Any 5'4 135-140 pound females trying to lose 10-12 pounds?



  • JennergyKC
    JennergyKC Posts: 254 Member
    Hey! I'm 32 and 5'4" and right now at 137 with a goal weight of 130 (started at 149 back in the fall). In 2007 I was in the same boat and made it down to 122 but I was younger and that was really hard. Then I started med school and the weight came back because I did a lot of stress eating and sitting on my butt studying. I think 130 will be a good weight for me, especially now that I'm focusing on strength training in addition to cardio and with my new muscles I'm more toned and losing inches even if the scale really feels stuck.

    I track pretty much every day. I prefer to workout at home because of my schedule, and I do videos (mostly Jillian Michaels) for strength & circuit training. Then time-permitting I either run/walk on the treadmill or ride my spin bike for 30-60 minutes for some extra cardio. I'm lucky to have a well equipped home gym!

    Please friend me if you're interested in being pals and motivating each other. Everyone around me in my non-virtual life is either too busy or too uninterested to be a fitness buddy. Hoping to help build some online support and accountability.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I am just a half inch under 5'4 but when I started in January, I was 136 lbs, so very very similar stats as yours. I just got down to 113 and have 3 more lbs to lose and then I will transition into maintenance. It didn't take me long to get down to 125 lbs. It only took me about 5 weeks, maybe 4.5. I was eating 1300 on average, with some days in the 1200's and there were a couple days set aside per week where I ate up to 1500 calories. Right now I'm consistently eating 1400-1600 for this month because I do not have much more to lose and I'm still losing, but at a slower rate.

    I think its safe to say you can increase your calories. That might be your issue. 1200 seems especially low for someone who doesn't need to lose that much weight to begin with. I think if you keep up a good work out routine and hang around 1400-1600/1700, that would be a bit better for you.
  • mags911
    mags911 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'5" and late 30s. I started at 157 then dropped 7 in 12 days and hope to be 125 at the end of it all. I signed up for a half marathon in may to motivate me cardio wise and kick start my metabolism..feel free to add and check out my diary. Us girls have to stick together :)
  • buggaboogirl
    buggaboogirl Posts: 2 Member
    Gotta chime in too, I'm 5'4" and despite eating healthy, working out and trying what feels like just about every trick out there my weight has stayed between 140-143. My goal is 130 and 125 would be great but I'm very muscular. I've tried low carb/atkins, intermittent fasting, zig zagging cals., no carbs after 4 pm, 1200-1700 cals. I had a baby lost all the weight and started gaining. It took about a year to lose 5 lbs! I did do a 3 week fruit/veg juice cleanse and got down to 134 but the weight came back. Before I had a baby I juiced 1-2 times a year and all the weight I'd lose would stay off. I've had my thyroid and extensive blood work done and I'm in perfect health! I'm in week 5 of JMBR and have seen amazing toning but no weight loss. Hoping when I finish I'll lose something! Lately I've been adding 45-60 mins of cardio and still trying to find the magic number. Just want to keep an eye on this discussion. Good luck!!
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    I am 5'-3", 142.6 lb right now. My weight has not moved, but I have dropped almost 10% body fat in the last 8 months. It is nice to see a change, but I have not seen the scale move and that is so frustrating. My goal was 125/130 OR 20-22% body fat.

    I am an hourglass shape, and have a relatively large chest and hips

    As a note: I try to hit 1800 calories per day and hit my macros most of the time.

    Monday: 1 hour kickboxing (I may start staying another hour for a Zumba class afterwards)
    Tuesday: 45 min Spin followed by 1 hour of TRX, Kettlebells, and Medicine Ball work
    Wednesday: Rest
    Thursday: 45 mix of cardio (jump rope, running) and weights. I then usually do a 3x5 round of heavy weights afterwards (squats, ballet squats, OHP, deadlifts)
    Friday: 45 min Bootcamp- usually every other Friday, as I can fit it in
    Saturday: 1 hour Spin and 3x5 round of heavy weights (squats, ballet squats, OHP, deadlifts)
    Sunday: 1 hour Spin followed by 1 hour weights class- this is a class of higher reps (all areas of the body), where I do most of my work with 15 lb free weights.
  • idiganthro
    idiganthro Posts: 2 Member
    Close! I'm 5'2" and about 137. I'm hoping to get to between 125 and 130 and maintain. The closer I get the SLOWER the weight loss is. Frankly, I seem to be bobbing between 137-140 lately with no appreciable loss for weeks! I do see a difference in how my clothes are fitting, so maybe the scale isn't the only thing I should be concentrating on.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    checking in again since the thread got bumped up...

    I have been in the same weight for the past 2 years. As frustrating as it sounds, I just noticed the silver lining of heavy weight training over 2 years: I can fit in jeans one size smaller now. I look the same to othe people but people start commenting "you are really thin". LOL
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I am 5'-3", 142.6 lb right now. My weight has not moved, but I have dropped almost 10% body fat in the last 8 months. It is nice to see a change, but I have not seen the scale move and that is so frustrating. My goal was 125/130 OR 20-22% body fat.

    I am an hourglass shape, and have a relatively large chest and hips

    As a note: I try to hit 1800 calories per day and hit my macros most of the time.

    Monday: 1 hour kickboxing (I may start staying another hour for a Zumba class afterwards)
    Tuesday: 45 min Spin followed by 1 hour of TRX, Kettlebells, and Medicine Ball work
    Wednesday: Rest
    Thursday: 45 mix of cardio (jump rope, running) and weights. I then usually do a 3x5 round of heavy weights afterwards (squats, ballet squats, OHP, deadlifts)
    Friday: 45 min Bootcamp- usually every other Friday, as I can fit it in
    Saturday: 1 hour Spin and 3x5 round of heavy weights (squats, ballet squats, OHP, deadlifts)
    Sunday: 1 hour Spin followed by 1 hour weights class- this is a class of higher reps (all areas of the body), where I do most of my work with 15 lb free weights.

    oh my lord, this is truly some hard work...
  • Hi! I am 5'-3" too and started at 143.5. I have just been logging for 2 weeks. It seems we might have similar body types--larger chest and hips, smaller waist. I'd love to be friends! So far I've dropped 4 pounds but I have no idea on my body fat. I am tracking my waist and hips measurements.

    10% drop in body fat is awesome!! Your work-out routine is something to be envious about :)
  • BarbieFromHellx
    BarbieFromHellx Posts: 758 Member
    Yes I am in the same position! I am 5'4" and my ultimate goal weight is roughly 12 lbs away too. I find it gets more difficult and I need to increase my cardio more. A few years ago I started at around 144 lbs I think but now I am around 123 lbs (I fluctuate a lot and it stresses me out so much!! I can't weigh myself any more than once every 1-2 weeks, on the same time and day of the week, otherwise I get frustrated haha).

    Something that does help is eating a different amount of calories a day, like one day eat 1,200 calories and another eat 1,500 calories so your body doesn't get used to eating the same amount all the time...and do things to raise your metabolism more like drinking herbal tea and exercise more (sounds simple I know but I find them really helpful).
  • I am 5'4 1/2 142 lbs. I was my happiest at 115... So I would be happy just losing 25 lbs. Has anyone else done this successfully? I have started morning work outs 4-5 times a week for 20-30 minutes. I usually do a interval mile and strength training. Is this enough or should I be in the gym longer?
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    If I can toss in some advice into this old post. I know this was posted awhile ago but I did a google search and this happen to pop up. Have any of you tried fasting for a certain amount of time throughout the day? I fast for 17 hours a day with no calorie intake at that time. I only drink water. I stop eating at 6 pm and I start eating again at 10. But try fasting for 14-20 hours a day then in that short period is when you can intake the calories.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I'm 5'4". I'm happy at 135 but am 140. I am definitely not trying to lose a whole 10 pounds but joined the thread to point out that it's okay not to have that goal. And not to toot my own horn...but 5'4" can look decent at 140lbs.