Ladies with THICK legs

I have really thick legs, I always have. I refuse to wear shorts even when its 100+ degrees. I am 5'4'' and 159 pounds. My calves are 16.75'' and my thighs are 25 1/2''. I recently lost 24 pounds but my calves haven't changed at all!! I just want to be able to wear shorts and cute summer dresses and feel good in public, hell even in the privacy of my own house. I hate feeling like EVERYONE stares at my GIANT calves! Anyone have any pointers or going through the same thing?


  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Muscle is smaller than fat. Doing strength training will decrease the circumference of both the calf and thigh.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Right, muscle is more condensed than fat so strength training is an option.
  • rightkindofwrong
    rightkindofwrong Posts: 16 Member
    My calves ARE muscle though, under some fat! They are pretty solid.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I changed my response because personally I don't see anything wrong with your legs.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    get some bike shorts to wear under your cute skirts, and rock those super awesome "THICK" legs honey. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a power house! I know this ad is talking about her butt...but check out those sexy legs!

  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    I also have ginormous calves. Mine are about 15.5 inches in girth and they do not shrink... ever. I'm trying to learn to love mine. People compliment them frequently (which I feel like is weird because they're just calves!) and I've been trying to say "thank you" instead of "OMG I hate them." Hopefully saying it will translate into meaning it!

    As for my thighs, those did shrink with weight loss. I've since regained some weight and use body-glide religiously when wearing skirts, dresses, or shorts to avoid the discomfort of chub rub.
  • Pie319
    Pie319 Posts: 129 Member
    I hate feeling like EVERYONE stares at my GIANT calves! Anyone have any pointers or going through the same thing?

    omg me too! i can't buy boots
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    wanna trade calves?

    i want mine biggah.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    Lean to love your imperfections.
    Learn to be comfortable in your own skin.
    Work to improve.
    Realize you can improve your appearance but you will always be you and that's beautiful. :heart:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    First of all, if your profile picture is you, you look beautiful and your legs are amazing.

    You should be rocking short shorts and heels with those stems! for how to make them smaller? Lower body fat. You *can* lower LBM too if that's the sort of thing you're into.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I changed my response because personally I don't see anything wrong with your legs.
    ^^ This. And...
    If that's you in your profile pic, and I'm guessing it is, how can you say that your legs haven't changed? They are visibly smaller in the picture on the right...
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Stop worrying about it. They don't look like big to me. I'm sure no one even notices much less thinks they are "giant". People look at and take in your entire image not just the one tiny detail you seem to focus on. Rock some shorts and skirt. No one is perfect. We are all different. Having thicker legs isn't "wrong". A little self acceptance goes a long way.
  • Strippednaked
    Accept your shape!!! You look awesome!
  • terem00
    terem00 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my legs are slowly shrinking.
    I lost 75lbs and I started measuring after 30lb weight loss. At that point my thighs were 25 and calves were 17.
    Now after the last 35lbs my thighs are 21 and calves are 14.5.
    So far it's taken nearly 2 years to get to this point. My legs look big as I have very big leg muscles in my thighs however have no visible muscle in my calves so it just looks like fat calves.
    I am happy though because just last winter I bought my first pair of knee high boots :smile:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    No one is staring at your calves. Your legs look fine. They're not even that big.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Based on your profile picture, I would say you have some very attractive legs, and perhaps, you should stop being so hard on yourself.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    I came.... looking for thick legs.

    Finding none, I'm leaving now.

  • jmy1975
    jmy1975 Posts: 56 Member
    I have the same problem and living in AZ (where I grew up) I just got used to wearing pants in really hot weather. I tend to where capris and longer skirts and dresses. I also don't see a problem with your legs, but I understand because I have the same issue. I build muscle really easy in my legs and they just get bigger instead of smaller. I even tried running and that helped lean them out a bit. Also yoga and pilates gives you longer leaner muscles rather than bulk. Hope that helps.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I hate feeling like EVERYONE stares at my GIANT calves! Anyone have any pointers or going through the same thing?

    omg me too! i can't buy boots

    I could never buy boots either because my calves are big (from being overweight, not muscle). I found some at Lane Bryant that fit me great. They cut the calves bigger and the shoes are just normal shoe sizes.
  • esthergrub
    esthergrub Posts: 12 Member
    I hate feeling like EVERYONE stares at my GIANT calves!

    People aren't looking at you. They're too busy looking at themselves.

    A larger, muscular body is the potential for strength. Make something of your potential. And quit worrying about other people! :smile: