What did your weight stop you doing?



  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    I used to get winded walking a couple of blocks. I used to shop for big clothes and my knees hurt. I always had high self esteem but after a while, it took its toll on my mood. Losing 89lbs over 3 years, I feel like I can build up to do anything I want. Confidence is through the roof.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    I avoided mirrors and pictures
  • christeenie
    Hm... Everything and nothing.

    Sure, I don't dance around in a bikini, but I don't think I ever really wanted to anyway. It's just not how I picture myself.

    I would like to be able to run 5ks and stuff. That's hard right now.

    Dating. Having been both thin and heavy in my adult life (120 to 215 and everything in between), I know I got more dates when I was thin.

    I work in the medical field, and sometimes I wonder if people (patients and colleagues) don't take me completely seriously because of my weight.

    BUT I don't hate myself for being overweight. That seems counterproductive to me... and sad. It is what it is, what is in the past is past, and rather than beating myself up, I'm trying to focus my energy in more constructive ways. :)
  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    Wow what a thought provoking and slightly depressing question. This is what I came up with

    1. being forced to shop at big girl clothing stores
    2. feeling like im big so why care about my appearance
    3. Wistful thinking (wishing i looked like other smaller people)
    4. not being able to purchase a watch without buying more links
    5. not being able to skydive without paying extra money for weight
    6. not feeling sexy
    7. not being able to wear heels because of weight on ankles
    8. stops me from interviewing/applying for a new job due to lack of confidence
    9. stops me from living without back pain/ankle/knee
    11. stops me from wanting to have pictures or video taken of me
    10. stops me from being the best overall person I can be.
  • kamiept
    kamiept Posts: 15
    when I get pictures done I am forever grabbing a kid to put in front of me...poor camouflage. children. swimming suits are a nightmare...
  • GeorgieGuitar
    i want to go sky diving.. weigh limit is 200. (almost there)
    i want my belly pierced...
    im moving to Colorado with my family next year and i want to take the beautiful mountains for what they are, take my kids hiking and be outdoorsy. (:
    cutte swimming suits...
    also i want to help my self confidence. im recently married and my weight is taking a toll on me thinking my husband is going to leave me. /:

    All i can say is that if he's your husband now, he obviously loves you for who you are so don't worry :)
  • elyuma
    elyuma Posts: 11 Member
    my #1 is confident. even today i still feel rejected but im getting more attention now :-)

    1. affraid to go dating
    2. No picture or video
    3. No beach or pool
    4. maybe feel more lazy
    5. Avoid all outdoor activities
    6. Rollercoaster, I didnt want to sit on big guys seat

    and many more
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Well, not sure if it's weight, but:

    Stops me from walking like I used to love to do, because of severe ankle pain. It's Achilles' tendinitis, which I am hoping weight loss will help.

    Stops me from wearing any of my two closets of nice clothes.

    Stops me from having self confidence.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    My weight has stopped me from having the career I've always wanted. I've wanted to be a police officer since college, but that requires being a healthy weight and being able to pass a physical test/police academy training.
  • Brandyiam
    Brandyiam Posts: 10 Member
    It stops me from living my life to the fullest traveling cause I know i will have to pay extra I hate the mallcause i cnat fit anything but accessories.I dont participate in my son school activities cause i will embarrass him i have a daughter with a trach and she is practically off her ventilator and her nurses that live there would like to take her to the park but i wont go to big It stops me from going back to school for pulic relations and just stay at my current job it stops me from playing with kids and nieces it stops me from clubing with friends ashamed of my body and oh yeah im a fantastic dancer . It stops me from fitting behind the wheel of my honda my thighs to big so my husband takes me every where :( mostly it is making me feel like a 60 yr old woman with no energy sad case:(
  • fittoday14
    fittoday14 Posts: 128
    Nothing major.. I just couldn't wear my beautiful size 4 and 6 clothing.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Ugh. It stopped me from being able to really be a parent. I couldn't keep up with my kids, and didn't want to go anywhere, because I was so out of shape that I had a hard time walking anywhere without having to pause frequently to catch my breath.

    I always had to park closest to the door and drive around because I was too scared to walk very far.

    I couldn't fly anywhere. It kept me from going to conferences I needed to go to for a position I have at work.

    AFTER I lost about 115 pounds, I NEEDED to fly to Florida for a family emergency. I was really terrified. Went to the airport, walked around without really needing to stop at all. Got on the plane, not only could I fit in the seat, but I didn't "lap over" into the seat next to me, and DID NOT need an extender for the seat belt!!!

    Next on my list is to lose another about 130ish pounds, and get skin removal surgery. I promised my kids that when we return to Disney in 2016 that I'd be able to wear a bathing suit and go swimming with them. I can't wait!!!
  • djstatick
    djstatick Posts: 23 Member
    Flying. I hate it. I'm 6'6", so flying is never really enjoyable, even when I was in super great shape. Now, however, it's horrible and I avoid it whenever possible.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't think my (obese and often morbidly obese) weight was really all that prohibitive (often 260-270 lb at 5'8" and got up to 307 at one point). In fact, I have friends who are barely overweight and have more issues w/ avoiding certain situations and activities because they aren't comfortable with their bodies. This makes me feel kind of lucky that I didn't have a lot of the same problems.

    However - I did have issues, too!

    I avoided photos in most situations. There were a few times I didn't mind photos being taken, like if it was my mom or a close friend I knew would just photograph head-and-shoulders, so I'd look okay. Or when I could hide half of my body behind my (also morbidly obese) ex husband, that was all right as well.

    When I was a teen and in my early 20's, I didn't go swimming (an activity I love) for about 12 years because I was ashamed of my body and outgrew my swimsuit from middle school but couldn't bring myself to try on new ones. Then I had a poisonous spider bite and almost had to have my leg amputated...at that point, I decided F**K that and started swimming again.

    I avoided roller coasters for about a decade. Recently, I returned to a nearby amusement park (rode everything and had a blast!) and saw women as big as I used to be who were actually fitting onto most rides w/o a problem at all. But I was too concerned about the possibility of not fitting & being humiliated.

    Going into stores without a plus section - especially Victoria's Secret or juniors specialty stores - was something I would NOT do when I wore exclusively plus sizes. I felt like the minute I walked in, even if I was looking at shoes or accessories, some kind of bell would go off and all of the thin sales clerks would be laughing and asking me if I got in by mistake...ok, not really...but my attitude about it was kind of like that!

    One more thing I've only come to realize since losing a lot (125 lb total, so far) is that I shied away from making female acquaintances into friends unless they made the suggestion to hang out first. I didn't feel that I was inferior to them, or anything, but in some way I felt like average to thin women might not want a fat friend, and I just got into the habit of waiting for them to ask ME to hang out. I still kind of do that, out of habit.
  • Newgirlnewme
    Oh my goodness where should I start.it held me back from enjoying myself at amusement parks, talking to people, opening up to guys that like me because I feel insecure about them touching and holding hands with me, joining the soccer team at my school, jogging in public,ugh the list just goes on and on
  • zainab411
    zainab411 Posts: 51 Member
    I didn't walk at my High School Graduation cause I was too fat. I was so self-conscious. :cry:
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I honestly believe I was unable to find a suitable partner until I started losing weight. I met my husband only 20 pounds into losing weight, so I've lost more weight since we started dating, and so he's seen me weighing more. However I think if I hadn't started that process I would still be dating men who I wasn't totally happy with. I always felt like the men I was interested in were not interested in me and that it was my weight holding me back (first impressions and all that).

    I know that sounds stupid but I really think it's true!
  • benaddict
    benaddict Posts: 1,381 Member
    Wearing some of my clothes
    Feeling confident
    Initiating sex with my husband
    Wearing a two-piece swimsuit

    I think that's about it. I'm about halfway to my goal and I can say that I'm much more confident, especially about initiating sex. My husband has NEVER turned me down, even at my heaviest, but I was so scared that I let it stop me from trying a lot of the time.