misplaced anger

I've been working on this weight loss thing since last autumn (well, numerous times before but with my heart consistently in it since then). I've had some bumps and road blocks along the way but I'm still at it and have lost almost 42 pounds. I have a sister who had way more than me to lose (easily 30-50 pounds more) and we have always had a contentious relationship (mostly we are polite at family gatherings but otherwise don't speak). I saw her recently and she is now smaller than me, just since December, because she had gastric bypass surgery. I am happy that she is in better health but I am really struggling with some anger and frustration that she started after me and got further before me, by opting for a surgical approach. I feel like she "cheated". I know logically it has nothing to do with me, and that I am really feeling good about my own changes; I like to exercise and look forward to it most days. I can't quite put my finger on WHY this is bothering me so much. I am not a crier but I get teary, frustrated, and angry when I think about it. It's just constantly in the back of my mind since I saw her, and I'm worried that it will get the best of my mental energy and I'll lose momentum and motivation. I probably need years of therapy :tongue: but since I'm not going, can anyone offer some suggestions to help me get past this, or have you had a similar experience?


  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Forty two pounds is not chump change so to speak. Think of your husband. Think of your doctor. Think of how far you have come. Stop thinking about your sister - we cannot pick our relatives. I can understand why it is irritating but do not let it sabotage you.
  • Happy_Niss
    Happy_Niss Posts: 95 Member
    My aunt recently had the same surgery and is losing weight like crazy. I can understand why because my family (especially her side) has a serious obesity problem and has killed people in my family. It's a thyroid problem.
    But I can understand why you would be angry about it. It is upsetting when someone passes you up when they should be far behind.
    Use it as your motivation to prove you don't need any damn surgery! You got the willpower and you are fabulous, and you can do this on your own!
  • Use it as your motivation to prove you don't need any damn surgery! You got the willpower and you are fabulous, and you can do this on your own!

    I like the you did it faster, but I did it better mentality. But just the mentality, no need to start any fights by saying it, lol.
  • EmmaEVille13
    EmmaEVille13 Posts: 69 Member
    I very much understand the frustration you are feeling. I am loosing weight with my partner. He has more success than me due to various reasons and I get jealous and angry for not having achieved as much as him.

    To be honest with you... this weight loss is for yourself. Enjoy what you have achieved already, that you have done it without medical help. Love the fact that you didn't need the medical help to loose the weight. I think you have achieved a great amount and you should be proud of yourself for being so strong.

    There is a lot more that you have achieved than she has BUT also keep in mind that you can't compare your path with hers.

    Try and work on appreciating what you have got :)
    Weight loss is never a race. If it is then you are doing it wrong. It's a journey we are all on but at different paces.
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    Just quoting lyrics here but:

    Don't waste your time on jealousy;
    Sometimes you're ahead,
    Sometimes You're behind.
    The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.

    I totally understand where you're coming from. I have a difficult relationship with my sister too. The race IS long. You are doing this for yourself, in the best possible way FOR YOURSELF, and hopefully with the best long-term outcome too. Try to put her from your head, and when you work out how, let me know :wink:
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    It sounds like you are angry because her weight loss was easier than yours.

    I don't know what to say about the sister rivalry, but one poster did note that many people who lose weight after surgery go back to their old habits and regain the weight. I have heard that this is true.

    Just wait, in a year you will be down more and maybe she will be back where she was.

    Congratulations on the wonderful work! Remember you did this for you.
  • Dancing_Laeti
    Dancing_Laeti Posts: 752 Member
    Think of the tiny portions she is stuck with for the rest of her life... and, if I remember, aren't food choices quite limited for her as well?
    Also, I think you're right in feeling like she cheated, because she has! You're putting in the hard work and that's something to be proud of!! Keep going!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    She did cheat and your success will be earned through hard work. Plus give her a few years the weight will come back always does. Most gbs patients don't change their diet lifestyle after surgery and put most of the weight back on.

    I agree with this...

    and read this post...http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1310032-weightloss-doesn-t-always-lead-to-happiness

    Niner is talking about a client who had gastric bypass too...he is not happy...he is weak, lethargic and has lost a great deal of muscle mass and is now regretting his decision.

    did she cheat..imho...yes she did...should it have the affect on you...hell no.

    How does what she did have any effect on what you did....? So what if she is losing faster...that is not a good thing...imagine the havoc she has done to her body...imagine the long term effects she will have to suffer through...feel bad for her...for she knows not what she has done.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I actually have been through what you are dealing with now.

    My sister was extremely large (300+lbs), had gastric and now is itty bitty. I've ALWAYS had to work hard to lose &/or maintain (its always been a battle) while she's eaten whatever, whenever for as long as I can remember. And it wasn't just the eating, she also literally did NOTHING but be on the computer, watch tv and eat.

    While I constantly thought of what to eat for a balanced nutrition (ie portion control, do I really want that, etc) and workout all the time (which I enjoy but its HARD WORK!), she's never had to do a lick of that. Even now, sure, she can't have soda, but she still eats whatever she wants but it only takes a fraction of what she was eating to feel full. That would NEVER happen for me. So yea, that 1/2 of a cookie is great for you, I would need 5 to have the same "full" effect. Just using this as an example.

    Anyways, I too felt like she cheated. She got a tremendous amount of recognition and praise for the losing the weight and that didn't happen for me. Jealousy? A person might call it that, but I don't know if I would. When my sister was at her heaviest, I never put her down or said ANYTHING about her weight unless she brought the subject up and asked for advice etc. But now that she's so small, its almost like she throws it in my face that she wears smaller clothes than me, going on and on about how she gets so much attention (which shes married mind you) etc. Really, WHO CARES! But for some reason, for a little while, it all got under my skin.

    Maybe it was because of our past. Maybe it was because I had worked hard for something and yet this was ONE MORE THING that came easy for her. Maybe it was because I WANTED to be where she was at. Maybe it was a mixture of a lot of things.

    All I can say is that now, almost a year later? Guess who is still a great weight, physically fit and rockin this body of mine? ME!!!
    And sadly, because she never learned anything, guess who isn't? My sister.

    You have learned and gained SO MUCH through the process YOU are following. Don't doubt that, don't regret that and don't envy an easier process. I promise you that this will fade. It truly isn't the fact that she lost weight, its just one more notch in that hook of a lifetime of separation.

    Good thing? You've acknowledged this feeling, you feel the anger/hurt/sadness/frustration ... and now its time to let that go, turn it around and put that energy right back into YOU!!!
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Sorry, I can't help you find a way to get past it. You have done a fantastic job getting to where you are now and where you will continue to go. You have taken the hard path to get to your goal. Although I wouldn't necessarily say that gastric bypass is the easy path either. That surgery has a number of side effects that make it a less attractive option for a lot of people.

    So we toil daily and fight for every last step to get to where we want to be. Anger and jealousy are normal emotions. Don't try to eliminate them, just try to find a way to compensate for them without losing yourself to them.

    Oh and one last note, hair thinning/loss is one of the side effects of that surgery. Just saying...
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    The faster you lose weight, the more likely it can come back on. The slower you lose it, the more sustainable it is.

    That is what I would think about.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    If she is losing it quick she is probably losing muscle I think so you may end up looking better in the end if that's any consolation. Kind of mean to say maybe but that's my immediate thought.

    Edit: spelling fail
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    Oh bless you, I can understand this totally.

    It feels very unfair that someone is having it happen so easy when it literally is like an uphill struggle for you (as it is for most people).

    I don't personally subscribe to the belief that losing weight following a Gastric Band fitting is "cheating" as there may be serious reasons why this was needed but for some people, the surgery isn't necessary but is opted for.

    Losing weight is an emotive process and you're going to feel upset for a while because your expectations have changed.

    Consider this - why are you losing weight? Who is the weight-loss for? Why did you begin this journey?

    Refocus your attention onto your progress. You are doing very well and you are doing it on your terms.

    Keep your chin up and persevere Hun, you can do this :-)

    Kaela x
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    Watch her eat sometime. Watch as she has tiny portions of food because eating any more will cause her physical pain. Not because she has the willpower to eat moderately. She gave up and said she has no control over her own eating, so she had a surgeon slice her open and hack away at her insides.

    She'll generally be too weak to exercise. She'll lose lots of muscle along with fat. She'll have digestive issues and other physical problems.

    And you'll keep losing weight on your own terms. You can still eat the foods you want. You can fuel your body properly and have a good workout. You can build muscle. You can be fit and happy and know that you did it all yourself. Your weightloss won't be because of some surgical procedure. It'll be because of the work you put in.

    If someone reading this has had gastric bypass and is offended I'm sorry for that. But these are my feelings on surgical weightloss.

    Agree 100%
  • Pynkklady
    Pynkklady Posts: 51 Member
    My sister, who I was very close to, recently lost her battle with Leukemia. Every moment of every day, I miss her. Maybe you should consider repairing your relationship with your sister. Perhaps it would then make the weight loss less of a competition (sibling rivalry at it's finest! :smile: ) and it could become something you can share. Then it wouldn't matter how either of you lost it, but that you're positive support for each other. Best of luck in your weight loss journey!
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    Wow, thank you all for these supporting words! I have signed up for a 4 mile run next weekend that I have been contemplating not doing because I'm not as trained as I had hoped. I will complete it if I have to walk 3 miles of it and mark it as the dumpster for these feelings. She wouldn't be able to run any of it and would struggle to walk it. Affirmation that my path is better for me. :angry:
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    Comparison is the thief of joy. Be happy for yourself, be happy for her. Even though it may seem like she cheated, surgery isn't really a cakewalk. I'm sure she's had her own struggles and moments where she's wished she'd have done it your way, so find a way to be happy with your path and choices and don't worry about how she's achieved her goals. Congrats on your new-found health!
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    First this....

    Forty two pounds is not chump change so to speak. Think of your husband. Think of your doctor. Think of how far you have come. Stop thinking about your sister - we cannot pick our relatives. I can understand why it is irritating but do not let it sabotage you.

    and then this....
    She did cheat and your success will be earned through hard work. Plus give her a few years the weight will come back always does. Most gbs patients don't change their diet lifestyle after surgery and put most of the weight back on.

    Try to not let it get you and keep up the great work!
  • gpeach1
    gpeach1 Posts: 13 Member
    Be proud of your accomplishments. And at same time be glad that she did something for her health too. In the end it all works out. You will both get to your goals. Just different routes.

    Hope my explanation below may help lessen the anger you feel about it.

    Gastric Sleeve/bypass is not as easy as many think. First you have to go through many classes. It takes about six months or more. You meet with nutritionist, the doctor and even psychologists. Even go to nutrition classes.

    You have to keep food diary and have to lose a certain amount of weight during that six months. Month beforehand you have to follow some severe different diets. Forget exactly but a couple weeks before I think it is a liquid diet. Many lose a good 10-20% before the surgery is even done. Afterwards you are on a liquid diet for about a week. Building up to solid foods. It can take months. That is why they lose so quick at first.

    From what I gathered you have a window to maximize the loss. Once that window closes the stomach does stretch enough that the person does have to put effort into losing the rest. My doctor was saying that the weight loss before the surgery plus the "forced" weight loss afterwards will give people enough of a jump in the right direction they can see the end and stay motivated. It is a tool not a solution.

    How do I know so much? Was approved for the gastric sleeve and went through the whole process but changed my mind. Main reasons?

    #1 - Others think it is easy way out . Worried I would feel shame for losing weight that way and emotionally eat more.
    #2 - The thought of never eating a big huge salad made me depressed!
    #3 - Being vitamin deficient for life. Was B and D deficient in the past. Caused health issues. Don't ever want to be that again.
    #4 - Complications. If something went wrong I could be worse off and gain more. Or die!

    So you get a boost but in the big picture I thought it was easier to just get committed to changing my life by choice rather than having it change because my body was surgically changed.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    Watch her eat sometime. Watch as she has tiny portions of food because eating any more will cause her physical pain. Not because she has the willpower to eat moderately. She gave up and said she has no control over her own eating, so she had a surgeon slice her open and hack away at her insides.

    She'll generally be too weak to exercise. She'll lose lots of muscle along with fat. She'll have digestive issues and other physical problems.

    While I'm sure this is the case for many Gastric Bypass patients, I have to disagree and argue that it's not always true.

    I have a friend who had GBP surgery. Yes, she's eating much smaller portions, but it doesn't cause her physical discomfort. She just gets full. Much the same way that you and I or anyone else who didn't have the surgery and gets full will feel.

    Additionally, she's never had any digestive issues. She'll be 11 years having the surgery this summer and runs half-marathons and competes in triathalons.

    I'm not advocating GBP. I'm simply stating that everyone has their own reasons. Perhaps OP's sister gave up, but I know that at least for my friend, it wasn't just a trip to the doctor and a decision to get the surgery. There were months of physical tests and counseling sessions to make sure the surgery would be the correct fit for her. It was a process and one she is thankful for to this day.

    OP should be proud of her accomplishments. Everyone loses weight at their own speed and everyone has their own way of going about losing weight. Your struggle isn't the same as mine, and my struggle isn't the same as yours, for example.

    It's completely normal for her to have her feelings - it's her sibling and there is always some kind of sibling rivalry - even for those of us who don't have a contentious relationship with our sibs. Hopefully OP won't get too down and will focus on how far she has come and the amazing work she continues to do.

    I'll hop off of my soapbox now ;)