Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • jmcdzzz
    jmcdzzz Posts: 3 Member
    If I can't diet now, how can I after the surgery? I also am so disappointed in myself for not being able to lose weigh on my own. I feel like lifechanges aren't realistic in my home. I am so scared.

    I just recently went to the initial informational meeting about the GS surgery. The doctor there warned us to not feel this way. You should not feel like you had the surgery because you failed at dieting. The STRONG decision is the one that breaks with what you know does not work for you and go with the one that is HARD. It takes a strong person to break with the old dieting game.

    For some changing their diet is not that difficult, and more power to them. But for me, I think part of the reason that I did not want surgery at first, was because dieting has a built-in safety net. I may be dieting today, but I know in my heart of hearts, that I will fail and in a few months I'll back back to eating whole pizzas and bags of pork rinds again.

    I know that the surgery is not an answer if I can't change my habits, but I think it's a huge step in the right direction.
  • kstahl422
    kstahl422 Posts: 1 Member
    hi all

    I am 3 days post op. I went into surgery a little nervous. I have been experiencing some gas pains but as the days go by I feel better and better.

    thank you to all who have shared as it made my day to read everyones comments.

  • I start my liquid diet today. My surgery is scheduled for June 9. I have lost a ton of weight already in the last year having to meet my insurances requirements. I am looking forward to this next step in my weight loss journey. Definitely preparing myself mentally.
  • That is the same date as my surgery!!
  • Hi Kelly !! I'm having surgery on Friday. I need a tool, bit I also need a clean mind!!
  • mbrinmn
    mbrinmn Posts: 1
    Hi Kelly,
    I'm just wondering how everything went for you in this past year since your gastric sleeve surgery. I am considering this type of surgery over the Rouen-X gastric bypass.

    I found your question through a Google search and read through it and the chain of messages left since you first posted. They were all very helpful.

    Thought I'd enquire to see how you feel after your first year.

    Thank you,
  • Hiiiii everyone,

    My name is Kristen and I am a little over a month away from getting the Gastric Sleeve and I could not be anymore excited then I already am!!!! I am pretty young being only 20 but I feel this surgery is going to change my life for the better and I can not wait!! My family, friends and boyfriend are very supportive of the surgery which is a huge help. I am weighing at 270 right now and have been over weight pretty much my whole life and I am ready for the change that the Sleeve will bring! I am terrified that my skin will not snap back after loosing the the weight. (Yes, I look that far into the future lol) I know there is surgery for that but I am just praying if I work hard and eat right that it will not have to come to that! I love food and find myself eating when I am not even hungry. I am an admin at a hospital so I am sitting 95% of the day and I dont work out much right now. BUTTTTTTT I am beyond ready to kick my butt into gear and start excerising and eating healthier!! I have loved reading everyones stories on here and have learned so much about life after the surgery! If anyone has advice or would like to tell me their story I would love for you to post on here!!!

    Thankssss :)
  • Azzie85
    Azzie85 Posts: 2
    Hi , my name is Azadeh and i had my Surgery on may 13th and oh gosh , I am so miserable , I cant eat anything , only thing I can keep down is water , I have tried different protein shakes , I have tried Ensure , but nothing works, since the surgery I have been to ER 3 times and urgent care 4 to get IV and Antibiotic because I cant even keep my medication down , and vomiting is the most painful uncomfortable experience I ever had in my life , I do regret having the surgery , I really need help to see what I can eat and what has help you people , I started at 280 and now 3 weeks past the surgery and I am 240 but I cant even walk for 5 minutes anymore , I get dizzy and my vision goes all blurry , I feel weak all the time , I want to know if this is normal and if anyone else Is having the same problem? , PLZ PLZ PLZ reply and help me . tnx
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hi , my name is Azadeh and i had my Surgery on may 13th and oh gosh , I am so miserable , I cant eat anything , only thing I can keep down is water , I have tried different protein shakes , I have tried Ensure , but nothing works, since the surgery I have been to ER 3 times and urgent care 4 to get IV and Antibiotic because I cant even keep my medication down , and vomiting is the most painful uncomfortable experience I ever had in my life , I do regret having the surgery , I really need help to see what I can eat and what has help you people , I started at 280 and now 3 weeks past the surgery and I am 240 but I cant even walk for 5 minutes anymore , I get dizzy and my vision goes all blurry , I feel weak all the time , I want to know if this is normal and if anyone else Is having the same problem? , PLZ PLZ PLZ reply and help me . tnx

    You need to see your Dr. Immediately. No one on an internet forum can adequately diagnose what is happening to you. Three weeks out from any surgery you should be calling your Dr for any of the above symptoms! Do not wait.
  • Azzie85
    Azzie85 Posts: 2
    I called them 12 days ago and she said that i eat fast , and i explained to her ever my medication comes back up and the soonest they could put me in was today i have an appt in few hours and I am sooo scarred that something is really wrong :(
  • I had my sleeve done 2/19/14. I'm down 50 pounds as of today! I feel amazing! Best decision of my life! If any fellow sleevers would like to add me I love the support and encouragement we can offer one another!
  • Hi ladies, This is my 1st time ever doing anything like this. However, I am scheduled for surgery 6/9/14...I'm in my pre-op stage. I am so ready for this surgery my current weight is 275lbs at my heaviest I was like 312lbs. I have a great support person in my life who loves me no matter what my weight is. But I am looking for people who is going through the same experience that I am...such as the craving, motivation to work out, the struggle of being over weight, maintaining good eating habits, not going back to old bad eating habits, staying focused. I signed up for this surgery because I needed this tool to keep the weight off. I know it is just a tool and nothing more....the last piece of the puzzle for me to have a long heathy life. I look forward to hearing from you....I will keep you posted on my progress.
  • Hi Kelly,
    Congrats on ur weight loss!. I am having my surgery on June 24. I go and see the nutritionist tomorrow. I have been eating everything in sight afraid i will no longer enjoy food. I will be starting the preop diet soon. I am 62 and had never really been obese until I developed thyroid problem had a hysterectomy and my weight just kept going uphill. Now have diabetes and on insulin. So this surgery is a must for me. I am always hungry and hopefully the surgery will help to curb my large appetite. Now weigh 250 and look disgusting. Getting anxious.. Know it is going to be a drastic change and require a lot of work but in the end it will be worth it.
    Hopefully I will find support here as I begin my journey.

    Wishing you continued success!
  • Hello there I am 54 years old and have decided to have the gastric sleeve after doing some research on the bypass and sleeve. I have seen several of my co-workers get smaller and look great. They all say they feel much better. I am looking forward to when I can see a smaller me and have my clothes fit better and be a much healthier me also.

    Have you had your surgery yet? How are you feeling and eating?
  • You can do it! That is what I keep telling myself ever since I went back to school. Over the years I would go back to school and quit. Now I keep telling myself can do it I really love the bible verse; Philippians 4:13 . It puts a lot of things in perspective not only for school but for also my weight lost journey. Life is a journey, it has many ups and downs but as long as you have God on your side you can do anything!

    My surgery has not been scheduled yet I just went to my nutrition class yesterday and got very excited. I am getting closer to a healthier me and better me. Also I am scheduled t graduate this fall, finally after 30 years.
  • Roxy52914
    Roxy52914 Posts: 1
    Hi I'm Roxy and I had the gastric sleeve surgery on 5/29/14. It has been a struggle due to being allergic to the staples and adhesive from the bandages. My staples were removed yesterday what a relief it was! I find my self struggling to consume as much water they would like you to drink and the protein supplements are horrible tasting but not unbearable. I was wondering if anyone had tips or advice on beginner excercise. I have not been a very active person in the past but I realize that needs to change. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  • amiliki
    amiliki Posts: 1
    Hi everyone. My name is Amy and I had my sleeve surgery on May 20th. I was 295 at my heaviest and am now 272. I weighed in at 289 on the day of my surgery so I guess I'm doing okay. My only real struggle is with GERD. I had it before my surgery and I was hoping it would get better or at least stay the same but it actually got worse. I had to call in and they gave me a prescription which helps but doesn't stop it completely. I have my follow up appointment on June 9 so I will talk to them about it then. Other than that, I'm doing well. I struggle to get enough fluids and protein but I get pretty close and I'm sure it will get better as my stomach heals and as I get more accustomed to this new way of eating. I tired very quickly of the protein supplements even though I thought that I would enjoy them and bought some of every flavor. The one that I do absolutely love is the chicken soup flavor from Feel free to add me or ask me anything you would like. I would love to talk about our experiences and support each other through this journey.
  • Ginafur
    Ginafur Posts: 1
    Hi All,

    I had my surgery on May 15, 2014. I was 340 lbs at my heaviest. (June 2013) Through my general dr, I lost about 65 on Adipex and B12 over the course of 8 months. I was 279 when I started my 10 day preop, and 270 the day I went to the hospital for my surgery. It's been a little over 3 weeks, and I've lost 18 pounds. I'm 252 lbs, but I think I've hit a plateau.

    I swim or walk almost everyday. I'm still on the baby food consistency/blended foods. I usually eat reduced fat pudding, cheddar broccoli soup, blended squash, or something like that. My friend also had this surgery, and told me to be prepared for a plateau, but I'm just wondering if any of the rest of you have had one, and how long it has lasted?

    I only eat 3-4 bites at one time. I get that jumpy stomach feeling...I'm sure you all know the one I'm talking about. I will say that I graze on my 3 ounces over the course of several hours, but I NEVER eat 3 ounces at once.

    The hardest adjustment has been learning to eat and drink at separate times. This has been VERY difficult for me. Looking for input. Thanks.
  • Hello everyone. So glad to find this community. I am 5 days post surgery and think this is the first day I am feeling more like myself. I feel better knowing that others have had the same symptoms and complaints as I have had. Starting to think I was not doing so good. I have watched several YouTube videos of people who talk about how great they feel the day after surgery! Really having a hard time getting any nutrition or water down. Today I was actually able to get a cup of decaf with skim milk down which seems amazing. Started my 2 week liquid plan at 250, was 236 day of surgery, and this morning at 238. I hear it is normal to be up the week after surgery. Did anyone else experience this?
  • Good afternoon friends!!

    I had my gastric sleeve on 5-19-14 and I am feeling pretty good. I started at 314 and am down to 281. The only complications I had from my surgery was a gout attack from the increased protein and dehydration after surgery. Before surgery I drank A LOT of water each day and now I feel like it is a constant task that I must always be diligent to address. The one thing I got from my amazing program is the importance of fluid intake! Getting your fluids in can be the difference between a good day and a crappy day! I also get kidney stones when I get dehydrated, so I am doing everything I can to stay hydrated! Second, I never had any problems with acid reflux, but now first thing in the mornings I feel the burn! 20 mg of Pepcid ($4 for 50 at Walmart) does the trick!

    My program did not require a two week pre-op liquid diet, but it did two weeks after. I am now on baby-food/pureed for a week, then soft foods for a week, and at 4 weeks post-op I will be on a regular diet. I have noticed that since I got off the liquid diet my weight-loss has slowed, even with only eating 3/4c of food max, and I was a bit discouraged at first. Then I said to myself that I really need to change my thinking! I have never before had so much energy that my seven and nine year old quit an activity before I did! I am excited to go to the gym and work out (even though I have always loved exercise, even at 314!). I think what will be best for me is if I put the scale away and check my progress only once a week. I know I will be losing weight because if I just compare the portions I was eating before, the type of food AND energy level from then to now, there is no way I can't be losing!!

    I was so lucky to have an amazing program and surgeon who called me back at 5 am on a Sunday morning when my gout attack started to let me know what medicine was safe to take. Every concern I have called them with has been answered promptly, and each step of the diet progression has been explained so I know why I can't have this/that, and why I need this/that. I think that the program you choose is such an important part of your success!

    I wish everyone luck in their weight loss journey. I loved reading all of your stories!!