How do you beat/satisfy those late night munchies?!

My BIGGEST problem is those late night munchies! How do I get over it or satisfy it in a HEALTHY way??! I SOOO want some chips and salsa right now!!!


  • HLindsayA
    HLindsayA Posts: 46
    When you discover the answer, let me know :p

    Aside from the obvious of mind over matter/will power/mental fortitude, which can be torturously difficult, I've heard of at least trying to snack healthy. Which for me, doesn't work. If I break down at night and head to the kitchen, it's like tunnel vision and all I want are the goodies.
  • HLindsayA
    HLindsayA Posts: 46
    I've recently been thinking of putting fatty pictures of myself and sticky note reminders of my goals, strategically placed in the house..... mirrors, bathroom, fridge, pantry.
  • Pickles and spicy dried seaweed. Mmmmm. So satisfying.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Save some kcals for the snack. Doesn't matter when you eat, just that you maintain a deficit for the week.
  • tj84x
    tj84x Posts: 1 Member
    try rice crispy cakes but instead of covering them in chocolate just melt one tablespoon of low fat butter 6 marshmallows and a tablespoon of peanut butter then pour over rice crispies and make a few little in fridge.
    that helps takes the edge off for me ill wash it down with green tea then so I don't feel that bad :)
  • Eat a little later and then brush your teeth? Go to sleep slightly fuller?

    Count in a low cal pre-bed treat like sml bag of plain corn chips and h/made low fat salsa/advocado dip into your diet?

    Do pre bed yoga so you are more relaxed and rested, if you find that it is that itchy IwannaEat feeling.

    Drink a diet tea before sleep to curb your appetite.
  • eyley
    eyley Posts: 95 Member
    Try having a warm cup of water / milk / tea etc.

    That's how I normally (try to) get round night time cravings.
  • Warm milk. Stops my hunger, helps me sleep better too.
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    I've been trying to make sure I don't eat anything after 8pm, but it is hard. I try to do anything to keep my mind off snacking, drink tea, read a book, do some washing, go for a walk, phone a friend. Anything but it is really hard and sometimes I just give in and eat something. It's one of the hardest things about trying to loose weight I think. I can cope with all the exercise and eating healthy during the day, but at night I just want to eat crisps, biscuits and chocolate. I will keep checking on this thread to see what others come up with!
  • meowski91
    meowski91 Posts: 4
    drink water, brush your teeth, have some veggies or hot tea. But if you do all that and are still hungry, I suggest listening to your body and eating something light.
  • jtm4210
    jtm4210 Posts: 108 Member
    Popcorn's a good one - the light sweet/salt variety, not slathered in butter and toffee... Or a square of dark chocolate.
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    I'm notoriously susceptible to the late night munchies. To combat this I generally eat my main meal late and then save a few cals to use up shortly before bedtime. Maybe not ideal but it works for me (usually).
    My current favourite option is to have a small bowl of supermarket frozen berries (blackberries, cherries, blackcurrants, grapes) together with an Activia cherry yoghurt, and a low-cal blackcurrant jelly. The calorie count for this is not that big and certainly fixes my craving. After pouring the yoghurt onto the still-frozen berries it almost resembles ice cream, which just happens to be one of my biggest weaknesses.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    I eat dinner late and make sure I have spare calories just in case. I ate dinner at midnight!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    If it's really late (as in, I'm already in bed), I just ignore it, and tell myself I won't be hungry when I wake up and it's my mind playing tricks on me.

    But (and this is VERY Lady Penelope..) I always have a glass of wine or fizz in the evening after dinner and when I'm winding down. I sip it, savor it and enjoy it. It's my official end-of-the-day thing.

    Either that or actually make yourself a planned mini-meal, and have it all ready to go in the fridge, so you don't feel like grazing.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    Few suggestions that come to mind...

    1. Drink LOTS of water with dinner
    2. Protein Shake in evening or LOTS of protein/veggies with dinner to fill you up
    3. Get healthy snacks so you CAN snack at night
    4. Motivational pics
    5. Enter the "snacks" into your diary so you see how bad it effects your #'s prior to eating it
    6. Lay off the :smokin: hahahah just kidding... but I had to!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Structure your day so you have many calories left in the evening. I typically eat about 1/3 of my calories after 10 PM.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Stop eating and go to bed. Sleep is a great time to not eat. ;)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Plan your day, if you know you like having something later, budget it into your day. I like to have dessert every day, hasn't been an issue :)
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    2 squares from a bar of dark chocolate = 100 calories and it kills my sweet tooth

    If I don't have calories left, I brush my teeth because I won't eat after that.