Support from your Partner



  • Chmarly
    Chmarly Posts: 27 Member
    My husband is a very supportive man in general but I think he doesn't know HOW to support me. He is pretty fit and can eat whatever he wants, so I'd appreciate if he would stop bringing home oreos, sugary cereals, pizza, doritos, etc. Anyways, sometimes I wish he struggled with his weight so that we could maintain a healthy lifestyle together. That is mean to say but its just how I feel. If you've never struggled with your weight, there is just no way you can relate to how hard this is.

    That is pritty much what it is like. xx
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    My guy is supportive. He is naturally thin and tall - 6 feet tall and probably 168 pounds? He can do a few sit-ups and push-ups and call it good :huh:
    But, he knows I can't. So he walks with me on those 3-6 mile walks, rides bikes with me to the farmers market and kayaks with me for fun. We enjoy the active parts together because we just enjoy them (not because we "have" to do them). He cooks with me, he respects it when I don't want dessert or a drink with my meal. He understands it. Of course he thinks I'm a little obsessed with it all, but he lets it go. When I bought a scale and started weighing my cheese he was on the, "Is that really necessary? You're not obese or anything." But when I explained why I was doing it, he let that go, too and just lets me do my thing. He reads my blog on here when I make a new post and tells me it's good and he's glad I'm enjoying it. Lucky I am. :love:

    Maybe if you talked to your partner you'd get more support - in some capacity. Doesn't hurt to put it all out there - say what you want to say and what you think he needs to hear :drinker:
  • saddare
    saddare Posts: 32 Member
    My finace is amazing in this regard--a marked difference from men in my past. He goes on walks with me, and he listens attentively as I babble about calories (eaten AND burned)! He also helps keep me on track and reminds me that we want to be able to share a long and healthy life together. He celebrates my successes and doesn't let me sink into binge eating on an off-week. It's phenomenal, the difference his support has made on this journey.
  • 23crizzle
    23crizzle Posts: 16 Member
    I am lucky that mine is very supportive. In the process he has dropped 55 pounds. I went vegetarian about 4 months ago. He, being a chef, does all the cooking. He was an avid meat eater. After about a month in and him tiring of cooking two separate dinners, we no longer have meat in the house. He says he doesn't even miss it. After seeing me being successfully counting calories on MFP he downloaded the app and tracks religiously. He even enters everything he cooks for dinner and I just have to copy his. He was a little annoyed when I told him that everything needed to be weighed so we have an accurate calorie count. Being a chef he likes to add a pinch of this and a little of that. Now he uses the food scale all the time, and with no complaints! We are active together too, hiking and biking. We keep each other motivated. We know we are adopting healthy habits so we can live a long life together. I am truly blessed. That is why I am going to marry him in the fall!
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Go Hawks !! Seattle gal? I am vrry fortunate to have a very supportive hubby in my corner, I do not know how I could do this without