Dubbed vs Subbed



  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    It depends some of them like Ghost in the shell are really well dubbed but for older stuff from the 90s (especially by Manga Entertainment) it's subbed only as it was the worst acting and for normal movies it has to be subbed. Well unless it's a godzilla movie, those are an exception.
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    Depends, I usually prefer subbed but if casting is done right then I don't mind dubbed, like for Miyazaki films; they usually do a good job with dub casting.

    Old school shows I watched as a kid are an exception.... I know the dubbings are horrible but for nostalgia's sake I'd watch them dubbed again XD. I'd like to see Sailor Moon subbed all the way through though *pines for a Hulu Plus subscription*
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I definitely prefer subbed, since I haven't experienced good dubbing in anime or dramas. I find dubbing really distracting, but it can be really funny too.
  • Classyymess
    Classyymess Posts: 11 Member
    Subbed. I usually can keep up with the subtitles and what is actually going on at this point. I can't stop laughing at dubs. It sounds really out of place, and I rather hear the intended language. I can also learn some new words in another language also :P so that's a plus.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    When i was younger and studying japanese i definitely preferred subbed. Now that's i'm older and don't really have as much time for that, i like both equally. Sometimes i cringe during certain voice-overs. For example i loved scott mcneil as the original piccolo dub in dbz but after that meeeh :/
  • Guinevere117
    Guinevere117 Posts: 148 Member
    In my opinion, I have never encountered a good quality dub that did not sound weird, so I always go with subs.
  • aal254
    aal254 Posts: 17 Member
    Subbed, because it's a great way to become familiar with the language.
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    anime = generally dubbed (agreed, some dubs are terrible)
    foreign flicks = subbed

    anime moves too fast for me to read quick enough, and i have a hard time catching who said what. foreign flicks tend to move more slowly, and are easier to do subbed.
  • fit2014yay
    fit2014yay Posts: 41 Member
    Subbed all the way. How else am I going to learn Japanese? =P

    I love learning the anime theme songs in Japanese haha

    Subbed. I have several CDs of the Japanese opening and closing theme songs for Bleach in my car. On repeat. :bigsmile:
  • JamieJam1102
    JamieJam1102 Posts: 308 Member
    100% Subbed. Things just sound completely unnatural dubbed... terrible.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    I watch both. Some dubs (CardCaptors, I am looking at you!) are not worth it but generally I watch dubbed, since most of what I am watching is direct at my children. I like listening to both, it is fun, but most of my stuff is subbed with no chance of being dubbed. I need to work on my understanding of the languages.
  • Goliath1357
    Goliath1357 Posts: 65 Member
    I watch anime, Asian tv shows/films (Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai) so I have watched a lot of subbed/dubbed content. I prefer sub for most things as any dubs I have had the misfortune to endure were badly done. Concerning anime, I have found a lot of shows with good dubbing but I still tend to watch a lot of anime subbed because a large majority aren't dubbed.
  • f1redshoes
    f1redshoes Posts: 79
    Subbed! Even if the acting in a dubbed thing is good, it never quite matches up to how the original voice actors did the lines and I'd rather see the translation and hear the original tone/emphasis etc. than the dub actor's interpretation of the script.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Subbed all the way...

    All your base are belong to us...
  • CoffeeBugg
    CoffeeBugg Posts: 75 Member

    If a film is not in it's original language and not in it's proper aspect ratio I cannot watch it.
  • Jesslane93
    Jesslane93 Posts: 190 Member
    Subbed all the way. How else am I going to learn Japanese? =P

    I love learning the anime theme songs in Japanese haha

    Subbed. I have several CDs of the Japanese opening and closing theme songs for Bleach in my car. On repeat. :bigsmile:

    I got so many Naruto japanese openings on my Ipod haha
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    Subbed all the way. How else am I going to learn Japanese? =P

    I love learning the anime theme songs in Japanese haha

    Subbed. I have several CDs of the Japanese opening and closing theme songs for Bleach in my car. On repeat. :bigsmile:

    Love it!! I always sing anime theme songs haha. Haven't bought any albums recently but still have all my cd's from the 90's and early 2000's. I noticed recently one of my 5-cd dbz albums was going for over $300 on ebay! Whaaaat! So glad i got it decades ago for $20 LOL.
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    I hate dubbed films of any sort. Subs all the way.

    I have to watch regular tv with subs too though. Not because my hearing is bad but because my audio comprehension is a little slow, I guess. *shrug*
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I've seen both dubbed and subbed. It depends on the series some series/movie are phenomenal dubbed while some is better to be seen subbed. And there are some that are great to watch both subbed and dubbed (ie Soul Eater).