How important is it to "eat clean"



  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?
    its science brah. i never said fat loss, could be muscle loss too depending on what you eat. WHAT you eat effects health, HOW MUCH you eat effects weight loss/gain.

    did you come here just to question statements that have been proven time and time again to be effective?

    I'm just an old cynic and just don't believe that it IS science - I know .. here we go again . but I'm not convinced.

    I agree that HOW MUCH YOU EAT affects your weight BUT it does not hold that foods with the same calorific value have the exact same effect on the body. The calorific value is 'estimated' by BURNING a substance in a Bomb Calorimeter .. a COMPLETELY different process to that used by our bodies to metabolise (or not) what we eat.

    Y'all can hold on to your religious beliefs if you like but I'll keep looking for SCIENTIFIC proof .... and I seriously don't believe that it's available yet.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    ^ This is what you need to know.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?
    its science brah. i never said fat loss, could be muscle loss too depending on what you eat. WHAT you eat effects health, HOW MUCH you eat effects weight loss/gain.

    did you come here just to question statements that have been proven time and time again to be effective?

    And there is the rub...aren't we all trying to lose fat?? Who here is dieting to lose muscle? Show of hands...

    Me. Not so much anymore, but my arms and chest, legacies from bodybuilding and power sports are not useful in my current cycling. I don't look like a road cyclist at all :S
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    i wasnt comparing insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes, i was comparing people with insulin resistance to people who dont have such issues

    any time you talk about someone with a medical issue that effects weight loss it IS a separate case, people with insulin resistance is a special case. their bodies react differently and therefore store fat differently when exposed to excess sugar amounts, so its kinda like comparing apples and oranges.

    Again, 35% of the American public is prediabetic so it already applies to a large portion of people trying to lose weight. Additionally eating refined sugar causes insulin resistance which is my big overall point. That's why you can't blindly say that eating a 25% of your calories from refined sugar (what the average American does) will produce the same results because it's likely this diet if continued will at minimum lead to increased insulin resistance.
    35% of the american population, not the world. im not american, and if im not mistaken america has the highest rates of diabetes so that would be a worst case scenario if we're talking a general population standpoint

    but in any case i do see your point, although im not inclined to agree insulin resistance is so easily achieved

    You are mistaken.

    India is the country with the most people with diabetes, with a current figure of 50.8 million, followed by China with 43.2 million. Behind them the United States (26.8 million); the Russian Federation (9.6 million); Brazil (7.6 million); Germany (7.5 million); Pakistan (7.1 million); Japan (7.1 million); Indonesia (7 million) and Mexico (6.8 million).

    When it comes to the percentage of adult population living with diabetes, the new data reveal the devastating impact of diabetes across the Gulf Region, where five of the Gulf States are among the top ten countries affected. The Pacific island nation of Nauru has the world’s highest rate of diabetes, with almost a third of its adult population (30.9%) living with the disease. It is followed by the United Arab Emirates (18.7%); Saudi Arabia (16.8%); Mauritius (16.2%); Bahrain (15.4%); Reunion (15.3%); Kuwait (14.6%); Oman (13.4%); Tonga (13.4%) and Malaysia (11.6%).
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    I try to eat "clean" most of the time (80-20). Only because, if I dont, it affects my performance in the gym.

    One time I had two Boston creme donuts about an hour before working out and I felt horrible. Huge mistake. That compared to two eggs and cheddar on a skinny wheat bagel and some oatmeal with whey and a banana (roughly 500 cals) made a huge difference in terms of how I FELT.

    That being said, I usually have a treat every day (cup of ice cream, cookie, miniature candies) since I can fit it within my goal.

    I have a sweet tooth, so it's awesome to know that the one time I had a huge ice cream sundae for dinner, it didn't negatively affect my progress.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?

    Nope, it's the same old mumbo jumbo...ONE person ate a diet consisting mostly of junk (the so-called "twinkie diet") and lost some weight, therefore, screw nutritional value and just eat whatever the eff you want, always, as long as you count calories!
    I, too, am sick of hearing this MFP dogma...

    I'm another one sick of hearing this MFP dogma. The problem is some actually fall for it like the gal on another thread eating at a calorie deficit, nothing but fast food and wondering why she isn't losing weight. As soon as anyone mentions eating healthy foods or eating clean there is a huge backlash because they want their unhealthy eating habits, heaps of twinkies and ice cream AND expect to lose the weight as long as they are at a calorie deficit. Yep, go ahead and eat the junk then report back when you can't lose the weight or are trying to adjust to diet related health problems :grumble:
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member

    You are mistaken.

    India is the country with the most people with diabetes, with a current figure of 50.8 million, followed by China with 43.2 million. Behind them the United States (26.8 million); the Russian Federation (9.6 million); Brazil (7.6 million); Germany (7.5 million); Pakistan (7.1 million); Japan (7.1 million); Indonesia (7 million) and Mexico (6.8 million).

    When it comes to the percentage of adult population living with diabetes, the new data reveal the devastating impact of diabetes across the Gulf Region, where five of the Gulf States are among the top ten countries affected. The Pacific island nation of Nauru has the world’s highest rate of diabetes, with almost a third of its adult population (30.9%) living with the disease. It is followed by the United Arab Emirates (18.7%); Saudi Arabia (16.8%); Mauritius (16.2%); Bahrain (15.4%); Reunion (15.3%); Kuwait (14.6%); Oman (13.4%); Tonga (13.4%) and Malaysia (11.6%).
    those are raw numbers not percentages, india and china having the 2 largest populations in the world that puts them more in the middle of the list by percentage (around 3-4% each)

    but thats surprising that america is number 74 in the world by percentage, i wouldve expected them to be much higher considering the overweight population percentage
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?
    its science brah. i never said fat loss, could be muscle loss too depending on what you eat. WHAT you eat effects health, HOW MUCH you eat effects weight loss/gain.

    did you come here just to question statements that have been proven time and time again to be effective?

    And there is the rub...aren't we all trying to lose fat?? Who here is dieting to lose muscle? Show of hands...

    No! Some are trying to lose weight not really caring whether it is fat, muscle or and arm and a leg. Others are trying to maintain and some are trying to gain. Others are just here for the tracking, fitness advice, and gif :laugh:
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Hi all,

    How important is it to eat "clean"?! Surely eating a low fat sandwich of say 300 calories is better than eating a "clean" meal of double that?! Does it really matter WHAT you eat? I'm not saying i want to eat complete junk...I don't. But sometimes i eat on the go and i just grab the healthiest option which may not be considered "clean" but is lower in calories than a cleaner option...

    Thanks! xxx

    If you are concerned over weight loss only then it doesn't matter what you eat. If you are concerned over healthy eating then eating clean is paramount, IMO. I do think it matters what you eat in terms of physical and mental well being. I eat clean for a multitude of reasons but weight loss was never one of them.


    There's no point explaining to a closed mind. And your mind is clearly closed...
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The problem is some actually fall for it like the gal on another thread eating at a calorie deficit, nothing but fast food and wondering why she isn't losing weight.

    She isn't losing weight because she isn't eating a deficit.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    not trying to lose, I'm trying to gain. :)
  • FitWifey79
    FitWifey79 Posts: 17 Member
    I personally try to eat clean because I feel like I'm kinda killing two bird with one stone. I stay within my calories and I'm getting my nutrients I need. I do think that where it gets confusing is that many people eat clean INSTEAD of counting calories, if that makes sense. They simply eat higher protein, lower carb and suger and this helps them to lose weight in itself, vs. low calorie options that may contain these. I know many people who eat "clean" and don't count anything and lose weight. So I'm kind of trying to do both? Eat clean when possible.. but I of course do eat my chocolate when I want and for that reason, I like to still count my calories. It is possible to do both if you desire to.

    Hope that helped! :)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    One of these days they'll figure out how to inject beer with a perfect blend of nutrition and we'll never have to eat healthy things ever again.

    Wait, beer doesn't have the perfect blend of nutrition?! Dang it, I've been doing this ALL WRONG!

  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    calories in vs calories out for weight loss, everything else is for general health. if you eat 500 cals of candy vs 500 cals of chicken and broccoli you would lose the same amount of weight, but the chicken and broccoli will be more filling and give you more nutrients

    You know this for a FACT do you? or are you trotting out the standard MFP mantra?
    its science brah. i never said fat loss, could be muscle loss too depending on what you eat. WHAT you eat effects health, HOW MUCH you eat effects weight loss/gain.

    did you come here just to question statements that have been proven time and time again to be effective?

    And there is the rub...aren't we all trying to lose fat?? Who here is dieting to lose muscle? Show of hands...
    the question was about weight loss. i gave an answer referring to weight loss. that being said you will still lose fat no matter the diet the ratio of fat to muscle will just be lower for someone who eats *kitten*.

    there is much more support from studies for CICO then there are arguments against it, for good reason

    i actually would like to lose some muscle on my legs, shopping for jeans is a pain in the *kitten*....

    Well, it's a proven fact that disuse causes muscle there ya go. Good luck, bro!
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    its not
  • erinj16
    erinj16 Posts: 32 Member
    This is totally untrue. It's a proven scientific fact that when you eat a lot of sugar, it eventually ends up as fat.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I generally don't like it when someone calls other people stupid, but OMG it's no f***ing wonder that people all over the word are becoming increasingly overweight!
    I am no saint when it comes to cookies and cakes, but I am very well aware that they hold no nutritional value for me, and I only eat them in limited amounts if I feel like a treat. Pre-processed foods, fast foods and pretty much anything that is full of e-number is just **** you stuff into your systems that will do you absolutely no good EVER! Anyone who says anything else should consider if they have been living unhealthy for so long that their brain has starter to deteriorate. And yes that will happen according to the latest studies in neuroscience.
    I thought this forum was for people who wanted to improve their lives and live better, not bully others (and yes I know I will get shot for this post by all the ignorant ****** that think they know better) because they don't sit down with a bag of chips and claim they eat well because they eat within their calorie limit, COME ON, how stupid are you!?
    I think I'm done with the forum now, nothing but utter idiocy around here.....
    lol where did this come from

    RAAAAAAAGE :explode:

    It's not that serious, y'all.

    I like eating food, I eat a lot of it. I guess I probably eat 75% "clean" but I'm not trying to. I prefer meat, yogurt, seeds, brown rice, eggs, etc to poptarts and cake. Just my preference.

    No one needs to cut out "bad" food to lose weight. Angry lady, you will never convince me that dunkin donuts butter pecan iced coffee is bad for me.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    This is totally untrue. It's a proven scientific fact that when you eat a lot of sugar, it eventually ends up as fat.
    its proven science that if you eat alot of anything that it eventually ends up as fat
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I do not think that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Different foods effect you in different ways both mentally and physically. While I'm not a huge fan of the "eating clean" mantra I suppose in practice that is how I eat. I'm not talking about never eating a piece of cake ever again and you do the best you can. We all have busy lives. However I think that eating more nutritious foods will make you more full and help balance your hormones. Your hormones have much to do with food cravings so if you eat 500 calories of candy as opposed to 500 calories of chicken and broccoli you will be battling cravings and will more than likely eat more. It's one thing to talk about eating at a calorie deficit and another thing to eat foods that will set you up for success to actually do that and stick with it. Personally, I have also found that I can eat much more when "eating clean" and I believe it is because my body is running more efficiently and I've set my metabolism up for success. I am really sensitive to sugar and have to keep it a minimum or the food cravings get really out of control. Yes, I know that no matter what I can choose to not have another piece of cake or another bite of ice cream...but if I can make it easier on myself by eating certain things and not others I don't see how that's bad.