Relationships make you FAT.



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I tend to eat out more when in a relationship so I feel you, OP.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I've spent all my time and energy in the last 15 years fattening up my husband so he can't get away.
  • AnIrishLibra
    AnIrishLibra Posts: 54 Member
    I haven't really found that to be true, I've lost 90 lb since I met my husband two years ago! :-) I think it can work the other way around if your partner is a positive influence in health, fitness, and nutritious eating.

    ^^^ This.

    In my last relationship I gained over 50 lbs because our date nights consisted of eating out ALOT. In my new relationship (started after I began my new lifestyle) our date night consists of making dinner at home, playing xbox or watching Netflix. I know, lame.. but were both on a budget.

    It's not the relationship that makes you fat, it's the unhealthy eating habit.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Not for me. I have been in relationship with my husband for 16 years. I am fit.

    I stay fit because it keeps things sexually exciting for both of us.

    Our recreation is sex. And we enjoy active recreation such as hiking. We dance.

    My husband is a non drinker. I drink very little and was also a non drinker for a decade.

    We even incorporate fitness into our sex life (my husband likes when I lift weights nude and dance).

    Quoted O.O

    Double quoted because I really love this post.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I just lost about 165# today.

    That was a heavy monkey to be carrying around.

    Bet you are hawt and swole.
  • sharky6520
    sharky6520 Posts: 9 Member
    I put on 25 lbs in the first few months after I starter dating my wife. I gained more after having kids. 18 years later and I still haven't gotten back to my weight when we started dating. I am getting very closethough , only 4.6 lbs to go.

    but anyway it wasn't like I was skiiny when we first started dating.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Not for me. I have been in relationship with my husband for 16 years. I am fit.

    I stay fit because it keeps things sexually exciting for both of us.

    Our recreation is sex. And we enjoy active recreation such as hiking. We dance.

    My husband is a non drinker. I drink very little and was also a non drinker for a decade.

    We even incorporate fitness into our sex life (my husband likes when I lift weights nude and dance).

    Quoted O.O

    Double quoted because I really love this post.
    Is this TMI tuesday? :tongue:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    When I'm in relationships, I don't gain weight. I eat the same amount in or out of a relationship and I eat the same kinds of foods, unless I am prepping to compete and/or do a photo shoot, then man or no man, my eating gets very strict. Blame that weight gain on lack of self control.
  • arielnorth237
    arielnorth237 Posts: 21 Member
    Some of the comments are overgeneralized. I wasn't blaming anyone for my weight gain except me, but lets just be honest.....if I wasn't in a relationship I wouldn't have gained all of this weight.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    The only relationship that made me fat was my life long love affair with cupcakes.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    I've been married for ten years this September and my husband is still the same size he was back then. I gained weight from having babies and eating everything not nailed down, not from being with him....oh wait, he kept me pregnant. You may have a point. He did this to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks op. I'll be sure to let him know he made my *kitten* fat!!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Some of the comments are overgeneralized. I wasn't blaming anyone for my weight gain except me, but lets just be honest.....if I wasn't in a relationship I wouldn't have gained all of this weight.

    or, be honest with yourself.... You found him, he found you. You guys fell in love and you didn't have to try anymore, because he loves you for you.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I run the risk of gaining some weight when I'm in a relationship. This is mostly because I love to cook and when I have someone to cook with/for it's even more fun. Since I've focused more on my diet and fitness, however, I have a ton of lighter recipes in my arsenal now so...bring it on! :laugh:
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Not for me. I have been in relationship with my husband for 16 years. I am fit.

    I stay fit because it keeps things sexually exciting for both of us.

    Our recreation is sex. And we enjoy active recreation such as hiking. We dance.

    My husband is a non drinker. I drink very little and was also a non drinker for a decade.

    We even incorporate fitness into our sex life (my husband likes when I lift weights nude and dance).

    Quoted O.O

    Double quoted because I really love this post.
    Is this TMI tuesday? :tongue:

    Ummmm thanks for over sharing
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    I understand. My fiancé and I both made eating out and drinks a regular thing. I gained about 15lbs in the course of our 5 yr relationship and he's gained nearly 30lbs. We're only 26 and 28 so those are kinda scary numbers for me but late last yr I decided to make a change and I'm down almost 20lbs with another 6lbs to go til I'm at "goal". What bums me out though is my fiancé isn't on board with getting fit . Yes he's very busy but it would be nice to have him as a workout partner. Now if I ask him to workout I feel like I'm asking him to take out the trash or something. I tried cutting his portions but he wasn't going for it. We barely eat out now and I try to pack his lunches and breakfasts in the morning so hopefully he avoids junk throughout the day. I hope your successful in your journey and I hope even more you have him as your workout partner. Good luck :drinker:
  • arielnorth237
    arielnorth237 Posts: 21 Member
    Some of the comments are overgeneralized. I wasn't blaming anyone for my weight gain except me, but lets just be honest.....if I wasn't in a relationship I wouldn't have gained all of this weight.

    or, be honest with yourself.... You found him, he found you. You guys fell in love and you didn't have to try anymore, because he loves you for you.


    Lovely choice of words.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member

    your man loves you regardless....thats great!

    glad you decided to kick your own *kitten* back into shape :drinker:
  • GrasslandFairy
    Since I started dating my now husband 4 years ago I've really packed on the pounds. It's not my relationship with him that did it, it was our relationship with pizza.
  • arielnorth237
    arielnorth237 Posts: 21 Member
    I understand. My fiancé and I both made eating out and drinks a regular thing. I gained about 15lbs in the course of our 5 yr relationship and he's gained nearly 30lbs. We're only 26 and 28 so those are kinda scary numbers for me but late last yr I decided to make a change and I'm down almost 20lbs with another 6lbs to go til I'm at "goal". What bums me out though is my fiancé isn't on board with getting fit . Yes he's very busy but it would be nice to have him as a workout partner. Now if I ask him to workout I feel like I'm asking him to take out the trash or something. I tried cutting his portions but he wasn't going for it. We barely eat out now and I try to pack his lunches and breakfasts in the morning so hopefully he avoids junk throughout the day. I hope your successful in your journey and I hope even more you have him as your workout partner. Good luck :drinker:

    Im in the same boat. My bf does not want to get healthy with me. Last night he finished a WHOLE bag of chicken nuggets fit for an entire family while I just imagined how amazing it tastes. His excuse is that "he lifts" so its ok. He says that I should eat whatever I want and workout but I need to cut down. It's hard when you're constantly surrounded by food and happy hours.
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    We even incorporate fitness into our sex life (my husband likes when I lift weights nude and dance).

    … 0_0