Juice Cleanse?



  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I drink two or three mostly fruit smoothies a day and I don't know that I feel particularly cleansed. I sure like them though and so they are just a part of my daily caloric blend. Regardless of calories consumed through shakes though I can only call the sensation of not having chewed food in my stomach overwhelming hunger.

    Were it possible to get all the nutrients I want through juice without all that being hungry thing I'd do it all the time. Just can't seem to blend up chicken breast and broccoli all that well yet.
  • dcgal23
    dcgal23 Posts: 3 Member
    I'll juice for one day every once in awhile (usually Blueprint because its convenient), but not for weight loss because it really won't help you lose weight. It's just great to get a bunch of vitamins into your system and the day after you are usually bouncing off the walls with energy. Not eveyone likes them, but you won't know if it would do anything for you (be it mentally or physically) unless you give it a shot. Then you can come back to the forum and tell everyone how it went :smile:
  • Fittie4Eternity
    I would advise against that sweetie. I used to do juice cleanses back when I was severely anorexic. I found that they didn't really do anything and some of them have very harmful effects on the body x Just eat clean
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    but it's also a great way to get all the nutrients from fruits and veggies that you wouldn't normally eat

    There is your problem, your not eating correctly before the expensive fad diet. So what happens when you finish your "cleanse"? You go back to the same eating habits because you haven't addressed the issues in your diet and you put all the water weigh back on you just lost!

    Juicing your fruit doesn't magically create extra nutrients, think about what your eating, stick to your macros and avoid pooping water for a week.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

    way more flushing power!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

    way more flushing power!

    what I meant was:

    LAX-A-TIVES!! LAX-A TIVES!! (chanting)
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Use mostly veggies vs fruits... Fruits have sugar (natural) and tend to have more calories. My favorite cleanser drink is 1 beet, 1 lemon, bunch of parsley, 1 cucumber, and ginger root. If the drink is too bitter add another lemon or more ginger. Another cleanser is ..1 pear, 1 beet, spinach, ginger , apple. Enjoy.. :wink: :smile: :wink:
  • george228
    george228 Posts: 2 Member
    A note of fair warning: My Fitness Pal members are not very keen on juice cleanses to the point of berating. The general consensus is just eat healthy / clean, and you will achieve the same type of "cleanse" because your liver and kidneys get the job done given the proper tools.

    Agree with this, in fact drinking juices can play havoc with your insulin levels, esp if your having issues. Such as PCOS. I was recommended by a dietician to actually avoid fruit juices. Better to just stick to portion control, calorie control and eating clean.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have done three 3 day juice cleanses. I bought them from a local juice bar and they were really good. I felt that the juices helped get rid of cravings for carbs, which are my enemy.
    Out of curiosity, why would sugar help rid you of cravings for carbs?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    A note of fair warning: My Fitness Pal members are not very keen on juice cleanses to the point of berating. The general consensus is just eat healthy / clean, and you will achieve the same type of "cleanse" because your liver and kidneys get the job done given the proper tools.
    Actually, not sure I've ever seen "consensus" and "eating clean" in the same sentence here.:tongue:

    Most folks here will say: eat at a deficit to lose and your body will cleanse itself.
  • Alonzo_Harris
    Even if your objective was to "detox", why would that necessarily have to entail drinking only juice? It'd make a lot more sense to stick with unprocessed foods and drinking only water.

    I think of "juicing" as something along the same lines as fasting. If it's a challenge you wish to take on or if you find some sort of therapeutic value in doing it, knock yourself out. But in terms of general well-being, weight-loss, or even removing "toxins" from your system there's nothing necessary about it at all.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Today it will be 111F In Phoenix. Yes on days like today when my stomach refuses to eat any hot food

    a veggie green smoothie or a fruit smoothie (not talking ice cream here ) toss in a frozen banana taste wonderful

    juicing is great way to learn new veggies and fruit you walked by in the produce isle and another thing

    if your just bored out of your mind with eating the same thing over and over year after year mix it up a little

    yes I know my Liver and Kidneys remove the toxins when we have triple digits here in AZ with 110-115 like this week
    a nice juice tonic taste wonderful..refreshing, healing.. and its a dry heat ha ha ha

    I'm in Phoenix. Yes, today it will be 111˚. That is why ice cream was invented. And cold grapes, frozen fruit bars, cold baby carrots, chilled wine, fudge bars, broccoli salad, and all sorts of other things to eat.