Cyclist v Motorist



  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I live in the countryside in England and there are plenty of cyclists (I mean the ones in the lycra with proper bikes) especially on hot days. On the whole it's not really an issue because single riders or even 2 side by side riders still leave plenty of room to get by on the straight stretches of road. I am a pretty patient person and will quite happily crawl behind on the bendy bits because I know I can get by soon enough.
    However sometimes we get 5 or 6 or more who take up the whole road, know you are behind them but make no effort to move at all so you can at least get past and get on your way. They only move over when a car is coming in the opposite direction and then you can't get passed anyway.

    I agree that car drivers need more to be aware of cyclists but trust me some cyclists are not whiter than white either.

    I also have a problem with horse riders who don't wear hi-vis gear but that's a completely different topic.
  • tristan299
    tristan299 Posts: 2,537 Member
    Don't get me started on this, I might never stop.

    Just one thing. If you're driving a motorised vehicle, please, please, please, put your phone down. And leave it there. Please.

    I'm not saying anything else, I might start ranting...

  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I figure I'd be pretty rude to a car going 10 mph in front of me causing a traffic jam, too. It's not the vehicle, it's the "I'm entitled to cause a traffic jam" attitude.

    And there is your problem. you tarnishing every cyclist with the same brush. My average speed is 18mph on my bike. I cycle 2 miles to and from work. I have "race" a friend to work him in his van me on my bike. I beat him in by about 10 seconds as it is down hill so was able to up my overall speed. Going home is different, i beat him by about 5 minutes even though it's up hill. Due to traffic I am able to go passed waiting vehicles, safely as motor cycles also do, this I find hacks of car drivers because they have to sit and wait. My answer to those people is, get a bike you lazy git. Anyway over a short distance a bike is just as, if not quicker than a car depending on your fitness levels.

    I know you may have said this jokingly, but this is the feeling I get from a lot of bikers in my area (Southern California). A lot of them think they are better than those of us driving in cars and we are simply lazy. I would love to ride a bike everywhere, but I have 2 small kids and live in the spreadout suburbs of So Cal where it's not feasible to ride a bike. I don't particularly like cyclists - I only encounter them on my commute to and from work. It's annoying when you get by one only to get stuck at a light and they pass you, so when the light turns green you have to get around them again. And again, and again, LOL. But I always try and give them enough room because I understand we have to share the road. With that said, there are a lot of *kitten* drivers who go out of their way to cutoff cyclists and motorcycles. So if I were a cyclist, i'd probably be pretty pissed off all the time and have a bad attitude towards drivers too.
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    I don't know what cyclists are like in America..but in Ireland they're, on the whole, a danger. I live in rural Ireland and my praticular county is a mecca for cyclists. However, we do not have cycle paths and our roads are pretty awful. I've been stuck behind groups of cyclists (it's a rarity that you'll only find one) for up to an hour as they use the whole road and will not pull into laybys to allow the build up of traffic behind them to pass.
    This can lead to dangerous driving by frustrated drivers.
    I don't know about the cities..but I've head and seen some serious incidents of cyclists verbally abusing car and bus drivers and one some occasions slapping the roofs of cars and trying to snap off car mirors (I really am being serious) There is also a terrible issue of cycling on footpaths and breaking lights. I've also stared in amazement as a man texted while cycling through about an accident waiitng to happen. This gives the impression that cyclists think that they are above the law.

    I've also seen some terrible behaviour from drivers who think they rule the roads. This ignorance isn't usually limited to cyclists, but to tractor, bus and elderly drivers.

    I think it's great that people do cycle, lets face it, we can do without the extra traffic and pollution but they are still road users and should abide by the rules of the road and extend the courtesy that they would like themselves.
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    I figure I'd be pretty rude to a car going 10 mph in front of me causing a traffic jam, too. It's not the vehicle, it's the "I'm entitled to cause a traffic jam" attitude.

    And there is your problem. you tarnishing every cyclist with the same brush. My average speed is 18mph on my bike. I cycle 2 miles to and from work. I have "race" a friend to work him in his van me on my bike. I beat him in by about 10 seconds as it is down hill so was able to up my overall speed. Going home is different, i beat him by about 5 minutes even though it's up hill. Due to traffic I am able to go passed waiting vehicles, safely as motor cycles also do, this I find hacks of car drivers because they have to sit and wait. My answer to those people is, get a bike you lazy git. Anyway over a short distance a bike is just as, if not quicker than a car depending on your fitness levels.

    #1) I doubt you're going to be going 18 mph.
    #2) That's still much less than half the 45-50 I'd be able to go without a cyclist in the way.
    #3) If you want to bicycle the 45 miles I currently drive to work, that's fine with me, but I'm not willing to put in that kind of effort.
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    I figure I'd be pretty rude to a car going 10 mph in front of me causing a traffic jam, too. It's not the vehicle, it's the "I'm entitled to cause a traffic jam" attitude.

    The funny thing is, you would probably be sitting in a real traffic jam and not just needing to wait a moment to safely pass if all the bike riders decided to start taking their cars out.

    Yeah, that one extra (or different, if it's a car in the scenario) car would totally destroy any advantage gained by being able to drive a normal speed.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I have a rather unique method of dealing with rude *kitten* in cars. I pull out my baton, open it, and smash their passenger side window. I did this two days ago to some young dbag in a truck who pulled up beside me, honked the horn, and then started edging me off the road. After I broke his window, like the true coward he is, he sped off, ignoring my pleas to get out of his truck.

    I have been known to throw hard boiled eggs at cars who are really stupid. I live in SW VA where the ignorant, truck driving, redneck population is through the roof. Dbags who think cyclists have no rights to the road. These *kitten* actually TARGET cyclists on back roads, so I take steps to protect myself and my other riders. I also have been known to carry a .380..just in case.

    I stay as far right as I can, obey all traffic signs, and stop at all lights. I signal at every turn. I absolutely abhor rude drivers. If you don't have the damn common sense to go around a cyclist, do everyone a favor and stay the hell off the roads.

    The guy who started this thread is far more respectful of idiot drivers than I am. I don't tolerate being bullied by idiots just because they think they are entitled to the road.

    That's a nice way to get yourself shot by an angry armed driver or arrested.
  • tristan299
    tristan299 Posts: 2,537 Member
    I figure I'd be pretty rude to a car going 10 mph in front of me causing a traffic jam, too. It's not the vehicle, it's the "I'm entitled to cause a traffic jam" attitude.

    And there is your problem. you tarnishing every cyclist with the same brush. My average speed is 18mph on my bike. I cycle 2 miles to and from work. I have "race" a friend to work him in his van me on my bike. I beat him in by about 10 seconds as it is down hill so was able to up my overall speed. Going home is different, i beat him by about 5 minutes even though it's up hill. Due to traffic I am able to go passed waiting vehicles, safely as motor cycles also do, this I find hacks of car drivers because they have to sit and wait. My answer to those people is, get a bike you lazy git. Anyway over a short distance a bike is just as, if not quicker than a car depending on your fitness levels.

    #1) I doubt you're going to be going 18 mph.
    #2) That's still much less than half the 45-50 I'd be able to go without a cyclist in the way.
    #3) If you want to bicycle the 45 miles I currently drive to work, that's fine with me, but I'm not willing to put in that kind of effort.

    SMH, sometimes I really dis-pare with why people doubt what you say. Why tf would I make it up? I doubt you drive a car 45 miles, I doubt you can drive, I doubt you own a car. Mate, it is my humble opinion (moderators please take note it is an opinion and we are entitled to those) you are one of those car drives that think only you should be on the road.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member

    #1) I doubt you're going to be going 18 mph.
    #2) That's still much less than half the 45-50 I'd be able to go without a cyclist in the way.
    #3) If you want to bicycle the 45 miles I currently drive to work, that's fine with me, but I'm not willing to put in that kind of effort.

    SMH, sometimes I really dis-pare with why people doubt what you say. Why tf would I make it up? I doubt you drive a car 45 miles, I doubt you can drive, I doubt you own a car. Mate, it is my humble opinion (moderators please take note it is an opinion and we are entitled to those) you are one of those car drives that think only you should be on the road.

    You're right too many muppets around here - WTF would anyone doubt the 18mph - unless they have zero clue about cycling?
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Yeah, physical confrontation isn't very smart, since you don't know who you're dealing with. I learned that lesson when i was younger & dumber. A better solution - tell them you have the incident on video and that they have 2 choices - either you take the video to the police, or they apologize on video, which will go on Youtube for everyone to see. If you can't afford a GoPro, you can buy a clip-on MD80 camcorder on Ebay for $7, plus a 8GB Sandisk card for $5
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    #1) I doubt you're going to be going 18 mph.
    #2) That's still much less than half the 45-50 I'd be able to go without a cyclist in the way.
    #3) If you want to bicycle the 45 miles I currently drive to work, that's fine with me, but I'm not willing to put in that kind of effort.

    SMH, sometimes I really dis-pare with why people doubt what you say. Why tf would I make it up? I doubt you drive a car 45 miles, I doubt you can drive, I doubt you own a car. Mate, it is my humble opinion (moderators please take note it is an opinion and we are entitled to those) you are one of those car drives that think only you should be on the road.

    You're right too many muppets around here - WTF would anyone doubt the 18mph - unless they have zero clue about cycling?

    My Brompton is perfectly capable of 20-25mph for sustained periods, never mind my road bike.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't know about the cities..but I've head and seen some serious incidents of cyclists verbally abusing car and bus drivers and one some occasions slapping the roofs of cars and trying to snap off car mirors (I really am being serious)
    I know people who have said they have done that on motorcycles- I have been tempted- but I'm honestly more worried I'll launch myself the opposite direction and wind up with a busted bike and broken hand LOL iit's not a great idea either way- you have no idea who you are threatening.
    I think it's great that people do cycle, lets face it, we can do without the extra traffic and pollution but they are still road users and should abide by the rules of the road and extend the courtesy that they would like themselves.

    I think that's applicable for every person in any vehicle on the road.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    I have a rather unique method of dealing with rude *kitten* in cars. I pull out my baton, open it, and smash their passenger side window. I did this two days ago to some young dbag in a truck who pulled up beside me, honked the horn, and then started edging me off the road. After I broke his window, like the true coward he is, he sped off, ignoring my pleas to get out of his truck.

    I have been known to throw hard boiled eggs at cars who are really stupid. I live in SW VA where the ignorant, truck driving, redneck population is through the roof. Dbags who think cyclists have no rights to the road. These *kitten* actually TARGET cyclists on back roads, so I take steps to protect myself and my other riders. I also have been known to carry a .380..just in case.

    I stay as far right as I can, obey all traffic signs, and stop at all lights. I signal at every turn. I absolutely abhor rude drivers. If you don't have the damn common sense to go around a cyclist, do everyone a favor and stay the hell off the roads.

    The guy who started this thread is far more respectful of idiot drivers than I am. I don't tolerate being bullied by idiots just because they think they are entitled to the road.

    That's a nice way to get yourself shot by an angry armed driver or arrested.

    Maybe so. It's also a good way of handling a dangerous problem.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I have a rather unique method of dealing with rude *kitten* in cars. I pull out my baton, open it, and smash their passenger side window. I did this two days ago to some young dbag in a truck who pulled up beside me, honked the horn, and then started edging me off the road. After I broke his window, like the true coward he is, he sped off, ignoring my pleas to get out of his truck.

    I have been known to throw hard boiled eggs at cars who are really stupid. I live in SW VA where the ignorant, truck driving, redneck population is through the roof. Dbags who think cyclists have no rights to the road. These *kitten* actually TARGET cyclists on back roads, so I take steps to protect myself and my other riders. I also have been known to carry a .380..just in case.

    I stay as far right as I can, obey all traffic signs, and stop at all lights. I signal at every turn. I absolutely abhor rude drivers. If you don't have the damn common sense to go around a cyclist, do everyone a favor and stay the hell off the roads.

    The guy who started this thread is far more respectful of idiot drivers than I am. I don't tolerate being bullied by idiots just because they think they are entitled to the road.

    That's a nice way to get yourself shot by an angry armed driver or arrested.

    Maybe so. It's also a good way of handling a dangerous problem.

    it doesn't really handle it honestly- it mostly just pisses people off.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    I have a rather unique method of dealing with rude *kitten* in cars. I pull out my baton, open it, and smash their passenger side window. I did this two days ago to some young dbag in a truck who pulled up beside me, honked the horn, and then started edging me off the road. After I broke his window, like the true coward he is, he sped off, ignoring my pleas to get out of his truck.

    I have been known to throw hard boiled eggs at cars who are really stupid. I live in SW VA where the ignorant, truck driving, redneck population is through the roof. Dbags who think cyclists have no rights to the road. These *kitten* actually TARGET cyclists on back roads, so I take steps to protect myself and my other riders. I also have been known to carry a .380..just in case.

    I stay as far right as I can, obey all traffic signs, and stop at all lights. I signal at every turn. I absolutely abhor rude drivers. If you don't have the damn common sense to go around a cyclist, do everyone a favor and stay the hell off the roads.

    The guy who started this thread is far more respectful of idiot drivers than I am. I don't tolerate being bullied by idiots just because they think they are entitled to the road.

    That's a nice way to get yourself shot by an angry armed driver or arrested.

    Maybe so. It's also a good way of handling a dangerous problem.

    it doesn't really handle it honestly- it mostly just pisses people off.

    Yes, but it also shows them that cyclists don't necessarily make easy targets. Add a little fear in the mix, drivers are really quick to start being respectful. And I'm all bunched up about pissing sorry *kitten* drivers off.
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    Where I live, both sides are the problem. Cyclists here generally feel entitled to do whatever the hell they want, so they fluctuate between being a motorist and adhering to road laws, and being a pedestrian, which makes them completely unpredictable. Then the vehicularly-inclined get really jaded and just go for broke, because they don't know wtf the cyclists are doing anyway and why should they care (or something... I dunno). As a cyclist, no one knows what to do with me because I adhere to the road laws... cyclists swear at me when I stop at a red light, and cars don't know what to do when I attempt to follow 4-way stop sign rules.

    Unfortunately, the entire thing comes down to impatience and a false sense of entitlement. If both would just ease the hell up a bit, exercise a bit of patience, give themselves more time to get places, and OBEY THE LAW, both parties would have a much better time on the road. And yes, I'm allowed to say that, as both a driver AND a cyclist. :D
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I have a rather unique method of dealing with rude *kitten* in cars. I pull out my baton, open it, and smash their passenger side window. I did this two days ago to some young dbag in a truck who pulled up beside me, honked the horn, and then started edging me off the road. After I broke his window, like the true coward he is, he sped off, ignoring my pleas to get out of his truck.

    I have been known to throw hard boiled eggs at cars who are really stupid. I live in SW VA where the ignorant, truck driving, redneck population is through the roof. Dbags who think cyclists have no rights to the road. These *kitten* actually TARGET cyclists on back roads, so I take steps to protect myself and my other riders. I also have been known to carry a .380..just in case.

    I stay as far right as I can, obey all traffic signs, and stop at all lights. I signal at every turn. I absolutely abhor rude drivers. If you don't have the damn common sense to go around a cyclist, do everyone a favor and stay the hell off the roads.

    The guy who started this thread is far more respectful of idiot drivers than I am. I don't tolerate being bullied by idiots just because they think they are entitled to the road.

    That's a nice way to get yourself shot by an angry armed driver or arrested.

    Maybe so. It's also a good way of handling a dangerous problem.

    it doesn't really handle it honestly- it mostly just pisses people off.

    Yes, but it also shows them that cyclists don't necessarily make easy targets. Add a little fear in the mix, drivers are really quick to start being respectful. And I'm all bunched up about pissing sorry *kitten* drivers off.

    you know-on a bike- right or wrong- you're still dead.

    this is the philosophy of motorcyclist and while lashing out seems like a reasonable reaction- it's still stupid since you are on the losing end of the battle. several ton vehicle- 200 pounds total with your bike and you? not a battle worth fighting.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Cyclist have to follow the same rules of the road as drivers... and drivers need to understand that us cyclist have the same rules as they do. If its not safe to pass me on my bike, then don't. If the speed limit is 25 and i'm riding at 25.. don't pass me. If i'm taking a left guess what.. I own the lane.

    I am always respectful to drivers when im on my bike and always respectful to cyclist when im driving. People need to slow the eff down and stop being in a rush to get from a to b.
  • wub726
    wub726 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm glad I don't live in NJ, your attitude stinks and exactly the type of driver that is the issue. I've been riding for years and I'm always curtious and so are my fellow cyclist. I just hope you don't kill someone with your driving attitude.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Not to keep hitting the nail on the head over and over but the truth is that the problem is not in the drivers or the riders but in the government's failure to adapt the infrastructure to safely support both.
    Sadly, I don't think it would cost them an arm and a leg either and yet they trot out the money as an excuse.