As you get older, do you find yourself...

kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
Settling? And not settling for pure crap, but for mediocrity? Are you settling for a sufficient relationship that's alright, instead of looking for a great one that gives you what you want? Are you settling for a certain size/weight, and not worrying about the last 10 pounds you'd like to lose? Are you settling for a job that's ok and pays decent, instead of going for one you're passionate about?


  • JonnyMacAwesome
    JonnyMacAwesome Posts: 770 Member
    Relationship? No, to me that's one of the most important parts of my life. Not just my marriage relationship to my wife, but those I choose to have a friendship with as well.

    Size/Weight - I'm still fighting that battle, so I will say no I'm not settling.

    Job - Yes. Gotta pay the bills. I do still look around though for the job lines that may suit me best, but haven't been receiving many responses there.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    relationship(s): after what I've been through... nope. not settling any longer with romantic relationships or friendships. I'm still nice it just means I limit who I let get real close.

    size/weight: like previous poster, still fighting - not settling.

    job: eh.. yes/no enjoy what I do. there are stresses in any job. I keep pushing myself to improve my education in my field. perfect world I wouldn't have to worry about money and can be a philanderer and volunteer somewhere.
  • theserpah
    theserpah Posts: 109 Member
    This is a fantastic question and yes, I think I do. I think most of us do to some degree.

    The difficult thing as I get older and more successful is the settling becomes easier because the creature comforts in life are so much easier to attain. I was much more disciplined when I was younger because it was expensive to treat myself. If I joined a gym, I used that gym because I was paying for it and I wanted to be sure I was getting value and utility from everything I spend money on.

    Now that I have money, I worry less about that and as a result, I can drift into periods of inactivity. Same thing with food. I could bring leftovers because that's being diligent but I'm much more comfortable now so I don't tend to worry about it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Settling? And not settling for pure crap, but for mediocrity? Are you settling for a sufficient relationship that's alright, instead of looking for a great one that gives you what you want? Are you settling for a certain size/weight, and not worrying about the last 10 pounds you'd like to lose? Are you settling for a job that's ok and pays decent, instead of going for one you're passionate about?

  • FatOldManMN
    FatOldManMN Posts: 1,116 Member
    That's a losers attitude.....
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Settling? And not settling for pure crap, but for mediocrity? Are you settling for a sufficient relationship that's alright, instead of looking for a great one that gives you what you want?
    Are you settling for a certain size/weight, and not worrying about the last 10 pounds you'd like to lose?
    Are you settling for a job that's ok and pays decent, instead of going for one you're passionate about?
    All the jobs I am passionate about do not pay enough to allow me to eat and maintain shelter.

    Are you a life coach?
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    For awhile I did, and then I woke up and realized that this was not the life I wanted for myself. I only have one shot at this thing so I have to be bold and brave and take more risks.

    Relationships - I got rid of the people who were pulling me down and kept the ones that really mattered.

    Body - I joined the gym and set out to start a whole new lifestyle. 6 months later I'm 35 pounds less and stronger than I have ever been in my life and so very happy with my new lifestyle.

    Job - I starting becoming more focused on personal/professional growth, advancing my skills and knowledge. It's a work in progress.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Up to age 34-35 yes.

    Since then, it's been completely the opposite. I'm 37 and the last two and a half years have been a whirlwind for me of rearranging and renovating everything in my life, no longer settling, and enjoying life so much more. I have totally different priorities in all areas.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member

    I'm getting out of a relationship that is doing nothing for me. Sure, it's easier to stay and be miserable, but I think I deserve to be happy.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member

    I'm getting out of a relationship that is doing nothing for me. Sure, it's easier to stay and be miserable, but I think I deserve to be happy.

    More or less me as well.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    IS it settling or just taking for granted the gifts your life is imbued with? LIFE takes work... it's a garden that needs constant attention... IF you let it go... at some point you are going to look at it and NOT like what you see... then... somewhere down the road your going to believe that the work required to get it back to where you would like it is far too much... so you start to look at the individual plants and convince yourself that if you remove this one.. or that one... then the garden might look better... eventually you start pulling the offending plants... and before you know it.. you no longer have a garden... you have a plot of bare earth... in some instances sure.. it's necessary... BUT a person can take matters into their hands at any time and WORK to save anyone of those plants...

    of course from a relati0onship standpoint... it takes the will of both people to work that garden...

    THE good news is that most people here on MFP HAVE started to do the work... Cheers to all of us!!!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member

    I'm getting out of a relationship that is doing nothing for me. Sure, it's easier to stay and be miserable, but I think I deserve to be happy.

    Oh yes we WILL be dating soon!!


    Relationship?? I haven't found anyone that wants me.
    Body?? Work in progress.
    Job?? I love my job!
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    Nope.. Not at all.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    No way.

    I'm not willing to give up or settle for anything right now.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Not at all. I find myself pushing myself more to achieve things in the past few years. It's now or never!

    Relationship - I've got a pretty sweet life and good husband so nope. In other areas I've decided if I don't like it why bother with it
    Body - best shape I've been in for a long time and plan on getting better and better
    Job - I'm a stay at home mom. It's what I love doing. When the boy is in school full time I'd like to do something but not sure what that might be
  • cjaneplay79
    cjaneplay79 Posts: 20 Member
    Actually, I find myself doing the complete opposite..I find myself more motivated to keep getting better in all areas of my life. =)

    Same here.....
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member

    The older I get, the more of a perfectionist I become. I also expect more from those around me.

    Job: I like my job...Ok, I like the team I work with at my job, and REALLY wish it would pay more. I'm not passionate about it, but the one I am passionate about (photographer) wouldn't keep the roof over our head, soooo....

    Relationship: I am married to my best friend, and I didn't settle. I only wish I'd met him earlier in life.

    Body: Sure I'd like to hit 135#. Will I? I am not sure. That said, it won't be for lack of trying. I exercise regularly (heavy lifting, swimming, jogging, stair climbing, yoga), eat at a deficit, and feel like I look better than I ever have in my life. I'm not going to stop, tho, just because all my skinny clothes fit again. I LIKE how I feel, how I look, and how my hubby looks at me, so nope. Not going to settle for being that "average" grandma. Nope. not me, LOL...

    TL:DR? Nope. Settling is what I did in my 20's and early 30's. Striving for the best is what it's about in my 40's.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    No. I married the love of my life when I turned 50. We saved up enough money to build our dream vacation home this year. I started running two years ago at age 53. I ran half marathon distance Sunday, and reached my weight loss goal today. And this is just the beginning......
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Actually, I find myself doing the complete opposite..I find myself more motivated to keep getting better in all areas of my life. =)

    this ^^
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I'm in a funny situation. Recently I noticed that I have met my carefully laid out life long goals that I set for myself about thirty years ago when I lived life carefully and overly responsibly. Now I'm in a position where I feel like I have "arrived" but I'm still so young. At the moment I'm not sure what will come next, but I enjoy flailing around in new experiences that give me joy and make my prior goal seem a little mediocre in retrospect:)