Question For all women that are lifting

BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
For all the women out there lifting - what program are you using? I have the Book NROLFW, I have done some of Jamie Eason LiveFit and have the info for StrongLifts 5x5... Haven't completed any of the programs, I can't seem to get through the book and didn't finish Jamies program, but liked it.

What's everyone using and how do you like it. I need an easy to follow program that I can stick with, I don't go to a gym, but can do just about everything at home, and I am not afraid to lift heavy! I love lifting, I just do better when I have something to follow.

I am a runner, so I need to at least do that a couple days of week, because I enjoy it..

Would also like nutritional tips for cutting fat, but I know that is a lot of info to, so might be another post.

Thank you so much everyone!


  • Cinbad3178
    Cinbad3178 Posts: 28 Member
    I know a lot of women friends that love Cathe Friedrich's programs. They are at-home DVD workouts so will require a mini-home gym of sorts, but I'll tell ya...they are fabulous! I did the Slow & Heavy Series and it was wonderful! I was definitely much stronger after only just a month.

    The series that I MUST try and that everyone raves about is her STS program. There are 3 phases and each of them are equally challenging in their own way. I know a lot of women on my friends list are fans so I will see if they can give you some insight one just how this works. I've already seen amazing results from all my friends that are doing it so I may just have to purchase it myself!

    Good luck on your discovery journey and let me know what you decide!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    First, what equipment do you have at home?

    In regards to cutting fat, you simply need to be eating in a deficit, usually that's about 500 less calories than your TDEE.

    As far as the program I run, I do my own programming. Right now I'm doing an Upper/Lower split lifting 4x/week. I do Cardio x1/week. I'd suggest something full body x3/week since you're a newbie. Find a program that works with the equipment you have and stick with it.
  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    I recommend SL 5x5
  • CoachDanJudge
    Hey Bren,

    What are your goals? What are you trying to achieve by lifting? This will help us all point you in the right direction!
  • BrenB150
    BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
    I am not really a newbie! I have been exercising for a long time, not just cardio, I was just looking to see what programs people like.
    I have a Vectra 1600 home gym, dumbells and a bar and free weights are on my list, but don't have right now.
    As for goals, mmm,, I guess I don't have anything specific, it's not a certain weight, or to compete, I just want to cut back on some fat and find a program I enjoy enough to stick with. I am fine if my weight doesn't change, I don't want to be so soft in the butt, thighs and mid section. That's my goal. I like the toned look.
  • BrenB150
    BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
    I know what it's going to take, I was just looking to see what others like!
  • sticky130
    sticky130 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm just about to start week 4 of Jamie Eason Live Fit, tape measure shifted a ridiculous amount as well as BF, scales are a bit slower to catch on though!

    Love it anyhoo
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Running Sheiko right now- I wouldn't recommend it honestly for your position- it's very volume heavy and has minimal accessory lifts- designed for powerlifting specifically- I am personally very happy with it- I'm seeing a lot of growth in the direction I want.

    If I was you I might take a program and tweak it a little- do a big lift and then some accessory lifts as you felt moved.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I recommend SL 5x5

    Same here. Simple and fun. Love the app.

    As for your food, don't cut out fats. All three macros have a rightful place in our regimen. I would recommend a minimum of 0.35g per pound of body weight. For a protein minimum, 0.8g per pound of lean body mass (your body weight minus body fat). I have my macros set to 50/25/25 carbs/protein/fat and I treat fat and protein as minimums. I'm loving the muscle definition I am seeing on myself. :drinker:
  • ziggypop93
    ziggypop93 Posts: 133 Member
    I just started Stronglifts 5x5 and love how simple it is. Five compound moves, three days a week. I also do cardio because I have a lot to lose and because I need to get outside and walk/run/bike a few times a week for my own sanity.

    Hopefully I'll see some really awesome results from it!
  • ntimmons48
    ntimmons48 Posts: 8 Member
    I am currently doing the new rules as well. This is my third attempt at starting it. Am 4 weeks in. I like it, but a newb to lifting so it works for me.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    For all the women out there lifting - what program are you using? I have the Book NROLFW, I have done some of Jamie Eason LiveFit and have the info for StrongLifts 5x5... Haven't completed any of the programs, I can't seem to get through the book and didn't finish Jamies program, but liked it.

    What's everyone using and how do you like it. I need an easy to follow program that I can stick with, I don't go to a gym, but can do just about everything at home, and I am not afraid to lift heavy! I love lifting, I just do better when I have something to follow.

    I am a runner, so I need to at least do that a couple days of week, because I enjoy it..

    Would also like nutritional tips for cutting fat but I know that is a lot of info to, so might be another post.

    Thank you so much everyone!

    Currently, I'm doing a variation of Wendler 5/3/1(8/6/3) on a 4 day split. I'm going to cut it down to 3 days now that the weather is nice enough to do more outdoor running.

    As far as the bold part, that comes down to diet.
  • MsMaryMac48
    MsMaryMac48 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm just about to start week 4 of Jamie Eason Live Fit, tape measure shifted a ridiculous amount as well as BF, scales are a bit slower to catch on though!

    Love it anyhoo

    Agreed! I am on week six of Jamie Eason's Live Fit 12 week trainer and I love it even though I have had to modify some due to lack of exercise equipment available. I did not take measurements when I started but I am noticing my clothes fit better even though the scale seems to be broken. :( I will see how the next six weeks goes and what changes my body makes.

    I, like you, have worked out for years and really enjoy lifting as well as running. This program has given me focus. I am a "thinker" and tend to move from program to program on a whim so I am forcing myself to finish this one before deciding if it does or does not do what I want it to do. :)

    If I continue this program after the 12 weeks I will add more cardio to get my runs in just for fun.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I am a runner who supplements my running with lifting as well. When I was marathon training, I did the P90X videos 3 days per week, but only the upper body and core because I did not want to torch my legs. Last fall I started the NROLFW, using my own equipment which is just dumbbells. I had to make a lot of adaptations, but I got through the first 5 stages. I liked it ok, but it was getting to where I was going to need additional equipment and I wasn't sure it was the right investment for me because I didn't feel like I was seeing significant gains in strength. But I was also running about 30-35 mpw, so that could also have had an impact. High mileage running is not always the best idea if your goal is to increase strength and muscle mass. I kind of look at strength training as a means to preserve my muscle mass when I am running a lot, so I am not really sure what my expectations were. At any rate, I recently checked out the Stronglifts 5X5 program, but quickly figured out that it can not be done with dumbbells alone (even though I have heavy ones). I am currently looking at investing in a bar and rack to give it a try.

    On a side note, I always have done at least one good strength oriented yoga workout per week when running. This has helped to keep my core strong and minimize risk of injuries.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    There was a fascinating interview on NPR last night with an author who did some extensive research into the fitness industry.... Wish I had taken his name down! What he said, after all his research, is pretty much the way I have been living for the past 30+ years in the gym.... In order to get more fit, you do not have to do anything exotic. You just need basic barbell or dumbbell exercises that target the larger muscle groups. Dead lifts, military press, squats, chess press, etc. All you have to do, is increase the weight in slight increments every time you work out. It works!

    But as the writer admitted, it can be BORING, verrrry boring! But it works!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I do a combination of a bunch of programs that I've discovered while researching heavy lifting. By trial and error I've found what works for me, what I like and what I don't like. I started with SL 5x5 and really like the concept of a few lifts every other day. Slowly I've added other things to it.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    There was a fascinating interview on NPR last night with an author who did some extensive research into the fitness industry.... Wish I had taken his name down! What he said, after all his research, is pretty much the way I have been living for the past 30+ years in the gym.... In order to get more fit, you do not have to do anything exotic. You just need basic barbell or dumbbell exercises that target the larger muscle groups. Dead lifts, military press, squats, chess press, etc. All you have to do, is increase the weight in slight increments every time you work out. It works!

    But as the writer admitted, it can be BORING, verrrry boring! But it works!

    This is very similar to the article I read the other day:
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I'm another Stronglifts fan, but if you don't go to gym you'll need to make sure you have an olympic bar and the plates for it, as well as a bench and squat rack or you won't really be able to do it properly.

    Stronglifts is easy to follow and if you stick with it you'll see real progression. I love it!
  • RacquetChick
    RacquetChick Posts: 164 Member
    I started with NRL4W and I did that for a year, then I moved onto Supercharged (by the same author) and did that for a year. I am currently doing Strong Curves (the experienced lifters option) and I find it is okay.

    I just keep keep changing it up, when I get bored with something I know I either need a week break or a new program.

    I lift 3x week and have started running 3x a week.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    SL 5X5