Nerds Unite!



  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I was just playing Asheron's Call a few months ago due to a friend talking me into going back for a bit. The game is still awesome!! Haven't got Elder Scrolls Online yet. Still caught in the Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls expansion.

    I am loving all the memories coming back from some of my favorite shows/movies. I've been listening to 80s music all week. Call me crazy, but I feel happier when I do.

    Asheron's Call still exists?!?!? I played that back in like... 2000 /jawdrop
  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    Hey fellow nerds :)

    I'm Marta. I'm at already more or less 66.5kg, which I intend to maintain or even gain a bit by lifting heavy. I lost 11kg total, but my main goal is to loose body fat. I'm already down 2 to 3 sizes. I love eating and cooking good, delicious and definitely not healthy food and that's how I've been able to maintain this new lifestyle of mine.

    I love games. I seriously love mmorpgs, right now playing Dragon Nest with my bf and Dragons Prophet on my own. I played WoW and Guild Wars 2 (one of my fav games ever and where I met my bf), between other many online games. I also used to play card games, board games and games like Vampire and Dungeons and Dragons with character sheet and dice only (dunno how to call that though). But atm I don't know anyone near me who plays that.. so it's on a standby.

    I also love reading fantasy books (finishing Joe Abercrombie's trilogy), fantasy/sci-fi movies, series and animes and drawing well... fantasy characters. I'm a nurse though and with my newest and more active lifestyle some of these haven't been possible. I still have a Deviantart account that I haven't been using much.

    So.. that's it ^^
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    AC is going F2p! Im on the AC FB page for Morningthaw ( my old server)

    Fond memories of spending a YEAR to get my matching white with gold vein celdon suit regardless how much it weighed lol

    To find 6 mos later

    dye is released lol

    But not nearly as bad as Star Wars Galaxies grinding 22 skills to unlock the holocron and still not opened Jedi then boom Jedi is now a quest after spending weeks macroing in the cantina and lvling every weapon skill available :/
  • TIUClare
    TIUClare Posts: 62 Member
    I am a super nerd. I love anything sci-fi, anime, gaming (uncharted series in particular). I'm also fond of the odd board game.
    Feel free to add me - I have a long way to go and could do with all the support possible!
  • MaraOfNaamah
    MaraOfNaamah Posts: 133 Member

    I noticed there is a lot of talk about gaming on here so I am going to branch away from it now lol.
    OTHER than gaming what do you like that is nerdy?

    Cute art! I am seeing a lot of WoW in there :P I bookmarked to look at in-depth later.

    My non-nerd (or nerdy in a different way) stuff is:

    Aquariums (I have 4 in different sizes and they are awesome)
    Disney (my two kids have a lot of influence on this)
    Reading (fantasy, sci-fi, general fiction, YA)

    My line of work is as a doll eye dealer. So if anyone on the thread happens to be a BJD collector we have probably encountered each other elsewhere. But I am not a doll collector myself.

    I saw Aquariums, and immediately thought the kind you go and visit. :-) And the movie Closer - the title of a book that was written in it, being 'The Aquarium'.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member

    don't forget to join our group! We have our own page now :)
  • langs2
    langs2 Posts: 3
    Hi There My name is Sabrina and I have around 75 lbs to loose!
    I would consider myself a great big geek, although I am not that into star wars or online gaming I am such a tech geek!
    My dream job is to play with microsoft excel for a living looking at data bases :P
    I am also addicted to so many games on my ipad and phone so generally thats what you see in my hands any given time of the day.
    I have a goal to work out 30-40 minutes a day until I loose enough weight that I feel comfortable enough to start running. Lately my best work out time is at 9pm when the Simpsons are on so I have something funny to watch while working out :)

    I also absolutly love the Big Bang Theory and am also a Family Guy addict!
    So glad I could chat with so many fellow nerds!
  • Hi I'm Hannah,

    My nerd loves are maths and doctor who and I need myfitnesspal friends for motivation!!

    I don't know what to write aha add me:D

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    Hi, I'm into video games, sci-fi/ fantasy books (and tv and games). My favourite video games are (still) Portal and Minecraft. My favourite tabletop game is Pandemic. Books wise- atm I'm rereading Foundation. If any of those interest you too then feel free to add me. Oh, and I like Final Fantasy- I just saw you mentioned it.
  • wolf39us
    wolf39us Posts: 163 Member
    YES, I reached the end! Took about 30 minutes.

    If anyone wants to add me on steam it's wolf39us. Add me ESPECIALLY if you play any Half-life games or mods (l4d2 for instance)
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Nerds Add me! I need the support!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    My name is Summer and I am a Nerd. I love chatting it up about anything network infrastructure related and consistantly get joked around with for the amount of Magic The Gathering playing cards I own. No, I don't play regulation...No fun ;)

    I also watch a TON of Star-Trek...Yes...All of them...All the time.

    Feel free to add if you are looking for new friends to interact with :)
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    Seen a few writers on here. I think that's sort of a trend (myself included) among introverts. We don't spend as much time socializing as some other folks and sort of live in our heads. I wrote for about 5 years straight once, came up with some insanely oddball stuff (a trilogy about mutant bunnies from outer space as an example and a half finished volume on Atlantis that I got way too into).

    I wonder how many other folks like me just have a collection of writings that they sort of keep to themselves or very close friends?

    I don't go out of my way to keep my writing to myself. If someone asks, I'll happily share. Or I randomly post a snippet for teasing.

    Here's the prologue for the one I'm working on (as I'm inspired, not daily).

    The room is small, hot, dark and carries the scent of unwashed bodies. Soft moaning can be heard punctuated with gentle whispers of encouragement. A midwife is kneeling between the knees of a laboring woman.

    Tension is high in the air, not what one would expect at such a joyous occasion. There is fear, heavy on the tongue, pressing on the hearts of those present. They mustn't be caught. The penalties are too severe, too permanent.

    The faded curtains rustle in the wind as one last grunt, a soft cry fill the room. The mother helps the midwife clean her new son, tears of joy streaming down her face. The new dad looks on in awe. He’s beautiful. A ray of hope in this desolate world. And worth every moment of pain it took to bring him into this world. The hardest part is over - the months of hiding her pregnancy, planning, whispered conversations in dark rooms. He’s here. Her little Hidden baby has safely arrived, and she starts to feel something she hasn't felt in too long: Hope.

    She brings him to her breast, and he begins rooting, his tiny fists waving in the air. As she assists him, the front door of their small hideout crashes in. Men fill the room, shouting, guns drawn. There is no time to hide, so she grips him tightly, thinking that if she holds him tightly enough, they won’t take him. She’s wrong. Her last thoughts are of love, before her world goes dark.

    AAAhhhhhhh! You can't leave me hanging like that! What happens? Where can I read the rest of this??!!
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    Any room on this thread for old nerds? I grew up during the Lost in Space, Star Trek TOS, Johnny Quest and Twilight Zone era so I would completely understand if you need to port me over to a geriatric thread.

    I'm an old nerd. Well, older than most of the people on this thread.
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    Oh I love to cosplay also! I can't wait to drop more so I can do a lot more cosplay

    I also am big into GoT, Stargate, Dr. Who, and Star Trek.

    Join us!

    Also I am always game for more geeks/nerds/gamers/etc.. In my life! (^_^) I'm awkwardly awesome and most of my friends will attest to that. So yeah, anyone can friend me. If you mention HP or DW in your friend request you will get insta-added.
  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member
    Anyone here can feel free to add me :)
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    But you are not the messiah! you're a very naughty boy!
  • winonavampire
    winonavampire Posts: 68 Member
    Im a total geek as well.

    I'm sure someone of you have seen my Bane cosplay on here.

    Like someone else said, us geeks need to maintain a healthy body too!
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    AC is going F2p! Im on the AC FB page for Morningthaw ( my old server)

    Fond memories of spending a YEAR to get my matching white with gold vein celdon suit regardless how much it weighed lol

    To find 6 mos later

    dye is released lol

    But not nearly as bad as Star Wars Galaxies grinding 22 skills to unlock the holocron and still not opened Jedi then boom Jedi is now a quest after spending weeks macroing in the cantina and lvling every weapon skill available :/

    I loved SWG - I ran around as a Creature Handler with two giant dinosaurs stomping the ground for miles around as I got close.

    Weird was the fact that my house was always moving from rolling hills to flatland... never in the same place twice!
  • zilkah
    zilkah Posts: 207 Member
    hi, new here, and my name is Megan.. figures I would stumble into the nerd thread first.

    I'm not here to lose a lot of weight, only about 5-10 pounds that I would like to replace with muscle, but I'm trying to get a more active lifestyle since I spend too much time parked in front of my computer.

    I like League of Legends, used to competitively play in MMOs as a mage healer/dps but I no longer do. I like anime, reading, and binge watching on Netflix. I watch people stream League of Legends.

    Anyway, trying to be a little more active. I do my Netflix watching on the treadmill now but I have a really hard time staying motivated.
    Nice to meet you all :)