What do you eat on your cheat days?

Hi Comunity,

Today is cheat day for me: a lot of food and no Gym (the joy of weight gaining). I was wondering what kind of food do you have on your cheat days? I tried to eat a lot of high protein foods: peanut butter, milk, protein shake and bars.



  • EmilyLeCompte
    EmilyLeCompte Posts: 6 Member
    I almost always have a piece of pizza on my cheat day!! : )
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    As long as you hit your protein and fat macros, then eat whatever you feel like after that.

    On my cheats I always went for chili cheese fries and peanut butter pop-tart with rocky road ice cream sandwiches. Yum.
  • Jamal_Guildford
    Jamal_Guildford Posts: 214 Member
    As long as you hit your protein and fat macros, then eat whatever you feel like after that.

    On my cheats I always went for chili cheese fries and peanut butter pop-tart with rocky road ice cream sandwiches. Yum.

    I tried rocky road today, I didnt find that amazing: I am running out of money now!!!! Please fund my weight gain!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Why do you need a cheat day if you're bulking? Every day is lots of food day.

    My cheat days on my bulk are the days I let myself go under my goal because I honestly can't face any more food.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    You don't like rocky road ice cream...

    *blink blink*

    I'm outta here.
  • westn
    westn Posts: 18 Member
    How do the Peanut Butter pop tarts taste? I love peanut butter.

  • westn
    westn Posts: 18 Member
    As long as you hit your protein and fat macros, then eat whatever you feel like after that.

    On my cheats I always went for chili cheese fries and peanut butter pop-tart with rocky road ice cream sandwiches. Yum.

    How do the Peanut Butter pop-tart taste?
  • westn
    westn Posts: 18 Member
    Oreo cookies, Doritos.
  • BarbieFromHellx
    BarbieFromHellx Posts: 758 Member
    Chocolate. Always chocolate. I literally can't resist the damn thing at all D:
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    As long as you hit your protein and fat macros, then eat whatever you feel like after that.

    On my cheats I always went for chili cheese fries and peanut butter pop-tart with rocky road ice cream sandwiches. Yum.

    How do the Peanut Butter pop-tart taste?

    Fresh from the toaster they taste like peanut butter cookies to me. I like my pop-tarts reaaaalllly toasted.
  • winonavampire
    winonavampire Posts: 68 Member
    I have started not even trying these new things (Peanut Butter Poptarts, Oreo filling chocolate chip cookies, deep fried cookie dough at the fair). I figure, if I don't try them, I won't know how good they really are (or not).

    As of now, they may not even taste as good as they sound!

    Back on topic though, my cheat days are pizza and ice cream!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I don't have "cheat days," because I always stay under my weekly goal, but I do eat quite a bit more on weekends than I do on weekdays. And I don't watch my macros at all. If it fits into my weekly calorie limit, it's fair game. That means burgers, pizza, frozen yogurt, french fries, Chinese food...you name it.

    It's not cheating, it's living.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    how does one cheat when bulking?

    That's just making the gainzzzzzzz

    I also don't do cheat days. can't be bothered- I'm a numbers person.

    Okay- that's not entirely true- about once a month we go to all you can eat brazllian steak house- and while I do log a great deal of the food I eat- I know I didn't get all of it- I walk in not having eaten most of the day- and I walk out/// I mean roll out.

    I know between that- whatever AM tiny snack- my glass of wine I had- odds are I"m no where near where I want- but meh. averages. All about the averages.

    so all you can eat steak.. and then all you can eat sushi- I do log- but I know I go over and I don't care.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    AYCE sushi. Perks of living in Vegas. Within reason- sashimi and nigiri, maybe a roll or two to split with my guy, and soup/salad apps. Not something to do on a regular day, but worth splurging for without hating myself after. Usually.
  • MacMomma2013
    MacMomma2013 Posts: 128 Member
    My cheat days are becoming less frequnt, as my body simply cannot properly digest the same foods that it used to. I recently tried to eat poutine and have a coke with catastrophic results.

    These days, I usually try to have a little "treat" each day, so that I don't throw off my entire week with one day. I tend to do alot of sweets as my treat- chocolate, ice cream, candy.
  • winonavampire
    winonavampire Posts: 68 Member
    My cheat days are becoming less frequnt, as my body simply cannot properly digest the same foods that it used to. I recently tried to eat poutine and have a coke with catastrophic results.

    These days, I usually try to have a little "treat" each day, so that I don't throw off my entire week with one day. I tend to do alot of sweets as my treat- chocolate, ice cream, candy.

    Dang. Now I want poutine! Gotta figure out how to get more protein in it though!
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days but when I have the calories to splurge I tend to go for In-N-Out double-double animal style with animal style fries. Yum Or any other really good burger place. Pizza is always a good choice too.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Pizza buffet. End of story.
  • matthewmatthew525
    Chocolate. Always chocolate. I literally can't resist the damn thing at all D:

    Then you'll love this. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-12504/want-to-lose-weight-eat-chocolate.html
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    My cheat days are becoming less frequnt, as my body simply cannot properly digest the same foods that it used to. I recently tried to eat poutine and have a coke with catastrophic results.

    These days, I usually try to have a little "treat" each day, so that I don't throw off my entire week with one day. I tend to do alot of sweets as my treat- chocolate, ice cream, candy.

    Dang. Now I want poutine! Gotta figure out how to get more protein in it though!

    Pulled pork poutine is fabulous
    or chicken
    or bacon
    or beef briskett