Want to start running but I'm embarrassed



  • gakette420
    gakette420 Posts: 107 Member
    I jog in place to my favorite tunes in my living room. I don't feel like I'm in a fish bowl and I get a great work-out. win/win!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Don't be embarrassed! I started running at the ripe old age of 46 (I started with the C25K program... I still jiggle! I know I look goofy sometimes, but I don't care! We usually worry so much about what people will think of us, when in fact, they aren't thinking of us at all or maybe just fleetingly. Anyway, chances are they are NOT running or doing anything active, so you will be one-up on them. I say, go for it! :drinker:

    This totally. I just finished week 2/day 2 of C25K- I love it! You have to do it for you and not worry about what others think. They don't know anything about you or the fact that you are making strides to improve your health, so you just have to focus on doing what you know will help you!
  • Krecob
    Krecob Posts: 86 Member
    I do it in the morning, so there isn't as many people to see! People usually only look at me worried because I turn bright red!! Their faces actually make me laugh a little because they are sooo concerned. What I finally told my self was, who cares I'm working out to look better and to maintain good health. I'm not in a beauty pageant, I'm working out and if you look amazing while doing it you either have really good genes (majority don't) or your not working hard enough.
  • Farmgirlsy
    I started a C25K and at first I would always stop if a car was going by. Then, after I started to `get into it`, I didn`t want cars interrupting my timing (you know--messing up my intervals) so I just didn't care anymore. It is true, we think people are judging us harshly, when in fact they are more likely to be cheering us on. The other option is to find a country road somewhere at first.
  • cardinalsfootball
    cardinalsfootball Posts: 167 Member
    I really believe that when people see "big folks" exercising, lifting weights, etc. they are truly thinking one of either two things:

    1) Good for them for doing something about it. (or)

    2) I wish X (another big folk they know) would do the same.

    They aren't judging.
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    I've lost 23 lbs in the past 5 weeks and I feel terrific. In the past year or so I've lost 45. But I still have a long way to go. I walk 2x a day which equals about 1 hr. I just started weight training last week and I can already tell such a difference. I really, really want to start running. I know it burns the fat faster than walking. I love interval training when I walk and I know running would make a difference. Here's the thing. I still have 100 lbs to lose. Even though I feel smaller I know I look big to others. I can't see myself running down the sidewalk huffing and puffing with parts of me still jiggling around for all to see. Any thoughts or just words of encouragement?

    Oh, do I ever know how this feels.

    At this point, if I don't wear my headphones while I do my C25K intervals, I can hear my flaps of loose skin literally flapping and slapping together noisily. Super embarrassing. But on the other hand, I remind myself I'm lapping everyone on the couch.

    And screw the haters.
  • Clc71676
    Clc71676 Posts: 1
    Same fears/thoughts, etc I had when I started running. Still why I dont do "normal" 5k's etc. I run at 5a (sometimes look like a newborn giraffe Im sure), no one (or very few) are out there at that time. Honestly, who really cares what you "look" like while running. EVERYONE has been there. You be you and go on with your bad self.

    To anyone reading this thinking about running - get out and do it. Your body will thank you for taking that first step (its the hardest one).
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Just do it. Get the Couch to 5k app and go. Put on your headphones keep your eyes forward and don't worry about what anyone else is doing or thinking. Who cares what anyone thinks!
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    I'm another in favor of running at dusk... I need the cover of darkness! You'll get over your fear once you start getting into it! The most uncomfortable I've felt is with college age boys ogling me or shouting at me from cars (probly never see this much woman LOL) and the most awesome I've felt is when total strangers running past me give me the random high-five!!! Just gotta get out there, focus on yourself!
  • rundnt2013
    rundnt2013 Posts: 2 Member
    Honey you just take your beautiful, awesome self out there and run whenever the heck you want!!! Take it from someone who runs and jiggles, shakes, and breaks out in a major sweat...but NO one can tell me that I am not a sexy, sweaty beast when I am hitting that pavement LOL!

    Don't worry about the haters or what others think. Continue to focus on your goals and the amazing progress you're making. Run as fast or slow as you want. More than likely you are probably encouraging others to get up off their *kitten* and do it too as they see you running on the trail or in your neighborhood! I have been running road and endurance races for years, and there are a variety of shapes and sizes who run super fast, turtle slow, or just leisurely walk/power walk. When we are waiting in the start line, we all say the same thing "at least we're out here getting healthy and having fun"!

    You shouldn't feel embarrassed...be proud of what you have done, and what you will continue to do!!! Keep telling yourself "yep, I know I'm fine" especially when you're in public...rock it girl!!!
  • blondie3_04
    blondie3_04 Posts: 28 Member
    I started the C25K a few months ago. I still have over 60 lbs I would like to loose. I work at a Universtiy and staff can use the workout facilities. We have an indoor track that overlooks basketball courts students use. At first I was a bit self conscious because of having to run/walk in front of college students (I have actually only been out of college 5 years but still was nervous). There are several avid runners who go and sometimes I notice some track team students practicing. I finally told myself that I could care less if they even thought of me (which I doubt any even notice because when I run I do not pay attention to anyone else). I was there for me. I started struggling with only jogging a minute, huffing and puffing my way through but have since improved. I know how hard it is to not worry if others are thinking about what you look like but once you start it is easy to forget. Good luck on your new pursuit.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    I just downloaded the C25K app on my phone. I plan on starting this weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) when I have off work. I live in a small redneck neighborhood and most of the people I know will wave and say "good job." To those who want to curl their lip and sneer at the chubby huffing and puffing down the street...well....who needs 'em? I'd probably just smile and wave anyway. Best tactic against hateful people is to be happy.

    Awesome job on the weight loss!! :flowerforyou:
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    I know just how you feel! I used to run when I was smaller years ago, and really missed it. I wanted to try it again, but the problem was I weighed over 200 lbs and I felt totally self conscious. I started to go really early in the mornings, before the sun came up and I used my dog as an excuse to go. Well, then summer quickly approached and I had to get up earlier and earlier. Finally one day I just said, screw it, I'm going to run even if the sun IS up. Well, since then, (in the last 11 weeks) I've lost 27 lbs and the occasional people that I crossed paths with, and felt self-conscious about are probably now looking at me with a whole new respect. I honestly don't know what they were thinking about me before, but now, 27 pounds later, I really don't care. I'm doing this for ME. I'm worth it, and SO ARE YOU! Just do it. :wink:
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    I started with C25K. I weighed over 300 lbs. Take it slow...do what you can...and enjoy the benefits!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    Last spring I was running and some kids (teenage girls) said, "I look scary!"
    I yelled back at them,"See how you look at 44!"
    They didn't think I could hear them.
    Start out slow,listen to your body and maybe sign up for a 5-K in the fall.
    You will see all walkes of life!
    Have fun!
  • sammama5
    sammama5 Posts: 92 Member
    Yes- if you want to run- run! When I see some "bigger" people running or cycling- my first thought is always - good for them! Who cares what anyone thinks. It is your body , your life and you get decide what to do with both! Run!
    Way to go and try to stop worrying about what other people think!
  • Candlelite89
    Yes- if you want to run- run! When I see some "bigger" people running or cycling- my first thought is always - good for them! Who cares what anyone thinks. It is your body , your life and you get decide what to do with both! Run!

    This is exactly what I was thinking! At least you are out there trying to make a difference in your body. Screw anyone who has anything negative to say about you running! =]
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Do one of the couch to 5k apps. I originally ran at dusk, when I was about 240lbs, but as I met goals, I stopped caring what other people thought and was able to take pride in the action I was taking to be healthy. You can definitely do it, and it's totally worth it.

    This. I started walking weighing 232lbs, wearing sweats and big t-shirts. Now at 185lbs, I walk, jog, attempt to run (C25K) and hike wearing running shorts and racerback neon tanks. I also take pride in my accomplishments to date and my improving physical (and mental) health when I hit the road/track/trail.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    I have to agree with the C25K, I am in W4D3 and I do it. I don't care who sees what or what they think and I live in NJ where everyone has something to say :tongue:

    I say go out and let it jiggle and do it for yourself!!!