Disney Vacation??



  • imju5tme
    imju5tme Posts: 85 Member
    Eat what you want. Enjoy your vacation! :drinker:

    The last time I went to Disneyworld, I probably ate everything that looked like it was edible, but walked so danged much that, after being there for over a week, when I got home and weighed myself, I had lost 5 lbs. If one were to go on a diet, THAT is the diet I would want! :happy:

    You will almost surely be using up far more calories than you will be taking in, so just enjoy yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Hopefully your tastes have changed over the past 9 months. Continue to record EVERYTHING but don't worry about what you are eating or if you go over. Take one bite (or sip) and think about it. Is it as good as you thought it would be? Do you just need that little taste or do you want to enjoy more?

    As many have said, you walk so much that as long as you don't pig out, you can eat and still lose weight. I've been doing this for over a decade now and consistently maintain or lose weight on vacations. This past week on vacation started with my husband's 50th bday. We ate a piece or two of the birthday cake everyday with ice cream. The only "binging" I did was one day of excess alcohol but that was after 2 hours of kayaking and I stayed close to my calorie goal.

    My problem, as many obese or formerly obese people, is that slippery slope. I'm back from vacation and have been eating way over my calorie goals. My cravings are up and I'm having a hard time starting a two-day no carb to get back on track. Part of my normal "diet" includes ice cream just about every day but I need to kick that and all carbs for a couple days to get the cravings back in check after vacation.
  • bioya40
    bioya40 Posts: 21 Member
    When I first starting reading your post I looked at the pic you have up and thought to myself "What is this skinny girl worried about, did she have 4 lbs to lose?" Then I read your profile...AMAZING! No matter what you decide to do for Disney make sure that you have FUN!. So what if you don't stick exactly to your plan, you have shown that you have the will power, drive and determination to make great decisions.

    You should feel VERY proud of yourself because you are an inspiration to others!
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    I just read your bio too. Congrats! You look amazing.

    Again, please be aware of the slippery slope. I would suggest spending some time experimenting with foods that you avoid now to see if you can eat them under control. Go out to a restaurant with friends and order something bad and see if you can eat one bite and leave the rest. It's important to know if you have "a problem" with food such as obsession or the opposite similar to an alcoholic.
  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    We're going in September, with the full dining plan. I don't plan on tracking anything and will eat whatever I want. Worst case, I put on a few lbs and will take it back off within a few weeks of returning. Meanwhile I'll enjoy my vacation and all the great food they have to offer.

    Don't over think it. Work your plan between now and then, and again when you get back. Just enjoy yourself.

    I went this past March and this was my philosophy. Gaining a few lbs short term is worth having a more enjoyable vacation imo. If you've been sticking to your goals thus far, a week shouldn't break your new habits. GL!
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    I am leaving for Disney one week from today. I have every intention of enjoying it and not stressing over the food. I will log as best I can while I am there but I am not going to eat what I want, when I want and I will worry about any repercussions when I get back to the real world! Vacation is a time for fun and I don't want to spend it stressing over how many calories are in a Mickey shaped ice cream. I just want to enjoy every minute I get to spend with my family :)
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I love Disney! I am going in January for a few days. I say enjoy your time there and don't over think your diet.

    By the way....if you're "pathetic" then I want to be pathetic too! You have a very inspiring story!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I was there a week ago. I was still trying to lose then, with 1600 a day... I ended up maintaining. I had whatever I wanted for breakfast every day (waffles, pancakes with chocolate chips, whatever really), ate a healthy lunch 3 out of 5 days (I had a pastry and a German hotdog at Epcott), and dinner was relatively healthy apart from spaghetti and meatballs once and that horrible pizza that get delivered there another (really, don't waste your calories on that). No snacks except Quest bars here and there.

    I had no problem whatsoever getting back on track when I came back.
  • jsmommy1999
    jsmommy1999 Posts: 35 Member
    We went in March and it really wasn't a problem. I have eaten really clean for a while but I was more worried about there not being any food choices at the restaurants. I just looked at all the menus online before we went. Almost every restaurant has a salad with grilled chicken and honestly the treats are so expensive there that we didn't even buy any for the kids - although I can tell they must be used to us eating like this because I don't think it even occurs to them to ask anymore! I generally lose weight and feel great on vacation because I only eat three times a day (we always eat breakfast at home) walk a lot (instead of working out like a crazy lady) and don't have access to graze out of my pantry! Eating well really is a lifestyle change - you can do it anywhere. You will be fine. I wouldn't give yourself a free pass like Disney is an OK place to binge. Just bring your eating habits with you and you will be great. Have fun!
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Enjoy your vacation!!! I haven't been to Disney World but my daughter and I have annual passes to Disneyland. We go at least once a month. It can been done. If you have any restrictions, etc. and you are dining at a restaurant the chef will accommodate them. I log all my food when we go since we go so often. You will be walking a lot!! Personally I just watch mine because I am diabetic and have to keep the carbs per meal lower than some. Have a magical time!
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I don't really gain weight at Disney - but I do go for their 1/2 marathon weekends sooooo....

    Also sometimes I may eat too big of a meal at one sitting and feel a little physically ill just because I am not used to it. That said they have A LOT more moderate yummy mildly nutritious meals now, more than 2 years ago that's for sure. Try to get a FP+ to Be Our Guest for lunch they had some YUMMY nutritious options I had trouble picking! Look at some of the restaurants menus for res ahead of time there are some great satisfying choices - but not everywhere (esp if you're a vegetarian lol) After Animal Kingdom one day w had a buffet at Boma and they had some reallllly nutritious yummy options. There's a yummy new Mediterranean place in Epcot as well. They have more than one but the new one by the water - forget what it's called - was particularly great tasting.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I went to Cuba in January. I ate as I normally would, except I did not track (near impossible to do so anyway). I got in lots of walking, swimming and drank mostly water. I came back home and maintained. I got back on track soon after and lost 2 lbs that following week.

    Give yourself the break, it sounds like you deserve it. One week of "moderate" tracking will not kill you, or anyone.
  • maureen_30
    maureen_30 Posts: 18 Member
    You're not going to Disney for the food; you're going for the experience of Disney. If I were you, I'd stick to the healthy choices- there's tons of kiosks with wrapped whole apples, oranges, chocolate covered bananas. Stick with one treat a day and you'll walk it off. Split your meals, like someone suggested; the portion sizes are HUGE! Or order from the kids menu or pick an appetizer as your meal. You don't want to regret your trip but you don't want to be so strict that you don't enjoy your dining experiences.

    Have fun and say hi to Harry Potter for all of us!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I did Disney as a kid, and then a few years ago we took our son for 3 days while my wife attended a conference there. We hadn't gotten the memos, so when we arrived we had no place to eat. All restaurants were full. Apparently you can make reservations months in advance. To me that is horribly tedious. The food tends to be very rich, so maybe plan on splitting plates with someone.

    I recommend Mission Space,then all the traditional places, Hall of Presidents, Small World, etc..

    Oh oh, at night, Main Street USA becomes packed with people waiting for the parade.

    If you really want my opinion, skip Disney, make reservations at one of the hotels at Universal, you get treated like royalty, and when you walk up to a ride, the operator knows your name. Much better experience.
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    When we went to Disney a few years back - I actually lost weight - you will do soooooo much walking that I wouldn't worry about it =)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I agree, unless you go to the fancy restaurants or the showcase at Epcott, the food really isn't that great otherwise.
  • dalguard
    dalguard Posts: 36
    I went. I put on a few pounds. I came back. They went away. It was probably mostly water weight from flying and more salt than I usually eat. If you're marching around Disney all day, standing in lines, you probably won't end up exercising, no matter how good your intentions. My feet hurt too much after the first day to add to it with running.

    For me, my pocket book was my best diet. There were things I wanted but was too disgruntled to shell out the ridiculous cost for, so I didn't eat every treat I saw. Like you said, 1 treat a day and trying to make the most sane choice when buying food (I was at a Disney resort so I ate their food the whole week). They do sell veggie burgers and grilled chicken, but it's mostly bacon cheesburgers and chicken nuggets.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I'm going in September too. I've already told myself it'll be a unhealthy eating 10 days but how often do i do it?! Like others have said, i anticipate to do alot of walking and swimming :D

    I say go, enjoy yourself and don't limit, it's your holiday!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I really wouldn't worry about it. Purchase a Fitbit or Jawbone UP they will Sync with MFP. Track the steps you're taking walking all over the place and especially in that area you're going to be doing several miles a day, maybe even more than 10 miles a day just walking around to see everything. IOW it may surprise you to see how many calories you're burning in a day there.

    Have Fun!
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    I miss everything about Disney! I was there with my boyfriend and friends in March. I'm a generally health conscious person, and I found that I had no problem during my vacation. Eat as you please, take the time to enjoy yourself. If you feel you need something a little lighter in calories, they have plenty of salads (I ate a salad at least once a day while there). There's a place in animal kingdom that sells BBQ and they have a chicken salad with chickpeas and tortilla strips with BBQ sauce vinegrette and it was delicious! I ate mine without the chicken.

    Remember to drink lots of water (in the parks, the are required to give you a courtesy cup of water if you simply ask :) ) March can be a pretty hot month there. Also, you'll be doing tons of walking, and with so much to see, food was barely on my mind.

    I brought a big box of Luna bars in my suitcase for my roommates and I, they came in handy for breakfast.

    Enjoy!! I'm truly jealous, I want to go back so badly!