Okay people, it's LOSE not LOOSE!!



  • tffcx
    tffcx Posts: 20 Member
    You're comparing apples and oranges. In the US, at least in public schools, every child has a right to a free education. Every single one.

    (Sorry--this reply is in response to TheDoctorDana's post not the OP)
    I'm aware this thread is veering even further off tangent, but so does every child in Singapore and Hong Kong. :-)
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    I often start to correct posters' grammar..... but then I eat a piece of chocolate and calm myself.

  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    I hate to say it but I agree. It's such a simple word. How sad that you can't spell a four-letter word properly.

    It's not inability to spell, it's often lack of knowledge of which to use in certain context. Like knowing you're, your, or yore. English is an exceptionally difficult language even for native speakers. When people see the misuse often enough, it becomes confusing. That being said, I KNOW which word to use, but I'll often mistype and use the wrong one. Because it's not a misspelling, spell check says it's fine. So, I'll go back to "It's My Fitness Pal, not My Grammar Pal." Let's give people a break, or is it brake?

    Its not like that at all! Lose & loose are pronounced differently!
    Idk why it annoys me a lot tooooo
    It's very easy to pick apart people's grammar.
    What does "tooooo" mean?


    Worrying about how others spell is just so unnecessary.

    That's obviously intentional. You're just being difficult.
  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    This isn't even a grammar or spelling error! It's just totally using the wrong word haha.
  • katesnewbody
    katesnewbody Posts: 62 Member
    I absolutely agree. It's appalling, the amount of people who don't know how to write in their OWN native language. What on earth?

    and people complain about certain groups of people breaking into their country, and not learning /their/ wonderful language.

    and they can't even type in that very same language correctly! :P

    people are going to throw a grade A hissy fit over that comment, but my goodness people its the truth. have pride in your language and learn basic, everyday rules of using it.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I gave up correcting the mistakes of the public school system such as this long ago. I don't even blame the person using the wrong word or the word wrong, it's the people who taught them that should be ashamed.
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    No idea why spelling bothers people so much, especially when it's on the internet.
  • yeahiknow3
    yeahiknow3 Posts: 3 Member
    This isn't even a grammar or spelling error! It's just totally using the wrong word haha.
    It's almost as bad as when people type out sentences and somewhere in them type lol or haha.

    Not even close.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    This is driving me crazy, you want to LOSE weight and don't want LOOSE skin. Get the spelling right FGS!

    Run on sentence. Just saying.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    Storm in a tee cup.

    No I cant get overly worked up about this, just seems such a minor and petty rant to me.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    This bothers me too. It bothers me because I have started to look twice when I see one of those words spelled correctly.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Well the first million posts on this topic haven't changed the fact it is misspelled every day here, but girl I have faith that this post will finally be the one to make a difference.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    yeah well
  • PonderinGal
    Haha! Yay for Grammar (or, rather spelling) Nazis! Welcome to my world of discontent and outrage.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Well the first million posts on this topic haven't changed the fact it is misspelled every day here, but girl I have faith that this post will finally be the one to make a difference.

    We totes have faith in you and this thread, OP!

  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    It also drives me crazy, but these threads are utterly pointless. People are going to insist on misspelling words and using incorrect grammar even though some of them clearly know better. You can't micromanage everyone.
  • yeahiknow3
    yeahiknow3 Posts: 3 Member
    This isn't even a grammar or spelling error! It's just totally using the wrong word haha.
    It's almost as bad as when people type out sentences and somewhere in them type lol or haha.

    Not even close.
    People without a face have no opinions. Because you don't have a mouth.

    So are you an exceptional dog, or a stupid man? Curious.