Want to start running but I'm embarrassed



  • jsb76
    jsb76 Posts: 35 Member
    Go for it! I used to have the same fears and still do a bit. I live in a rural area so not too many people see me when I'm jogging, but I just joined a running group that does a 5k every week and today is my first one. It's right in town and is giving me a bit of anxiety mostly b/c they take pictures of everyone and put them on facebook- yikes! I am most likely going to be the heaviest person there but I don't care too much- I'm proud of how strong I've become and I know the group atmosphere will push me and make me much faster. Things will stop jiggling so much and it's great fun, so just go for it :)
  • Kristina2k
    Kristina2k Posts: 14
    If you do decide to run at dawn or dusk, please, please, please wear some sort of reflective clothing or strobe light so cars, bikers and others on the road see you. Be smart and safe!

    On a positive note, Congratulations on taking control of your health and wanting to do more physically! Half the battle is just getting up and doing something. You are doing more than most Americans and you should feel so proud of that! Keep up the good work!

    I also make sure when I exercise, its ME time. When I put my ear buds in, I turn invisible to others and I have EARNED this time to focus on myself and listen to my favorite music while relaxing. No one can take this time away from you.

    Remember, the only person who can stop you from achieving your goals is - YOU! Focus on yourself and you'll do wonders. :-)
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I'd like to get back into running too and used to quite a lot when I was married (cos ex used to look after our son), I just put the music on and went for it. People say take your son with you and he could go on his bike, but I'm now more paranoid about people seeing me, as well as the fact that my music used to keep me going and he'd be a distraction - but not in a good way.
  • centexhusker
    centexhusker Posts: 115 Member
    To the Op:

    I feel your pain. I've lost about 65 lbs and have worked myself up to running 3-5 miles a day 3-5 times a week. As I began running again I started on the treadmill at the gym. I remember being proud of being able to run again after barely being able to walk maybe 20-30 minutes at the beginning. I felt like I was really doing good running again. Until one day I caught my reflection at the gym and saw how stiff and poor my running form was. I looked like an old man moving really slow. I remember feeling very self conscious. You know what I did? I said the heck with it and I kept going and you can too! Hang in there it will get better! Take it slow but keep going! You got this! :)
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Who cares what other people think, your body will love you for it in the long run! I am a runner who once weighed in at 210 pounds. I did it running in my living room in place and when the weight started coming off, I moved it outside on the road. Now I am addicted to road running. Even now at 115 pounds when a car passes the thought comes to mind I wonder what I look like to them then I realize I don't care b/c I do this for my body.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Honey you just take your beautiful, awesome self out there and run whenever the heck you want!!! Take it from someone who runs and jiggles, shakes, and breaks out in a major sweat...but NO one can tell me that I am not a sexy, sweaty beast when I am hitting that pavement LOL!

    Don't worry about the haters or what others think. Continue to focus on your goals and the amazing progress you're making. Run as fast or slow as you want. More than likely you are probably encouraging others to get up off their *kitten* and do it too as they see you running on the trail or in your neighborhood! I have been running road and endurance races for years, and there are a variety of shapes and sizes who run super fast, turtle slow, or just leisurely walk/power walk. When we are waiting in the start line, we all say the same thing "at least we're out here getting healthy and having fun"!

    You shouldn't feel embarrassed...be proud of what you have done, and what you will continue to do!!! Keep telling yourself "yep, I know I'm fine" especially when you're in public...rock it girl!!!

    You... I like you.
  • patti314
    patti314 Posts: 3 Member
    OMG I feel like I wrote this post.. I have the same fear about running.. I just started the gym last month along with MFP. I just became friends with the treadmill. I can only run ( jog ) for two minutes so I jog for two walk for two for about 30 minutes slowly working up my jog time. yes the gym is filled with smaller people but dont let that discourage you.. you are trying to better yourself .
  • kiniece
    kiniece Posts: 96 Member
    I've lost 23 lbs in the past 5 weeks and I feel terrific. In the past year or so I've lost 45. But I still have a long way to go. I walk 2x a day which equals about 1 hr. I just started weight training last week and I can already tell such a difference. I really, really want to start running. I know it burns the fat faster than walking. I love interval training when I walk and I know running would make a difference. Here's the thing. I still have 100 lbs to lose. Even though I feel smaller I know I look big to others. I can't see myself running down the sidewalk huffing and puffing with parts of me still jiggling around for all to see. Any thoughts or just words of encouragement?

    Our self worth is NOT defined by what OTHERS think of us...never has been. This is a LIE we are told over and over and over from childhood to adulthood and it isn't long until we BELIEVE it.


    Want to run? GO RUN. Put on your headphones, put on some good tunes and just run. You don't even have time to notice other people, nor do you care when you're out running. Grab your ipod, get your fitbit on, put in your headphones and GO RUN.

    YOU'RE RUNNING FOR YOU. NOBODY ELSE. Now go get it done! :happy:
    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • czardastx
    czardastx Posts: 127 Member
    I've seen all shapes and sizes running. When you're out there doing it you won't care what anyone else thinks.

    I'm relatively fit and even I get teased and looks and comments (positive and negative). But I don't care. I run for me, not for those other people. Get out there and run for YOU, and to h**l with what anyone else thinks of it. Know you're stronger then them, know you're more mature than them, and know that you are brave enough to do what you want to do to become the person you want to become. BE BRAVE, BE STRONG, LOVE YOURSELF!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The first time I wore running tights during daylight hours I wanted to put a paper bag on my head so no one would recognize me and then it occurred to me.......runners are part of the urban landscape, most people barely even notice us (other than other runners) unless you're wearing fuchsia tights and have a flashing neon sign on your head.

    Find a beginning runners program you are comfortable with (personally I find C25K is a bit aggressive for some people but it may work for you) and get out there....most of the people who do notice you will think you're awesome for making positive changes in your life.

    Have fun!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    When I used to have a paper route I'd see all sorts of people, big and small, out running.

    And I was jealous.... because I can't run.
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    OP I have/had all the same fears you do. I am on week three of C25K and I run early in the morning at the gym. I am always the biggest person there, I live on a college campus and everyone else I see at the gym are super in shape. There aren't a ton of people early in the morning though. C25K has been awesome so far, I would really encourage you to do it. Once you are there doing it you worry more about your workout than what other people are thinking. Good luck!
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Sorry, not sure if someone posted this or not, but if you want, I already see the C25K posted, but also check out Jeff Galloway. He is the king of run/walk. His training plans are online and I have some friends who have had success from them. Plus it's a great confidence builder. Good luck and you are already doing awesome! www.jeffgalloway.com
  • kiniece
    kiniece Posts: 96 Member
    I've seen all shapes and sizes running. When you're out there doing it you won't care what anyone else thinks.

    I'm relatively fit and even I get teased and looks and comments (positive and negative). But I don't care. I run for me, not for those other people. Get out there and run for YOU, and to h**l with what anyone else thinks of it. Know you're stronger then them, know you're more mature than them, and know that you are brave enough to do what you want to do to become the person you want to become. BE BRAVE, BE STRONG, LOVE YOURSELF!

    ^^^^^^^^ this right here! you don't care when you're out busting your hump. :flowerforyou: :glasses: :drinker: :blushing:
  • nesto610
    nesto610 Posts: 107
    I admit that I had the same fear as you when I started so I bought an elliptical and set that sucker up in my living room.

    I enjoy running on the elliptical while watching a movie so much now that I really don't have the desire run outside. I kinda think I would get bored running outside and looking at trees. LOL!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    The only people who are rude and dumb enough to say something are usually irresponsible teenagers. This can, and might, happen. but, who cares. MOST people won't say anything. And 99.9999999% of people will think it's amazing that you are doing something to be healthy. Nobody, aside from my grandpa when he was alive who told me I was too fat to run cross country when I was 12 lol, ever say anything about heavier people running as everyone notices the effort. It's ahrd to run. Its' harder when you are overweight.

    It also doesn't matter what anybody think sbut you. Your first run will probably be the hardest if you're nervous. It's all easy peasy from there :) Youll get in your groove and just not give a damn.
  • mackoulc
    mackoulc Posts: 5 Member
    Try to give yourself credit for the efforts you're putting in to being healthier. It may feel awkward at first, but as you progress you'll find a lot of those spectators can't keep up with you.
    This is about you, not them!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Start with C25k they have free versions of this app. It really works. I was heavy and a smoker huffing puffing just came w/ it when I started. Running 2 years ago. Now 6 months pregant and yes ppl turn there heads when they see me jogging down the street and I am not very fast anymore. I dont want to over do it. But who knows or even cares about what these ppl are thinking for all I know they could be looking thinking Wow she pregrant and working out maybe should I too or maybe they are thinking that I should be sitting in the house eating candy either way I really dont care I am doing what best for me. You should do the same you may really enjoy it.

    The Journey of thousand miles starts with One Step.
  • Josh_2099
    Josh_2099 Posts: 2,073 Member
    A lot of people nailed it - don't worry about those who will try to put you down. Embrace those who support you and enjoy the comfort in knowing that you are making yourself healthier. I always admire those who run (workout, eat healthy, etc) no matter what shape they are in. It's always a positive in my mind. Enjoy the running.
  • NiqkeemaPowell
    I want to do the same and I feel exactly the same way....no matter how much motivation I try to build up to do it. But what I have come to recognize is that nobody is really paying attention we are holding our own progress down by fear