Remember the day you said enough is enough?????



  • 4492
    4492 Posts: 15
    good for you, I hate that it has to take rock bottom for us to see the light, but now we have each other to help one another.
  • 4492
    4492 Posts: 15
    This particular time it was back in November 2010. I was following my oldest daughter's 4H group in the local Christmas parade. We were the first group in the parade. From the git-go, I started following behind. The smaller kids like my daughter were riding in a horse drawn wagon with the bigger kids, the leader, and a few other parents following behind on foot. The further down the parade route we got, the further behind I got. It was horrible. I used to be able to walk and walk and walk. After a while, I actually fell out of the parade because I was holding the rest it up. There was a HUGE gap between our group and the next. I DID finish the parade, but I felt miserable and humiliated. I vowed then that next year I would finish the parade WITH the group.

    Just after this I decided to step on the scale and see just how bad my weight had gotten. The day before Thanksgiving, I weighed in at 301lbs. That day I began to change my life.
    good for you, I hate that it has to take rock bottom for us to see the light, but now we have each other to help one another.
  • mine, was October 2010, when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and was just tired of being FAT!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I didn't have one particular day but in late October I just though after Halloween I am going to get rid of junk and watch what I eat and start going to gym. I had downloaded the mfp app to my iphone but never used it. But since Nov 1 I have been logging and exercising very regularly!
  • mine was recently in early December 2010 and it was actually a process over a matter of days. i lost my car and saw myself forced to ride the bus. i remembered cycling daily in my early 20s and really wanted to pick that up again. at 268 lbs, i realized there was no way my FAT butt would survive a bike ride even for just a block. that made me sad, but as always i brushed it off and ignored the need to take care of myself. a couple of days later, i was trying to decide what to do for my birthday (12/30), when i realized there's a 230lb weight limit to sky diving... that triggered a series of thoughts and emotions 'causing everything around me to come crashing down on me. so on December 10, 2010 i walked into LA Fitness and signed up for a gym membership for the first time in my life. On 12/15/2010, i started a year long program with a personal trainer, four times a week. here I am now, almost a month later, and so far i've lost 17 pounds.
  • dainj
    dainj Posts: 25 Member
    I moved from London, England to Cairo, Egypt to experience something new. Out on the town one night I noticed I was actually the fattest girl in the was a cool venue but small and hot, I felt ugly and fat. As I was around new friends and not my usual crew back in the UK I felt aware that this was their first view of me and I was not looking my best. As its a new chapter in my life its time to change how I look and feel. The girls here are beautiful and I really feel out of place so am going to do something about it!!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    It was always "my plan" to get my body back after dedicating it to having children. However, in the meantime, I used being pregnant and going through fertility treatments (although the drugs did affect my hormones, the burgers and fries affected my weight even more) as my excuse not to do what I could in the meantime to get healthier.

    Being blessed with so many healthy children already, I was a paranoid freak during this last pregnancy. How could God bless me AGAIN with a healthy child? Why am I so worthy? I decided during my pregnancy to start working out and eating healthier and being a better example for my kids. How dare I use them as my excuse for stuffing my face with unhealthy food and not exercising! It was MY fault- not theirs... so I got my *kitten* up and did something about it.

    Previous pregnancies I gained 40+ lbs... because of my changes, I only gained 21 lbs this time! I had a beautiful baby girl on July 7. I also had a tubal that same day... no more babies for us... time to get serious about being the hot woman I always wanted to be!

    I started the pregnancy at 196 lbs and ended at 217 lbs. After her birth, I upped the healthy eating and water in order to breast feed. A month after her birth, I was at 186 lbs and on her 1 month birthday, August 7, 2010, I joined this site and REALLY became dedicated and I haven't looked back.

    My life changed on August 7, 2010. I am now in the best shape of my life and I'm still going. Most cannot believe I have 5 kids, just finished graduate school in December, worked full time (now staying home), and STILL manage to eat right and exercise. It is possible!!! How bad do you want it?!?
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    When my son who was very ill in hospital was too impatient to wait for the lift (elevator) back up to the hospital ward after tests and I couldn't keep up with him on the stairs.

    I have lost 18kg before coming on here but have been stuck for the last 6 months.
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    Mine was Monday, December 27, 2010 at 309 pounds.
  • Mine was the day of my youngest daughters 1st birthday party. I saw pictures of myself, and I was disgusted with how I looked. I'm down 17 lbs (gained 10 lbs back of the 25 I had originally lost). I'm starting to feel better about myself now!
  • Silvergamma
    Silvergamma Posts: 102 Member
    11/16/2010, 221 lbs. I had just finished reading Portia de Rosi's book about her battles with eat disorders. I realized that, while I was on the other end of the spectrum, I still had struggled with disordered eating for a very long time. I started really examining what I was putting in my mouth and why, and have started moving through the denial I was living in.
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    I have a lot of aha moments but nothing came of them. I joined this site right before Christmas and just started using it this week. For me I am sick of not wanting my picture taken. I just finished looking through our friends pics of the snowboarding trip I went on for New years and I am barely in any pictures and the ones I am in I am curled up in my sweats and sweater. I realized it is up to me to change my behaviour and work every day at doing it.

    Everyone's stories are so inspirational!
  • My day of had enough? would think when I was told I was morbit obese by my doctor, or the time when I was told I had to loose weight due to sleep apnea....or just the gross feeling I had daily with the weight I had gained. I got hurt in the Navy back in Feb of 1993. That was when my weight just started going up and up....I will fast forward from last january/feb time frame. I was taking my son on the Max Train system we have here in Oregon. He said, "Dad when are you going to lose weight so you can play with me?"
    Wow, what a blow to the Ego of being a dad.. I told him I will lose the weight buddy....I was at 326ls.... I started on Feb 17, 2010 with a weight loss suplement....and dropped some weight, but On may 17th 2010...I started working out 24hr fitness...and changed my eating habits...I am now down to 249.8lbs...was in a size 57 pants down to a size 42 pants......
    Jim A
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    mine was when I was 170 lbs Jan 2008 and was to be in my daughters wedding in may 2008 I did not want to be the fat bridesmaid. so I started my journey and by time the wedding was here I was 135 lbs not at my goal but I did lose quite bit in time for the wedding and could fit in small dress instead of XXL dress
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Not too long ago for me, but the day I stepped on the scale after playing the 'denial' game for months on end in early December 2010 and hit 210. I also saw a bunch of photos of me that friends had taken on some outings, and I was just disgusted. I still am. I've not lost enough to lose the disgusted feeling yet. I've lost 11lbs sofar, and have 54 more to go. Feels like it's taking forever...
  • golfbrew_matt
    golfbrew_matt Posts: 240 Member
    12/24/2009 - Saw a picture of myself that made me sick....
  • tara3103
    tara3103 Posts: 107
    1. July 2010- My husband and I took our 2 kids (ages 6 and 3) camping. I watched my kids have a water baloon fight with some other kids and their parents as I sat in a lounge chair in the shade because I was too tired, too hot and too fat to get up and run around with them. I was soooo mad! It should not be someone else playing with my kids, it should be me! That's when I joined and lost 20 lbs.

    2. Had a short relapse and restarted again 1/3/10 after watching a video someone recorded of me and some friends dancing to Just Dance 2 on the wii and actually seeing myself. I avoid all cameras and video normally, but was having a blast. The next day, I seen myself dancing next to 2 skinny chicks! I don't want to be that person anymore!

    Down 3.6 lbs since 1/3/11!!
  • I can't remember exact dates because I've had so many, but the most recent date is 1/8/10. I LOVE to exercise, but have been so sluggish, especially in the winter. I do best in group exercise classes and love Zumba! My challenges are getting home after a long day and snacking instead of preparing a meal. I am so tired of not being able to fit into great clothes, and when I saw myself in the mirror the other day, I really did not recognize myself. Something has finally clicked. I AM IN! After all, every day is 24 hours no matter what you do, so why can't I use the same time on the sofa and do something else??! Thanks for the motivation!
  • KenzieKidwell
    KenzieKidwell Posts: 77 Member
    When I realized that only 10lbs out of the 52lbs I gained during my pregnancy was off my body after delivery and 3mths of brestfeeding! And I lost all 10lbs the night she came into the world.
  • enygmatic1
    enygmatic1 Posts: 44 Member
    12/1/2010 was the day I said it and meant it. I've said the words so many different times throughout my life but the first day of the last month of 2010 something clicked and I realized being afraid of the unknown was the reason I had failed so many times before and even though I'm still scared I choose to act instead of sabotage. :)
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