Where are my fellow single girls/guys



  • hnlymark
    hnlymark Posts: 191
    I am just curious. Last night ended a really beautiful relationship that I had beginning with someone. It has completely broke my heart , but a long story. I am just kind of curious if you could build your perfect guy or girl what attitribute/qualities would they have.

    good manners
    high morals/values
    treats others with respect (love for people)
    good hearted

    there is more...........i know i know I am picky:laugh:

    Sorry I am so late joining this one...had to kick my daughter off Webkinz....MY TURN! I can relate to the sentiments in here (divorce was final in February and broke up with a girlfriend in June).

    Patience and understanding...definitely...wouldn't be divorced otherwise. I can be pretty forgiving as long as it is returned. And I am NOT talking about infidelity...just little differences. Nobody's perfect. And then there's this little thing called love. But...being alone most definitely SUCKS. Hang in there.
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Heya scully... hugs to you girl >:D< You are an amazing women, and *already* have all those qualities you have listed! :flowerforyou: So far, I think that everyone has done a good job of listing thier wants and needs, so I'll just toss in a couple that I haven't heard yet. First off, to be with me, she has got to have a good sense of humor! She doesn't hafta be a comedian, but the ability to laugh at yourself is crucial in my world view of happiness. Plus, she has to have enough honesty with herself, to keep me honest as well. In other words, she can see thru my BS, and still smile and love me. (Just as I can with her). In my case, I got luckier than *any* one has a right to be with Ezzie. :heart: Not a day goes by that I don't (literally) thank God that she is my wife! Plus, when we got married, I did promise her that her life would never be boring with me! Sound stupid? Not really, Boredom can lead to a rut, can lead to unhappiness. Oh yeah, last point, finding someone who, just by being a part of your life, makes you want to be a better person, and grow with... oh yeah.
    Anyways scully, :flowerforyou: luvya, and hugz from all of us in here!
  • Baigle2003
    Basically I'd say all the same things you want in a good man is what most women want, which will make finding a good one challenging. Just know you can't change them so once you know they aren't making the grade, you need to make the cut. :flowerforyou: You'll find him.....he's out there.
  • hnlymark
    hnlymark Posts: 191
    Basically I'd say all the same things you want in a good man is what most women want, which will make finding a good one challenging. Just know you can't change them so once you know they aren't making the grade, you need to make the cut. :flowerforyou: You'll find him.....he's out there.

    Wow, very well said. Its making that cut that's so hard, no? It is for me anyway.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Basically I'd say all the same things you want in a good man is what most women want, which will make finding a good one challenging. Just know you can't change them so once you know they aren't making the grade, you need to make the cut. :flowerforyou: You'll find him.....he's out there.

    Wow, very well said. Its making that cut that's so hard, no? It is for me anyway.

    Very well said and me too I am an emotional person that tends to wear my heart on my sleeve.... What can you do though. I always believe in the saying if you LOVE it set it free if it returns it's meant to be.

    I just Feel like "I" should try to make it work reguardless of what we shared....I did everything I could in my marriage to make it work before asking for a divorce. I was cheated on by him 3 times.......Not that I ever did that with anyone infidelity was always relationship ender with me.... but life happens and now looking back on it i know there isn't nothing else I could have done. I am at peace with that part of my life unfortunately though my ex husband is not....
  • calatibo
    calatibo Posts: 289 Member

    and doesn't mind the fact that i bake when i am bored (anyone fancy some banana bread or some regular bread...or a pie? had nothing but watching the olympics to do today, had to keep the hands busy)

    oh, wait...pie..someone that makes great pies, that's another one.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member

    and doesn't mind the fact that i bake when i am bored (anyone fancy some banana bread or some regular bread...or a pie? had nothing but watching the olympics to do today, had to keep the hands busy)

    oh, wait...pie..someone that makes great pies, that's another one.

    Step away from the pie it will RUIN your calorie intake lol sorry had to through that out there....

    Well eyes and smile huh.... yeah that is me too but that is what attracts me about a guy first not the deeper attributes of a person.
  • hnlymark
    hnlymark Posts: 191
    Basically I'd say all the same things you want in a good man is what most women want, which will make finding a good one challenging. Just know you can't change them so once you know they aren't making the grade, you need to make the cut. :flowerforyou: You'll find him.....he's out there.

    Wow, very well said. Its making that cut that's so hard, no? It is for me anyway.

    Very well said and me too I am an emotional person that tends to wear my heart on my sleeve.... What can you do though. I always believe in the saying if you LOVE it set it free it will return if it's meant to be.

    I just Feel like "I" should try to make it work reguardless of what we shared....I did everything I could in my marriage to make it work before asking for a divorce. I was cheated on by him 3 times.......Not that I ever did that with anyone infidelity was always relationship ender with me.... but life happens and now looking back on it i know there isn't nothing else I could have done. I am at peace with that part of my life unfortunately though my ex husband is not....

    I was cheated on one time...forgiving that was one of the hardest things I've ever done. After THREE? I don't blame ya. Keep your chin up...the right guy's out there. Of course, if you are like me...you are sitting there waiting for that guy to call and say "it was a mistake and can I come see you?" I actually kind of embrace that sadness. It helps me feel better in the long run.
  • calatibo
    calatibo Posts: 289 Member

    and doesn't mind the fact that i bake when i am bored (anyone fancy some banana bread or some regular bread...or a pie? had nothing but watching the olympics to do today, had to keep the hands busy)

    oh, wait...pie..someone that makes great pies, that's another one.

    Step away from the pie it will RUIN your calorie intake lol sorry had to through that out there....

    Well eyes and smile huh.... yeah that is me too but that is what attracts me about a guy first not the deeper attributes of a person.

    but pie is soooo good.

    will stick to eyes and smile, purely because i will take any personality just now.., single for far too long after my last GF also cheated on me whilst in mexico doing fieldwork for her uni degree.

    meh, she was not a huge fan of pie.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Basically I'd say all the same things you want in a good man is what most women want, which will make finding a good one challenging. Just know you can't change them so once you know they aren't making the grade, you need to make the cut. :flowerforyou: You'll find him.....he's out there.

    Wow, very well said. Its making that cut that's so hard, no? It is for me anyway.

    Very well said and me too I am an emotional person that tends to wear my heart on my sleeve.... What can you do though. I always believe in the saying if you LOVE it set it free it will return if it's meant to be.

    I just Feel like "I" should try to make it work reguardless of what we shared....I did everything I could in my marriage to make it work before asking for a divorce. I was cheated on by him 3 times.......Not that I ever did that with anyone infidelity was always relationship ender with me.... but life happens and now looking back on it i know there isn't nothing else I could have done. I am at peace with that part of my life unfortunately though my ex husband is not....

    I was cheated on one time...forgiving that was one of the hardest things I've ever done. After THREE? I don't blame ya. Keep your chin up...the right guy's out there. Of course, if you are like me...you are sitting there waiting for that guy to call and say "it was a mistake and can I come see you?" I actually kind of embrace that sadness. It helps me feel better in the long run.

    Kind of laughed at that last part... you already know me too well....but if and when that happens I am sure it will be a long time from now.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member

    and doesn't mind the fact that i bake when i am bored (anyone fancy some banana bread or some regular bread...or a pie? had nothing but watching the olympics to do today, had to keep the hands busy)

    oh, wait...pie..someone that makes great pies, that's another one.

    Step away from the pie it will RUIN your calorie intake lol sorry had to through that out there....

    Well eyes and smile huh.... yeah that is me too but that is what attracts me about a guy first not the deeper attributes of a person.

    but pie is soooo good.

    will stick to eyes and smile, purely because i will take any personality just now.., single for far too long after my last GF also cheated on me whilst in mexico doing fieldwork for her uni degree.

    meh, she was not a huge fan of pie.

    Well darn her for not being a fan of "pie" lol
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member

    and doesn't mind the fact that i bake when i am bored (anyone fancy some banana bread or some regular bread...or a pie? had nothing but watching the olympics to do today, had to keep the hands busy)

    oh, wait...pie..someone that makes great pies, that's another one.

    Step away from the pie it will RUIN your calorie intake lol sorry had to through that out there....

    Well eyes and smile huh.... yeah that is me too but that is what attracts me about a guy first not the deeper attributes of a person.

    but pie is soooo good.

    will stick to eyes and smile, purely because i will take any personality just now.., single for far too long after my last GF also cheated on me whilst in mexico doing fieldwork for her uni degree.

    meh, she was not a huge fan of pie.

    Well darn her for not being a fan of "pie" lol

    Obviously, that should have been your first clue, bro!
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    Another long time married chiming in.

    I recommend you make a list, let it sit a week or so, reevaluate and then put it away for awhile after any corrections.

    After a relationship I though was "the one" ended disastrously...(I thought he was the one, to him I was one of many...) I took some time to myself.

    I made a list of the perfect man on a piece of paper and stuck it in an envelope and sealed it.

    A year later I met my husband. He fit everything on the list...he's a good man:love::love: :love: :heart: :heart: :heart: :love: :love: :love: :heart: .

    Twelve years later I'm thinking I should have made the list twice as long:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :heart:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member

    and doesn't mind the fact that i bake when i am bored (anyone fancy some banana bread or some regular bread...or a pie? had nothing but watching the olympics to do today, had to keep the hands busy)

    oh, wait...pie..someone that makes great pies, that's another one.

    Step away from the pie it will RUIN your calorie intake lol sorry had to through that out there....

    Well eyes and smile huh.... yeah that is me too but that is what attracts me about a guy first not the deeper attributes of a person.

    but pie is soooo good.

    will stick to eyes and smile, purely because i will take any personality just now.., single for far too long after my last GF also cheated on me whilst in mexico doing fieldwork for her uni degree.

    meh, she was not a huge fan of pie.

    Well darn her for not being a fan of "pie" lol

    Obviously, that should have been your first clue, bro!

    He has wised up some since then I'm sure :wink: .....{note to self get the boys some pie....:bigsmile: }
  • calatibo
    calatibo Posts: 289 Member

    and doesn't mind the fact that i bake when i am bored (anyone fancy some banana bread or some regular bread...or a pie? had nothing but watching the olympics to do today, had to keep the hands busy)

    oh, wait...pie..someone that makes great pies, that's another one.

    Step away from the pie it will RUIN your calorie intake lol sorry had to through that out there....

    Well eyes and smile huh.... yeah that is me too but that is what attracts me about a guy first not the deeper attributes of a person.

    but pie is soooo good.

    will stick to eyes and smile, purely because i will take any personality just now.., single for far too long after my last GF also cheated on me whilst in mexico doing fieldwork for her uni degree.

    meh, she was not a huge fan of pie.

    Well darn her for not being a fan of "pie" lol

    Obviously, that should have been your first clue, bro!

    He has wised up some since then I'm sure :wink: .....{note to self get the boys some pie....:bigsmile: }

    a wee bit (that's the wising up, not the pie, i would like a big bit pie please :bigsmile: ).
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member

    and doesn't mind the fact that i bake when i am bored (anyone fancy some banana bread or some regular bread...or a pie? had nothing but watching the olympics to do today, had to keep the hands busy)

    oh, wait...pie..someone that makes great pies, that's another one.

    Step away from the pie it will RUIN your calorie intake lol sorry had to through that out there....

    Well eyes and smile huh.... yeah that is me too but that is what attracts me about a guy first not the deeper attributes of a person.

    but pie is soooo good.

    will stick to eyes and smile, purely because i will take any personality just now.., single for far too long after my last GF also cheated on me whilst in mexico doing fieldwork for her uni degree.

    meh, she was not a huge fan of pie.

    Well darn her for not being a fan of "pie" lol

    Obviously, that should have been your first clue, bro!

    He has wised up some since then I'm sure :wink: .....{note to self get the boys some pie....:bigsmile: }

    a wee bit (that's the wising up, not the pie, i would like a big bit pie please :bigsmile: ).

    awww I wish I had some super hawt, super sweet w/ pretty eyes and big full pretty lips friend in the UK to hook you up w/ my dear pit boy....but really the only other person I know there like THAT is Al:ohwell:

    .....and um seeing how you and him interact down in the pit...I'd say it'll never work love!...sorry....:noway:

    {putting one of Ali's homemade apple pies in your mini pit fridge}....little something something for later:wink::drinker:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member

    and doesn't mind the fact that i bake when i am bored (anyone fancy some banana bread or some regular bread...or a pie? had nothing but watching the olympics to do today, had to keep the hands busy)

    oh, wait...pie..someone that makes great pies, that's another one.

    Step away from the pie it will RUIN your calorie intake lol sorry had to through that out there....

    Well eyes and smile huh.... yeah that is me too but that is what attracts me about a guy first not the deeper attributes of a person.

    but pie is soooo good.

    will stick to eyes and smile, purely because i will take any personality just now.., single for far too long after my last GF also cheated on me whilst in mexico doing fieldwork for her uni degree.

    meh, she was not a huge fan of pie.

    Well darn her for not being a fan of "pie" lol

    Obviously, that should have been your first clue, bro!

    He has wised up some since then I'm sure :wink: .....{note to self get the boys some pie....:bigsmile: }

    a wee bit (that's the wising up, not the pie, i would like a big bit pie please :bigsmile: ).

    awww I wish I had some super hawt, super sweet w/ pretty eyes and big full pretty lips friend in the UK to hook you up w/ my dear pit boy....but really the only other person I know there like THAT is Al:ohwell:

    .....and um seeing how you and him interact down in the pit...I'd say it'll never work love!...sorry....:noway:

    {putting one of Ali's homemade apple pies in your mini pit fridge}....little something something for later:wink::drinker:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    You guys crack me up in my time of need!!!

    And previously stated about the list....That is priceless and I might just have to do that. thanks
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    ok, well I AM married BUT if I had to do it again..lol I would make sure to look for someone who is;
    *Not an alcoholic
    *Values time with his family above all else
    *is always 100% honest with me

    on top of all that, a killer smile is always to die for, and a man's gotta know how to be ROMANTIC once in awhile...not just "wham bam thankya ma'm" ya know?! lol
    :heart: Lauren
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    good manners
    high morals/values
    treats others with respect (love for people)
    good hearted

    must say thats not picky, thats what i'd choose