Turning 51 and REALLY serious this time. Anyone else?



  • caroldurham18
    caroldurham18 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello iam new to this ..I been reading your posts of encouragement. iam 56yrs old ..just need some one to motivate me on.I just started drinking water . I was so use to drinking diets sodas..please feel free to ad me.I want to have more energy &feel better about myself.
  • ZosoFan
    ZosoFan Posts: 1
    Hi - add me to the challenge. I just started a new diet and exercise plan today. I turned 52 a few months ago. I had a very difficult year (death in the family, and on sick leave from work); and I'm now just getting myself out of it. I've been successful on diet and exercise before when I get serious about it. This time, I am making my own plan - I'm sort of making my own "Jo-annie Craig" lol. I'm going to start with the Lean Cuisine and WW meals for breakfast and supper, and fill in loose ends with salads and fresh fruits - for a total of about 1300 per day. I did the calculation and it estimâtes I can lose this 60 lbs in a year if I stick to 1300 calories and moderate exercise. So, we'll see how the weight loss rate goes. I love the idea of having a few buddies to check in with. My exercise goal at first is just to get out and walk - a fast walk - for one hour per day. I will also attend my yoga classes. Then I will add some other exercises as I get stronger. I plan also to drink a good 2 litres of water per day (instead of soda, which is a bad habit for me). So I'm in - if you all will welcome me! What's check in day - Monday? Have a great week!
  • I will be 51 in August and ready to do this AGAIN!! This is the highest I've ever weighed in my life and I'm so ashamed of myself!!! I've lost before, I know I can do it. I just need motivation and friends to get me through!!
  • rahrah6459
    rahrah6459 Posts: 23 Member
    Turning 50 this year. Also have an all school reunion to look forward to next summer. I have never gone in years past because I was just too embarrassed. My weight has been up and down, mostly up, my entire adult life. My highest weight was 297 in 1994. I am now down to 213. Better than I was but far from where I want to be. I am diabetic and had a quintuple bypass at age 45.

    Please friend me. I need all the support I can get.
  • walkingforward
    walkingforward Posts: 174 Member
    Nifty fifties ! I hit there in Sept .... looking forward to it.

    Friend requests welcome.
  • Moveover50
    Moveover50 Posts: 10 Member
    NEWBIE: Joined in 2012 but never started

    Turned 50 in April. Want to make the change and be fit and ready for the next 50. Just let myself go and now get discouraged as I know it is not going to be easy and it will not happen overnight. I am sick of spending money looking for a quick fix. So for me this is it. Been good for the first 3 days since I started and am determined. Good Luck to us all and I hope I can talk, help and encourage you if ever needed.
    My mantra is Plan- Commit - Achieve - Reward
    I cannot wait to Reward my success
    My first mini goal is July 16th and I hope to be 5kg lighter.
    Look forward to seeing everyones progress and sharing with you all.:smile:
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    18 months and 51lb ago I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, & a poor osteoarthritis problem in my right leg,
    no my BP is 125/79, resting pulse 45 & 2.2 cholesterol,
    what you're starting is SOOOOOO worth doing,

    I'm 54 now, walk most days & have a healthy eating regime thanks to tons of logging on this fab MFP site

    if anyone of our age would like support or advice please feel free to add me, this is a great journey
  • I'm 59 and hopeful! I have MS which makes most everything a challenge,but my first grandbaby is almost 1 and I want her to know her grandma as a fun and active person! good luck to everybody here and please friend me if you like!
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    My problem is I am not that serious. I spent my earlier years dieting going up and down the scale. I finally realized diets don't work, I always gained the weight back. Overall, I am pretty content. I exercise 5-6 days a week and eat healthy. At the same time, I like sugar, desserts and don't want to deprive myself of stuff I like. I used to be able to go on a diet and stick to it like nobodies business. I mean it, 9 months, 50 pounds later. When I hit 40 I kept tying to diet and just could not do it. I would do about 3 weeks and then say screw it. Now I am 53 and want the perks of it but not the commitment. I know I need to either accept myself as am and move on or get serious. Anyone else experiencing this dilemma? Plus, the weight loss is so slow and it doesn't help with motivation. I am responsible for all my decisions so please don't take this as a whine. I would like to be more invested and am just finding it incredibly difficult.
  • Alastair007
    Alastair007 Posts: 673 Member
    :smile: Life starts at 50... Loosing weight is more difficult after 50...you can look better at 52 than when you were 42.
  • brvwilger
    brvwilger Posts: 1
    I'll be 50 this October and am just tired of always saying, "One of these days I'll get serious about this!" So, I'm in!! I've already lost 13 pounds using this program, am sticking to my 1200 cals a day, but can't seem to get the exercise in...ugh! Good luck everyone!!
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    See that is my problem. There is no way I am only eating 1200 calories a day, there is just no way! I run around all day, very active plus I work out. I feel like at this age I keep seeing people only eat 1200 or 1500 calories. I just don't want to be that limited or that hungry ALL the time!
  • Doinitin2015
    Doinitin2015 Posts: 32 Member
    I am so happy to see a string of ladies in my age range and to hear how you are succeeding or the struggles you may be having.

    I am 54 female and have been struggling with trying to find the right calories, and just to lose some weight which seems to be proving very difficult. Since last fall I have been going to a training 3 times a week, etc and attended spin, have done the learn to run program and nothing just seems to make the pounds go....I realize that I have not been very diligent all the time but the times I have been in control o fthe food still have a difficult time to lose, so I hope to follow this thread and gain more knowledge/tips on what yu are doing....thanks
  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    I understand exactly what you are saying. I am 51, just retired and now have time to spend on me (eating better and exercising). I have a long way to go, but hope this site will help me take it one step at a time.
  • sandybeachy
    sandybeachy Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I have recently turned 50 and I am starting again! I know what I need to do, I just need to do it! I had joined a group at my local health clinic but didn't quite feel a connection with anyone there, and I would like to loose 50 lbs. Part of my weakness is the carbs in the house for the kids (twins in 6th grade) who are picky eaters. I need to exercise more, finally getting out more, now that my perimenopause symptoms have eased after being terrible in March and April. Was suddenly hit by nonstop period and cramping- it was worse than it was in my teens. Took a 10 day dose of hormones to jump start the system and crossing my fingers now.I would like to connect with people doing similar diet. I am working on portion control.
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    yea the working out for me is not the hard part. I work out 6 days a week. I am trying to ad more weights, I love the old firm. I have some old Kathy Smith too. Her work outs are longer and she also adds weights. I did that one today. I have my 2 big dogs and walk them anywhere from 1-3 minkes. My problem is calories and portions. So, I am hoping at 1800 I can lose cause I am not willing to do less than that :)

    Same on the portions for me too!
  • ChrisRiches
    ChrisRiches Posts: 45 Member
    OK, my turn. This thread sounds like it was made for me. Turning 50 next January, so close enough. I joined MFP in May 2012. I am not quite 5 feet tall (4' 11.5"), and currently weight about 144. My goal is to weigh around 115 lbs.

    I dropped to 125 pounds in 2012, then started creeping back up slowly. I started running in 2013, and ran two half marathons, one in August and one in September. Then life took some unexpected turns.

    My dad was hospitalized in November, the same day as I held my husband's 50th birthday party. It was dad's 15th time admitted to hospital last year. I injured my hamstring in November running at 225 step outdoor staircase. My husband had a total hip replacement in early December. After Christmas, I flew to Ottawa to spend some time with my dad. Sadly, he passed away on Feb 15th.

    All of these things have added up to me being back at my beginning weight in 2012. I am, for the most part, still staying active. I am running again, but much more carefully than I used to, as it still hurts. I am back at boot camp 3 morning per week, and trying to eat better again.

    I am registered for the same half marathon I ran last August, except this year it falls on my dad's birthday. That is my motivation. Near the end, he barely had the strength to walk across the room, and that was with the aid of a walker. He was only 76 years old. 40 years of diabetes and a heart condition took a terrible toll on him. My mother died unexpectedly of a stroke at 67. Those are also my motivators. If I don't pay attention to the history, I know how my story will end too.

    You would think that would be enough to motivate, but I think adding the support of people who are in the same boat could be the tipping point for me.

    So I'm in too - fell free to add me. I will do my best to support whoever I can in this journey.
  • Paleovmw
    Paleovmw Posts: 24 Member
    I am 54 and lost 25 pounds since January! I have 20 more to go and will decide if I want to go lower once I get there for awhile.

    You can add me as a friend. I love encouraging people! :flowerforyou: I take in about 1500 calories and walk 60 minutes or Elliptical for 45. I can lose 2 - 3 pounds that way. My new way of eating is the best that I have ever experienced.

    Have a great "losing" day! Vickie
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You can do it! I will be 50 in October. :smile:
  • marina_swendra
    marina_swendra Posts: 1 Member
    Im 30 and i have a four year old and just had my last baby four months ago and I gained 20 pounds and im feeling horrible about myself. I feel like my husband doesn't look at me the same way when he met me I was 125lb. Maybe im just venting but im trying to lpse weight so I feel better about myself. Maybe I can find some motivation and support on this site so I can stick to this and reach my goal.