Diet Soda/Coffee?



  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    LOL at "carbonation isn't great for you...."

    I sometimes prefer a diet, caffeinated something in the morning instead of the usual coffee (which I usually have black). I don't see any change going without one or the other.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one! Especially in the summer when it's all humid in the morning.
  • greenkm2289
    At work, the girls mix crystal light with soda water, but I love the le Croix sodas, or the lemon deer park, it's refreshing like soda!
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    I drink both coffee and diet soda, and haven't noticed any side effects. There isn't anything in either that would compromise your weight loss, or make you retain water like crazy. Both hydrate you, so drink it if you want to.

  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    gave up soda on my first day on this WOE but still have my morning and evening kcup coffee w/ HWC and Davinci SF Syrup.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I am a coffee drinker and I get 3 cups in me before my 5 mile walk at sunrise. I usually have 1 or 2 more before the day is over. As a matter of fact I am drinking a hot cup of Joe as I type this. I can not imagine a life without coffee. The only other thing I drink is water.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    I drink coffee every day - adds very little calories to my day - 20 calories per cup from the skim milk I add to it, I don't have sugar or sweetener.

    Diet sodas - I drink around 4 or 5 glasses per week - no adverse effects. no plans to change.

    I do drink plain water every day too.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Go ahead and drink coffee if you like and want the caffeine. I'd skip the diet soda if I were you. It's just so full of chemicals/artificial sweeteners. You're better off drinking regular cola over the diet stuff in that regard. If the caffeine doesn't give you the jitters or make your blood sugar drop/make you eat more, then by all means drink it, it's great stuff! Have it black or with a splash of milk.

    Since you didn't read the thread, I'll repeat my previous post:

    Diet Pepsi:
    carbonated water, caramel color, aspartame, phosphoric acid, potassium benzoate (preserves freshness), caffeine, citric acid, natural flavor

    Regular Pepsi;
    carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, sugar, Phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavors.

    Yeah, the diet is soooo much worse. Other than the sugar in regular Pepsi no ingredients in either occur in nature in this exact form (although citric and phosphoric acids are easily isolated from natural ingredients).

    Face it. If you want to avoid synthesized chemicals you are going to have a rough time of it and avoiding soda alone isn't going to do it.

    ETA: they are basically the same ingredients. The main difference is the HFCS and sugar in regular and aspartame in diet. None of which are proven to be harmful. I would be more wary of the "caramel coloring" in both.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I think coffee is much better for you than diet soda. Diet soda has chemicals and the carbonation isn't great for you.... I'd stick with coffee. And caffeine has some proven positive side effects - for me, it's a mood boost and I use caffeine for a boost when I am cycling (doing long rides).

    I like the occasional carbonated water made using the SodaStream so no artificial flavour, artificial sweeteners or sodium added, just water. According to the Mayo Clinic, carbonated water has no negative side effects Carbonation can cause bloating and I do recall reading that drinking carbonated affects your blood as well as increasing the effects of alcohol. Livestrong has this to say about carbonated beverages Both sweetened and diet soda gets negative comments because of the effect of the acidic beverages on your teeth (erodes enamel, tooth decay), artificial sweeteners, artificial colourants, artificial flavours and empty calories. There are all natural sodas available if you really want soda and you can make your own with the SodaStream. I personally don't drink sodas having never acquired a taste for them and they wouldn't fit in with my eating style but for those who enjoy them, there's no reason not to in moderation.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Coffee F*** YA!!
    Diet Soda F*** YA TOO!!!!

    I have frothed soy milk in my espresso, it adds a few calories but there is no way I am giving it up.

    (and to all those going on about chemicals in soda.... please....)
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    I love diet soda....when I'm addicted to it....but after I'm off it for several days, I don't crave it and it actually doesn't tast good...unless I let myself get addicted again. I do know I feel better without sodas. I was never a coffee drinker but I've heard such good news about the antioxidants that I have been drinking coffee the last 1.5 years, on and off. I have omitted caffine as it makes my hot flashes much worse. I mostly drink water but also have some decaf tea and/or coffee each day. I start the day with a cup of hot water with fresh squeezed lemon.
  • hollyannewood
    hollyannewood Posts: 7 Member
    I used to drink a **** load of diet coke but gave it up 12 days ago, and feel so much better, techinically it has no calories but it bloats you like there's no tomorrow, even if it is temperarary bloating. My skin is better and my stomach feels flatter every day, it's glorious.

    As for coffee, there is no power on earth that could make me give up that stuff. I just switched to semi skimmed milk and am slowly using less sugar (gone from 4 down to half a teaspoon)

    coffee is good for the soul i reckon haha
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    In terms of health benefits of soda, eggs are not inherently healthy or unhealthy nor is soda. What matters for health is your diet and exercise routine as a whole and there's absolutely no reason a healthy diet can't include both eggs and soda.

    Oh please, there's nothing inherently unhealthy about soda? Really? Maybe you should ask a dentist! And there's nothing inherently healthy about eggs? Now you're talking just as crazy as the people who are afraid of soda.

    That's like saying that there is nothing inherently healthy about broccoli and nothing inherently unhealthy about Honey Smacks (HA!). Sure, I guess you could fit both of them into a healthy diet, but it doesn't mean that they're equivalent in terms of health.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    In terms of health benefits of soda, eggs are not inherently healthy or unhealthy nor is soda. What matters for health is your diet and exercise routine as a whole and there's absolutely no reason a healthy diet can't include both eggs and soda.

    Oh please, there's nothing inherently unhealthy about soda? Really? Maybe you should ask a dentist! And there's nothing inherently healthy about eggs? Now you're talking just as crazy as the people who are afraid of soda.

    That's like saying that there is nothing inherently healthy about broccoli and nothing inherently unhealthy about Honey Smacks (HA!). Sure, I guess you could fit both of them into a healthy diet, but it doesn't mean that they're equivalent in terms of health.
    That trick with the tooth/food being eaten overnight - or over a few nights - by letting it sit in cola, right? Soda's acidic; orange juice will do the same thing. Is it your argument that orange juice is inherently unhealthy?
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    In terms of health benefits of soda, eggs are not inherently healthy or unhealthy nor is soda. What matters for health is your diet and exercise routine as a whole and there's absolutely no reason a healthy diet can't include both eggs and soda.

    Oh please, there's nothing inherently unhealthy about soda? Really? Maybe you should ask a dentist! And there's nothing inherently healthy about eggs? Now you're talking just as crazy as the people who are afraid of soda.

    That's like saying that there is nothing inherently healthy about broccoli and nothing inherently unhealthy about Honey Smacks (HA!). Sure, I guess you could fit both of them into a healthy diet, but it doesn't mean that they're equivalent in terms of health.

    What I'm saying is that construing any particular food as "healthy" or "unhealthy" is an illogical way to look at things, and rather what's important is the macro picture of what you eat (i.e., your diet as a whole). Let's say you define chicken as healthy - what if I eat 4000 calories worth of chicken every day. Still healthy? Honey Smacks (whatever that is) are unhealthy.. okay, cool, but what if I eat them pre-workout, brush my teeth afterwards and hit all my calorie/nutrient goals for the day? Am I damaging my health?

    In short, it's not productive to consider any food "healthy" or "unhealthy" in isolation and your time would be better spent focusing on the totality of what you're eating in terms of energy and nutrition. Otherwise, it's very possible to eat an unhealthy diet of all "healthy" foods.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    ]That trick with the tooth/food being eaten overnight - or over a few nights - by letting it sit in cola, right? Soda's acidic; orange juice will do the same thing. Is it your argument that orange juice is inherently unhealthy?

    You must have seen the same episode of "Kitchen Detectives" that I did. Red wine was worse because it stained the teeth as well as started to cause decay. Coffee, red wine, and tea stain teeth worse than cola does.

    THAT'S IT!!! Cola is bad for your health because it can cause you to brush your teeth more often and we all know what flouride does to you

    *she says with sarcasm level set at med-high*
  • RLMsFitnessPal
    RLMsFitnessPal Posts: 81 Member
    I drink coffee first thing every morning. I'm hazardous to everyone's health if I don't. I'm not a morning person even though I frequently get up early. Instant human -- just add coffee.

    I find myself drinking much more plain water here lately, but only like it when it's ice cold. I really like infusing water with different fruits and herbs. I got started doing infused water last summer, and saw how much of a difference it made in me. I also drink a lot of iced tea, and have been infusing tea with different flavors, too.

    I have pulled away from sodas, but do miss the carbonation. I sometimes opt for plain soda water just for the bubbles. I drink some diet sodas, but I'm not particularly fond of them.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Black coffee has basically no calories right?
    Between 2 - 5 calories per 8oz cup, depending on strength of brew.
  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    No diet sodas for me any longer - was getting crazy inflammation and cut out pretty much all the evil from my diet. I now do one cup of coffee in the AM, with ground cocoa, cinnamon, ground ginger and a tablespoon of coconut milk. Sometimes a teaspoon of real sugar. Otherwise I drink green tea and sparkling water.

    Made a HUGE difference.
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Oh bosh. I have an occasional diet ginger ale fora treat...only 35mg of sodium. I drink maybe 4 cups of coffee a day. Black. And. oh yeah....I smoke, too.