Will I stop sweating like a beast while exercising?



  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Who knows?
    I hated it at first; now I see it as a badge of courage. :happy:
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    You're not alone. I sweat like that too. Even after working out and showering I'm still overheated for a while. I don't worry about it though. I'll take the sweat over sitting around not doing anything:)
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    Now that I am in maintenance, I sweat just as much as, if not more, while exercising. I hate it--the biggest reason being I always have to replace my earbuds.

    But if I'm in a warm place doing not much of anything (i.e., on a sidewalk in the sun waiting for the bus), I won't sweat like I used to. And I think that's a good thing.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I sweat a lot too and I HATE it. But it reassures me that I'm doing something right.
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    NOPE!!! I sweat like BEAST! Did at 216 lbs and still do at 147!!!

    I'm a head sweater big time. It only takes like 10 minutes and my hair is COMPLETELY soaked like I just took a shower.

    Who cares? You're at the gym. You're supposed to sweat. Just make sure you hydrate well!!
  • TheDarkestStar87
    TheDarkestStar87 Posts: 246 Member
    hates sweating with a passion. <
    sweats to the point of hair soaking wet all the time, any weather, doing anything. <
    would not mind if ever sweats again. <
    hates hubbs WHO NEVER SWEATS.

    And I thought that was just me... not feeling so alone after reading through these posts. I sweat so easily even just walking down the street in the sun. Don't even get me started on how I look after a run...
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have got to the stage were I will take two or three t-shirts with me when I go to the gym because I'm sweating so much lol but I love the sweat
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    You'll likely sweat sooner and more profusely as you get into better shape, unfortunately.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Maybe. But I'm at a very healthy weight and am soaked when I'm done working out. Ick.
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    I actually sweat more than 50 lbs. ago. Like, a lot more. And I wouldn't say I'm pushing harder than I was back then. (I mean, I use more weight, run longer, do harder things, but it all seems to push me to the same relative place.)

    If I don't have a towel and use it constantly, I end up drinking the seat pouring down my face. And if, for some reason, I work out in the evening and go to sleep without showering, my ponytail will still be wet in the morning when I take it down. (yes, that's gross. and no, I don't do this on the regular.)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Who knows? In my opinion, sweating should be part of working out - if you don't sweat, you're not working very hard! Everyone is different, but I can tell you I'm at my goal weight and I sweat big time when I work out. I bring a towel to the gym to mop up, because my gym does not provide them - many gyms do. I say be proud of of your hard work and don't worry about the sweating!

    Incorrect. As you stated in your following sentence (so this makes me frustrated to type this)- every person and their cooling mechanisms are different.
    efficient and quality of work outs is directly NOT related to the amount of sweat you produce.

    sitting in a sauna makes me sweat.. not a good workout.
    Riding my motorcycle makes me sweat- not a good workout.
    Lifting- not much sweat- great workout.

    I sweat intensely AFTER a HIIT session-
    I sweat intensely AFTER zumba
    I sweat intensely after sprints

    I sweat intensely WHILE on the stairmaster

    I sweat a little while lifting.

    some people sweat intensely while lift- others sweat very little.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I sweat a lot...I did when I was fat and I still do. Embrace the perspiration....

  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    sweat is fat crying. at least that's what I tell myself lol
  • GeapetCore
    GeapetCore Posts: 32 Member
    Love it! I will laugh today while exercising, thinking about the fat crying.
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    Embrace the sweat, it means you kicked some serious *kitten*.

    yep I agree, I love it when the sweat drips off because I feel like I have worked intensely. Not all workouts make me sweat like that so when I do I embrace it :wink:
  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    I don't really have a definitive answer for you, just want to say that sweating while working out is a good thing....................... yeah it can be annoying, especially when it starts dripping in your eyes. It may not look attractive or make you feel pretty but since that is not the purpose of working out then what the hell. It's the sweating like a pig during normal activities that drives me up the wall, but I'm pretty sure that is down to my medical issues and does seem to be easing up a little as I lose weight & get fitter.
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    I'm an average weight for my size, my friend is massively overweight, I always sweat more than her, I think it's got to be partially genetics, I also suffer with Rosacea (so fair skinned) I always figured that must have something to do with it. I say embrace it because I doubt you can change it.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Once when I had an injury that meant I couldn't run, I tried a spin class. I wasn't even tired at the end but was the only person in the class who had to put their towel over the handlebars because the sheer quantity of sweat was stopping the gears working. :blushing:

    But I sweat much less than I used to while doing everyday activities like walking briskly up a hill.
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    Some people just sweat - I too had hoped to sweat less as I lost weight but it didn't happen. I still turn bright red and sweat profusely when exercising (so do my siblings and parents) so its genetic for me.

    Like the person above though, I don't sweat as much just walking around as I did, so there is a slight plus :)
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Sweat is just fat crying!!!

    I'm overweight and don't sweat much that can be seen (my scalp is another matter and when I take my hair band out my hair will be wet), I must sweat some as a couple of runs that I've taken part in have had mist showers to keep you cool and I can taste the salt on my lips after being in them but I just don't sweat enough for people to notice.