Any other ladies trying to hit the 120s in the next 5 months

I'm 132 now and would like to be at 120 in 4 to 5 months.

I'd love to hear your progress and success stories! Feel free to friend me so we can stay in touch.


  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I am 147, trying to be @ 120 by May and 139(8pounds down) by feb 14! What kinds of food are you eating? Do you exercise daily?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    130 here and would like to be in the 120's by my birthday next month, but my progress is going slow, hopefully things will speed up a bit, any advice for me ? :smile:
  • NatalieBrooke88
    NatalieBrooke88 Posts: 240 Member
    Right there with you! 120 would be my three month goal! About 15 pound to get there. Right in time for bathing suit weather! Let do it!
  • veronicacannon
    veronicacannon Posts: 107 Member
    I'm in need of some friends to keep me motivated! I'm looking to get to about 120-125 by spring/summer time. I am 143 right now. My hardest thing is eating right. Usually one meal will ruin my day! :(
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Yup! I'd like to be around 120 by the beginning of April (118 would give me 18 lb lost, which would be nice). I've got 10 to go :)

  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    I'm 130 right now and trying to get down to 115 in the next few months (I'll even be happy around 120!) I dropped from 147 to 130 over several months just by dieting alone, but I've plateaued. I started exercising 5 days a week to try and boost my metabolism again - so we'll see! Good luck! I sent you a friend request :P
  • mlm7944
    mlm7944 Posts: 15
    Me, too! I am currently 138lb. and planning to be in the low 120s or less by April 9. I've joined a biggest loser challenge in my area and I'm highly motivated to make my goal. I'm eating a diet recommended to me by a body-builder coworker and friend of my husband's. I've scaled it down to meet my nutritional needs, but it's basically a 40-40-20 ratio of carbs:protein:fat. I'm taking in about 1350 calories a day and trying to burn between 400-500 extra a day.
  • mlm7944
    mlm7944 Posts: 15
    I'm finding that eating meals 3 meals and 2 snacks a day that are between 200-400 calories spaced every 3-4 hours really keeps me satisfied. I'm also trying to drink a ton of water, too. Hopefully you'll find the balance that works for you. Have you tried Kashi Go Lean cereal? It's very filling. I also am finding Pure Protein bars doable. They're definitely not a snickers, but they work to help satisfy my sweet tooth. :)
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    How many pounds are you ladies loosing a week? I am @ about one pound per week, unless I workout everyday. What are some examples of your meals?
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm about a pound a week too. I've been toying with new food plans, trying to listen to what works best for me. I've found I can squash a chocolate or sweet craving with either avocado or raisins :) I'm also trying to eat more fruits and vegetables, and definitely try and stop overeating!

  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    I love this site - great to find so many people in the same boat in 5 min! :) I was REALLY good about my diet this week, and exercised 6 days with circuit training. Running usually changes my body the fastest, but I have a lot of back pain and its been aggravating it, so using different means for now:(

    In general I eat clean, and have cut out processed foods, sugar, bread (I have no will power against it!) and am restricting alcohol. I think a glass of wine here and there is fine, but it usually leads to another glass of wine then 2nds of dinner or dessert for me! Just the first step in falling off the wagon, so I'm avoiding it.

    While extreme, I figure if I can't get in"kick butt" shape and my tiny figure back for my wedding, when will I? That's why I'm going all out and want to get in the best shape of my life!!! Let's do it together.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I'm currently not losing anything :mad: i have been doing turbo fire, at first i lost 2 pounds then i gained the same 2 pounds back, i'm losing motivation, any advice
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi All! I'm also in this range: currently at 138 and would love to be 125 or so within a few months time. Set my first mini-goal of 132 by 1/31/11. MFP gives me 1200 cal a day, and I'm trying to do some kind of exercise 6 days a week.Only one week in, and no change. In fact, feeling very icky:huh: Would love some company, advice, support, etc, etc! Feel free to friend me- dl
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm currently not losing anything :mad: i have been doing turbo fire, at first i lost 2 pounds then i gained the same 2 pounds back, i'm losing motivation, any advice

    i keep telling myself to focus on the changes i'm making to my routine, rather than the results i hope to see. i'm finding that i feel a little triumph every time i make a conscious choice to do something other than (enter random bad habit here...). still it is frustrating and depressing. trust me; i know. but i also know that there are a lot of fabulous people on MFP and with their help, we'll get through it:flowerforyou:
  • meghan171
    I'm currently 136lbs. My original goal was to hit 120lbs the first week of June - just in time for my Vegas vacation. However, I decided to push myself a little & have now set my goal of 120lbs for the first week of April. I'd like to feel confident and comfortable with my body when Spring begins! Good luck with your weight loss!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Thank you so much dleanne, i'm so glad there are people like you to help me getting back to being motivated , and not so focused on the negative, thank you :flowerforyou:
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I'm currently not losing anything :mad: i have been doing turbo fire, at first i lost 2 pounds then i gained the same 2 pounds back, i'm losing motivation, any advice

    i keep telling myself to focus on the changes i'm making to my routine, rather than the results i hope to see. i'm finding that i feel a little triumph every time i make a conscious choice to do something other than (enter random bad habit here...). still it is frustrating and depressing. trust me; i know. but i also know that there are a lot of fabulous people on MFP and with their help, we'll get through it:flowerforyou:

    Do you guys think its harder to lose 10-20 pounds when we are already closer to our goal weight? Bc if I mess up one day, I fel it messes up my weekly weigh in.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I love this site - great to find so many people in the same boat in 5 min! :) I was REALLY good about my diet this week, and exercised 6 days with circuit training. Running usually changes my body the fastest, but I have a lot of back pain and its been aggravating it, so using different means for now:(

    In general I eat clean, and have cut out processed foods, sugar, bread (I have no will power against it!) and am restricting alcohol. I think a glass of wine here and there is fine, but it usually leads to another glass of wine then 2nds of dinner or dessert for me! Just the first step in falling off the wagon, so I'm avoiding it.

    While extreme, I figure if I can't get in"kick butt" shape and my tiny figure back for my wedding, when will I? That's why I'm going all out and want to get in the best shape of my life!!! Let's do it together.

    You are too cute! I'm friending you!!! We can & we will do this, if "WE" don't someone else is--and we will not be left behind!!
  • luvamig
    luvamig Posts: 90 Member
    I am in the same boat too. I'm curious to know how tall every one is.

    I am 5ft even. Current weight 130. Starting weight 143, and goal weight 120.

    That would put me at a healthy BMI, but I wouldn't be "Thin" which is what I want. I am short and curvy so I think getting below 120 wouldn't look right... we'll see when I get there I guess.
  • luvamig
    luvamig Posts: 90 Member
    Do you guys think its harder to lose 10-20 pounds when we are already closer to our goal weight? Bc if I mess up one day, I fel it messes up my weekly weigh in.

    YES! I feel like the first 10lbs just fell off. Now I have been stuck between 132 and 130 for a few weeks with little change.