a consistent calorie deficit, protein and fat at reasonable levels and a solid weights routine.

    If you do a lot of endurance work then you may need to up your intake of carbs. However, most other types of training which doesn't impose huge demands on glycogen (like weights in general) should be fine.

    You might feel a little low energy as you move more to running more on fat but that should pass. Give it a few weeks and then reassess.

    Good luck.
  • Good carbs: Carbs that taste delicious.

    Bad carbs: Broccoli.

    Broccoli is NOT a bad carb !! I love it !!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    All you listed we're people with medical conditions. For a normal, healthy, asymptomatic person there is no reason to go low carb. Protein is also highly insuliniginic while we're on the topic.

    And clearly, sweetheart, you don't know professional body builders personally. As stated earlier, they DO go low carb, but only when cutting for competition. They DO NOT look like that all the time. They do that specifically to lose WATER weight. It is hell prepping for competition and they normally carb back up RIGHT afterwards.

    Just because you may/may not have a medical problem doesn't mean you need to push this ridiculousness on others. OP never said ANYTHING about having diabetes or insulin resistance, did he? No. He said he wanted to try based off BRO SCIENCE!

    Lastly, depleting glycogen stores when trying to lift DOES make you feel like ****. ;)
    My informed opinion:

    Carbs are not evil. They are your friend.

    Pasta and potatoes are yummy. Eat them!

    Nope. Not for everyone.

    Not all carbs are created equal. For those who are insulin resistant, pre-diabetics, or diabetics the types of carbs DO matter.

    Insulin, glucose, and the like DO matter. Certain foods raise/lower. It can be a problem in the weight loss department.

    Those who have food allergies and intolerance also have the same problem with some carbs, especially those containing white flours.

    There is nothing wrong will following a low carb diet. I wish people would stop telling OPs that talk about LC that carbs are good. You know nothing about their medical history, you are not a dietitian, nutritionist, or even an endocrinologist. Only they know what are going to work best for a person.

    Weight loss and fitness is NOT one-size-fits-all.
  • MistressAella
    MistressAella Posts: 99 Member
    Good carbs: Carbs that taste delicious.

    Bad carbs: Broccoli.

    Spot on lol

    Roasted broccoli? C'mon. That stuffs gooooood.......
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    Good carbs: Carbs that taste delicious.

    Bad carbs: Broccoli.

  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
  • Michellenicole35
    Michellenicole35 Posts: 9 Member
    Cutting carbs is just an easy way of cutting overall cals. The overall cals being the important thing. You also hold a lot less water so you lose a lot of water weight quickly.
    ive cut out all carbs and i feel so much better have more energy and my skin is softer its the best way ive ever dieted im on day 6 now and im not hungry and feel great
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I am reducing carbs, so cutting out pasta and potatoes etc where possible.
    I had a Soya protein shake (0.1g carbs per serving), because it tastes SO bad I blended in a banana, however adding the banana is almost 40% of the daily carbs I want to achieve, so good carbs bad carbs, anyone got an informed opinion on this?
    Whats the difference in 50g carbs from white pasta compared to 50g from banana's?

    The difference is the rate at which insulin gets spiked. In terms of weight loss, it doesn't matter.

    Bingo bango!

    Carbs are carbs as far as weight loss goes. Fullness and satiety are different matters. The only time you should worry about what kind of carbs you are consuming is if you are diabetic.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Cutting carbs is just an easy way of cutting overall cals. The overall cals being the important thing. You also hold a lot less water so you lose a lot of water weight quickly.
    ive cut out all carbs and i feel so much better have more energy and my skin is softer its the best way ive ever dieted im on day 6 now and im not hungry and feel great

    All carbs? So you're not getting fiber, either? Carbs are a source of energy. Carbs are your friend.
  • nsre1976
    nsre1976 Posts: 19
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I love all the carbs.
    Unless you have a medical condition you shouldn't worry about carbs from a banana. Or any carbs but since you want to be a carb watcher for some reason from what i have read, veggies, fruits and complex carbs (whole grain and brown stuff instead of white processed breads, rices, refined sugar etc) are "good" carbs and the junk food plus white potatoes, rice, bread, are "bad" carbs.
    Some people end up binge eating or just consuming more calories when they eat the junky carbs so they get stuck with the bad name.
    If you don't need to watch blood sugar, don't worry about the banana.
  • nsre1976
    nsre1976 Posts: 19
    I love all the carbs.
    Unless you have a medical condition you shouldn't worry about carbs from a banana. Or any carbs but since you want to be a carb watcher for some reason from what i have read, veggies, fruits and complex carbs (whole grain and brown stuff instead of white processed breads, rices, refined sugar etc) are "good" carbs and the junk food plus white potatoes, rice, bread, are "bad" carbs.
    Some people end up binge eating or just consuming more calories when they eat the junky carbs so they get stuck with the bad name.
    If you don't need to watch blood sugar, don't worry about the banana.

    Cool thanks
  • karajeboo
    karajeboo Posts: 1 Member
    There is most definitely a difference between good carbs and bad carbs. Think eating "clean." If you shop the perimeter of the store, i.e. produce, meat, dairy, and avoid the middle aisles that contain nothing by processed foods, then you are eating "good carbs." I just got back from the doctor and he preaches low carb. So I asked him about fruits, and he told me to eat all I want, ergo, "good" carbs. If it's natural, it's probably good for you. If it's processed, it's probably bad. Just use good sense, eat clean. I count calories (1200/day) and try to stay under 60 carbs/day. But if I eat more fruit than usual, like in the summer when there is so much more in season, I may hit 100 carbs/day and I'm still losing. Just no bread or pasta for me!