Losing steam while calorie counting



  • vixiepie
    vixiepie Posts: 3
    Well there are a lot of disrespectful posts on here, I wonder if these people would speak like this face to face, to their mother, sister, aunt, uncle... but there are those that have been supportive too.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hang on in there.
    It IS hard, some days I feel like I WILL lose the will, but know in the end I will be disappointed in myself and yes, tomorrow is a new day, but I don't want to start afresh tomorrow, I want to keep going.

    Don't stop yourself going out, no treats = feelings of boredom, hatred and disengagement.
    Go out, enjoy your food, but make healthier choices, or work harder at the gym, don't eat as much at other meals.
    I've lost over 4 stone in total, though only logged onto mfp for the last 10lb.
    Before I used to eat from a side plate, 4-5 meals a day, no counting just smaller portion sizes. Good luck. And feeling like this is totally normal...I think it takes 70 days or so to form a habit, so stick too it, by day 70 it will be easier :) Xx
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    I don't have much to add to what others have already said, except to tell you that I never have urges to pig out. My diet consists of foods I like to eat, which are mostly fresh foods like lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and they keep me satisfied. Are you trying to eat foods you don't enjoy? If so, change your diet to include foods you actually like!

    Calorie counting works great for a lot of people, but it's not the only way to lose weight. You need to find a way that is sustainable and works for you.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Well there are a lot of disrespectful posts on here, I wonder if these people would speak like this face to face, to their mother, sister, aunt, uncle... but there are those that have been supportive too.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hang on in there.
    It IS hard, some days I feel like I WILL lose the will, but know in the end I will be disappointed in myself and yes, tomorrow is a new day, but I don't want to start afresh tomorrow, I want to keep going.

    Don't stop yourself going out, no treats = feelings of boredom, hatred and disengagement.
    Go out, enjoy your food, but make healthier choices, or work harder at the gym, don't eat as much at other meals.
    I've lost over 4 stone in total, though only logged onto mfp for the last 10lb.
    Before I used to eat from a side plate, 4-5 meals a day, no counting just smaller portion sizes. Good luck. And feeling like this is totally normal...I think it takes 70 days or so to form a habit, so stick too it, by day 70 it will be easier :) Xx

    I am sure that you consider my previous post to the OP as one of the disrespectful posts.

    I think that when you first start...trying to lose weight...calorie counting...cutting portion sizes...it is hard...so hard in fact that you look for excuses to give up. Often what happens is a bad day here...a bad day there...and then...bad weeks.

    Patting someone on the back during that initial phases...well...I am just not sure that helps. The last thing that "I" need is someone telling me it is okay to not do what "I" know that it takes...discipline.

    After time I began to realize that I could recover from those bad days but not at first. It just wouldn't have taken much to derail me. Now after 75lbs, I know that I can get back on track the next day. I still however don't want someone patting me on the back for not staying on track.

    You know...I usually don't respond to posts such as the OP's...I don't set out to be disrespectful. For some reason...I just felt as if some brutal honesty might help. I will change my advice though...

    OP...it is hard...boring...etc etc. Don't worry about counting those calories today...give yourself a break...hopefully tomorrow you can keep track. If not tomorrow...maybe next week.
  • garnerish
    garnerish Posts: 67 Member
    I'm on around a 38 day streak right now, been counting for about 3 weeks more than that (Stopped for a week when I went on holiday and had no internet access)

    I get the urges.

    If you see my diary, you'll see there are days where I give in.

    But the important thing is not pretending like that's ruined everything. I'll fallen off the wagon, indulged for a day (Or on purpose, see my 4500+ day last Friday for my birthday) but it's about getting back on it the next day.

    At this point I don't even think about it. Just eat the food, log it, move on.
  • hellosay
    hellosay Posts: 76 Member
    Hmm, wow, thanks for all your replies, I really didn't expect too much. Thanks for the support and the tough love too. And thanks to the user who reminded me of the "good old days". Maybe if i scroll through my fat pics, I won't mind calorie counting so much. ;)

    To answer some questions, my goal is set to standard 1200 cals and it is working for me so far as I am losing gradually. I haven't cut out all my fave foods and learnt to balance a heavy meal with a lighter one to stay within the goal.

    I think this outburst maybe more emotional than anything else. I am feeling under the weather and my kid is sick, so I don't want the added hassle of counting calories. I guess most of you have figured out by now that I am an emotional eater. :)

    Anyways, I guess I will have to keep going. Really, 20 days is not a lot. Feeling inspired by all of you who have been doing it for so long.

    Thanks all for the support and reminding me why I am doing this,
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Why do you feel the need to eat 1200 calories?
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    There are some days that I feel like I just want to be done. Especially last week when the scale wasn't moving (yes, I'm one of those people who weigh daily and record it in a different app. I like to see the trend) but it finally moved. This week it's moving like crazy but I have been feeling better than the last. Last week I wanted to stop and gave in a couple of times. But then I think about how I was just a month ago and remember what I'm working towards and things get straigtened out. Honestly twenty days isn't enough time to get annoyed with something. Even my 30 isn't enough so stick with it or be the same as you have been. Those are your choices.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    To answer some questions, my goal is set to standard 1200 cals and it is working for me so far as I am losing gradually. I haven't cut out all my fave foods and learnt to balance a heavy meal with a lighter one to stay within the goal.

    And there's your demotivation. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. I ate 2200 calories yesterday and had a deficit
  • Agree---I love Costco's sea salt chips and have them (not daily but I do treat myself)!! The question regarding not counting calories some days. My answer is YES. I recently had my oldest graduate, and we have been going to a lot of grad. parties. I don't count calories on that day because it's to hard to keep track; however, I do a hard cardio calorie burning exercise the day of and after plus add light weights. I also take lighter portions but treat myself to the yummy summer salads. Please Note: By doing this, I'm not losing a pound a week; however, I did maintain and lost .5 during these two weeks of grad parties. Now I have time to start counting and hitting my goal~ It's a work in progress. I want to eat and live the way I will for a lifetime not just short term. Good Luck.
  • farberry
    farberry Posts: 71 Member
    I get bored of logging things too. What really helps is the barcode scanner on the mfp app. I use Android but I think it's a feature for iPhone users too. It really cuts down time spent plugging in endless ingredients if I'm making a complicated meal.
  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    then dont count calories and stay fat, your choice. You pick. Will power, motivation, excitement, support, these things are not nessacary for weight loss. The only requirement is calorie counting and whether or not you actually do it.

    You will find no sympathy here. People here have worked hard for a long time to meet their goals. We really have no patience for whinners who "dont want to."

    You think we all wake up in the morning and "want to"? Hell no, there are days I want to tank a whole cake and stay in bed, skip a workout, or just not count. We all lose steam and feel unmotivated from time to time but we keep going.

    So as I said the choice is yours; count calories, get healthier, or get bored, lose steam and stay fat. Your choice.

    tough love baby.

    well said that girl.

    I've been back on MFP for 40 something days, in that time there were 6 days I didn't properly track my calories and in that 6 days I gained back 3 of the 10lbs I'd lost up to that week, basically screw that........................ I'd rather log everything I eat for the rest of my life to lose this weight and maintain the loss than 'run out of steam' and stay fat or get fatter. Suck it up buttercup.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Do you get bored of brushing your teeth or cleaning the bathroom too? Probably, but you do them because you need to. Look at calorie counting the same way.

    Its also ok to take a true cheat day a few times a year (like your birthday and Christmas). However, you should limit it to only a few very special days.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I agree with "loosening the noose". 1200 is tight and wears on most people after a few weeks. 1500 should be a lot more comfortable and you should still be able to lose.

    You can go back to intuitive eating but for most it's a skill you're going to have to relearn. So if you feel like calorie counting is forever, it doesn't have to be for everyone. Maybe you can use it to get to your goal then you can re-learn intuitive eating.

    There are also other ways to lose weight, if you really hate the intense focus on calories. It's not for everyone.

    Good luck!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I've been logging for around 400 days. I haven't gotten bored at all. The continued progress is what motivates me and honestly, at this point I can't even imagine NOT logging.

    Do you "indulge" from time to time? I certainly do. Although I strive to eat a lot of healthy foods, fresh vegetables, etc, I have ice cream weekly and a square of dark chocolate almost daily. My husband is on MFP too, and our weekends are full of activity (walking, hiking, biking, errands and/or sight-seeing for many hours) and then we "pig out" on restaurant favorites like Thai, Mexican, gyros, etc, and make big breakfasts at home like French toast, crepes, etc. We look forward to that but by Sunday evening we actually choose salads and healthy stir fries...it's like we get the indulgence out of our system somewhat. FTR we're both eating around 1400 cal/day but on weekends eat back some of our exercise calories in order to have all of the treats.

    Obviously for some people that would be a bad way to go, trigger overeating all week, etc...I know many people here look down on it. But for me (and my husband) it works really well!
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    Hmm, wow, thanks for all your replies, I really didn't expect too much. Thanks for the support and the tough love too. And thanks to the user who reminded me of the "good old days". Maybe if i scroll through my fat pics, I won't mind calorie counting so much. ;)

    To answer some questions, my goal is set to standard 1200 cals and it is working for me so far as I am losing gradually. I haven't cut out all my fave foods and learnt to balance a heavy meal with a lighter one to stay within the goal.

    I think this outburst maybe more emotional than anything else. I am feeling under the weather and my kid is sick, so I don't want the added hassle of counting calories. I guess most of you have figured out by now that I am an emotional eater. :)

    Anyways, I guess I will have to keep going. Really, 20 days is not a lot. Feeling inspired by all of you who have been doing it for so long.

    Thanks all for the support and reminding me why I am doing this,

    No problem and just a few things the MFP tribe and common sense has taught me:

    1) This is a thing you DO, not a definition of who you ARE. Just like laundry. Take the emotion out of it wherever possible.

    2) My approach? This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. So there is no finite number of days that I am trying to get to. I will be logging in and logging food for the rest of my life, because:

    a) This program works
    b) I don't want to die young and I was headed that direction

    3) Try to remember - We are the results of the choices we make every day, whether those choices are good or bad. Make as many good choices as you can, and the ship will stay steady.

    Cal tracking is considered a good choice (whether boring or not) because it tells you where you really are (just like your check register tells you your balance)

    I felt like **** last night and almost gave in to a 6 pack. Because I counted? I ultimately decided that was a bad caloric choice.

    Good luck to you, friend me if youd like.

    Just remember why youre doing this....:)

  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I have been logging on this site for 20+ days now. Unfortunately, I am losing steam and plain bored of thinking of what goes in my mouth. My eating out is at minimum and even if I do eat out, I am calorie-conscious.
    Not that this is a bad thing, but I am missing the good old days where I ate whatever I wanted when hungry and went out and had fun without thinking of calories. I know, I know, that's the reason I got fat in the first place, but I am getting bored of this lifestyle change.
    How did you all cope with it? Do the ones who are consciously counting have urges to pig out? If so, how do you deal with them? Is it ok to have a day off from calorie counting? Do you hate yourself the next day or will that cause a person to fall off the wagon?
    Sorry, too many questions!
    Thankfully, I still go to gym 6 days a week and actually look forward to it. That's a lifestyle change I will gladly follow.

    LOL @ "the good old days"! Are you talking about the days that we stuffed food in our mouths with wild abandon? The days that we did get up off our butts and burn a few calories? That we kept gaining weight...clothes got tighter and tighter? We felt sluggish...tired...bloated...???

    NOPE...at least I don't. I much prefer the current "good days".

    Of course I have days where it is harder than others...sometimes I give in to those days...I always however get up the next morning and...start all over again. I want this enough that it is worth whatever it takes to get there.

    Yes...occasionally I have days where I want to toss the scale in the trash...delete MFP from my computer...etc etc...I want the enough to work my way through those times.

    You ask how one copes...for me...remembering what those so called "good old days" felt like. Fat...out of shape...not doing the things that I wanted to do...not being able to fit in to my clothes...having to where clothes that I felt dumpy in...most of all...I think about what I want out of whatever amount of life that I have ahead of me.

    It is not about the "good old days"...at least for me...it is about the "good new days" that lie ahead.

    Your choice...lose or not lose...count or not count...the "good old days" or the "good new days". Pick one and then quit feeling sorry for yourself. Don't mean to be snarky but that is what you are doing. You have been at this for 20+ days...I have been at this for 10 months...many here have been at this for a few years...did you really expect us to feel sorry for you?

    Okay...hopefully that is my snarkiness for the day...but probably not...I usually shoot for twice a day at least.

    I think this was very well said and hearing this just motivates me more! It literally takes me 30 seconds to log my meal. I spend much more time reading these forums. I love waking up now, knowing I do not have to search for clothes that are not too small for me. I love clothes shopping and I LOVE the way I feel now. I do not have the urge to pig out...that is gone. I do like to go out to eat and will allow myself to go over for that day. The next day I have a clean slate and get right back on it. I never want to go back to where I was, and if this means logging every day...no biggie!
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    then dont count calories and stay fat, your choice. You pick. Will power, motivation, excitement, support, these things are not nessacary for weight loss. The only requirement is calorie counting and whether or not you actually do it.

    You will find no sympathy here. People here have worked hard for a long time to meet their goals. We really have no patience for whinners who "dont want to."

    You think we all wake up in the morning and "want to"? Hell no, there are days I want to tank a whole cake and stay in bed, skip a workout, or just not count. We all lose steam and feel unmotivated from time to time but we keep going.

    So as I said the choice is yours; count calories, get healthier, or get bored, lose steam and stay fat. Your choice.

    tough love baby.

    Yes. I needed to hear this today!
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    The only time I didn't log in my one year here was when I was in the DR for a week and didn't have internet access.

    I didn't lose steam because I wanted the weight gone.

    I wont lose steam because I don't want to gain it back.

    There is only one way to ensure those two things happen for me...logging accurately and consistently.

    My profile says "you either want it or you don't"...

    No I don't have the urge to pig out...if I eat too much I am uncomfortable...I don't like feeling uncomfortable. Besides I eat what I want in reasonable portions when I want it so I don't get those urges...

    This. She says it like it is bruh. You need to keep finding ways to motivate yourself, maybe better mfp friends to keep you on track xD pictures of yourself at a lower weight or a cute dress in a smaller size? Calorie counting isn't hard when you develop your own strategies to stay on track, and really I don't find it that time consuming, most of the stuff you eat is already saved so it only takes a couple minutes to log XD seems like a small sacrifice for a healthier body and increased confidence.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member

    I get cranky.

    And I think I don't want to do this for another minute.

    But I told myself that if I give up I HAVE to own it and send out the I GIVE UP email. And no way in hell am I doing that.

    The feeling usually passes in a day or so. And whoever said that success motivates is right. Today I am within spitting distance of a number I haven't seen for 14 years. So I will eat some more lettuce and rejoice in it's grassy lowcal-ness. (sorta)

    Stick with it, ignore the haters. You are doing a great job, this is hard work.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    The only time I didn't log in my one year here was when I was in the DR for a week and didn't have internet access.

    I didn't lose steam because I wanted the weight gone.

    I wont lose steam because I don't want to gain it back.

    There is only one way to ensure those two things happen for me...logging accurately and consistently.

    My profile says "you either want it or you don't"...

    No I don't have the urge to pig out...if I eat too much I am uncomfortable...I don't like feeling uncomfortable. Besides I eat what I

    want in reasonable portions when I want it so I don't get those urges...

    ^^ love this and TOTALLY agree