Obsessed with my scales :(



  • gkutterer
    gkutterer Posts: 2 Member
    As SueInAz said:

    "This. I'm not sure what motivates you but keep in mind that no one but you sees that number on the scale. Everyone else sees what can be measured by the tape. So... which one is really more important to you?

    The measuring tape isn't going to show progress from day to day so make a plan to measure yourself every week on the same day, say Friday morning. If you really wanted, you could also make that weigh-in day."

    That was something that really resonated with me, because I know that I am very sensitive to the comments people make about others' size/weight. The truth is, unless you choose to share your actual weight, no-one will know if it is up or down, but you can't hide what the measuring tape says and that IS what people see and comment on, which I know has a big influence on how I feel.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    Try to focus on the fitness and health benefits every time you work out. That is an improvement you can't necessarily see but your heart and lungs will thank you for it in the long run! Try and shift your perspective a little by not assessing your success or failure solely by the scale. Set yourself fitness goals; if you can't do push ups aim to do as many as you can. The next time you workout see how many more you can do. Or find a hard workout video and see how far through it you can get without stopping. Next time you might get a little further. Try the plank challenge and see how over time your strength improves. It's a simple way of changing your perception of success and failure.

    If you can, try to weigh in just once a week. Also take measurements because so often the scale won't move or may even go up but your inches can go down; esp if you do weight training. Also, although going up on the scale may feel like a disaster, in real terms a lb or 2 or fat or water weight isn't going to make you look much different. Daily fluctuations from salty food or post workout water retention can mess with your head if you weigh in every day. Losing weight is hard enough without you sabotaging your own motivation!

    Don't give up and if you feel like giving up put on the Rocky theme tune and kick some *kitten*!
  • muphin73
    muphin73 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm the same way and I weigh myself daily, but either way it goes it's a motivator. If it goes up, I walk a little more that day, if it goes down, I'm motivated to keep doing what I'm doing. I think it's all in what you do with the information. Instead of it bringing you down, use it to push harder.
  • carlyjaner
    carlyjaner Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks again everyone. I would throw it away but I know i'll just go and buy another one in the end. Hopefully one day I wont need one because i'll be happy with my body. :smile: :smile:
  • amaclean61
    amaclean61 Posts: 11 Member

    I know what you are going through - I have to weigh myself every morning because of a heart condition - if I gained too much in one day I have to take a water pill - I have been using Myfitnesspal now for about 3 months and only lost 4 lbs. I do cheat some but I think I should be losing more. It gets very frustrating. Just wish the numbers would go down. Good luck.

  • I a,m way too obsessed with my scale. I weigh myself first thing in the morning, at least twice. I then periodically weigh myself throughout the day to measure fluctuations to see when the best time to weigh is. I weigh before meals, after meals, in between meals, etc...

    I do the same thing. Exactly the same way. I am weighing myself all the time. I like to stay on top of the number, but do tend to get depressed if it doesn't go down
  • I tend to weight myself every night and every morning, but not seeing the numbers drop doesn't seem to effect me... I move on!! I motivate myself by seeing the numbers from my size drop off... And my god i have noticed that!!
    I train 5times a week with a variety of military circuits, TRX circuits, running and cycling... Whilst the weight numbers are slowly going down (4kg in 2months) the size numbers are going down much quicker and i notice it every day in the clothes i wear which is a constant reminder to keep going!!

    Also, and i know some people hate this, but muscle mass weighs more that fat mass and therefore for those who train alot will automatically see more of a difference in body mass than they will with weight loss!!

    Hope that helps... Nx
  • Cinnamonhuskies
    Cinnamonhuskies Posts: 78 Member
    my scale broke and i never replaced it. Throwing it across the room will do that.
  • carlyjaner
    carlyjaner Posts: 36 Member
    my scale broke and i never replaced it. Throwing it across the room will do that.

    I am tempted too a lot of the time to be fair :laugh:
  • Cinnamonhuskies
    Cinnamonhuskies Posts: 78 Member
    true story :)
  • chubbynow
    chubbynow Posts: 13
    I was weighing myself every day and I would freak out if I gained an ounce or be overly excited that I lost 3 ounces, only to gain it back on a different day. My doctor said for me to only weigh myself once a week, so on Wednesday mornings I hop on the scale and record it in my log. I do weigh myself on Sunday morning just to make sure things are heading in the right direction, but do not record my weight at that time.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    My number one recommendation would be to get rid of the scale. Weighing every morning means you are setting up your mood for the day ahead based on a number on the scale. If it's down you have a happy, if it's up you have a sad.

    If you really can't resist stepping on those scales and can't bear to part with them, try using a weight tracking phone / tablet app such as Libra or Happy Scale.

    Log your weight every day and the app will monitor your fluctuations and calculate your 'true' weight, so you can determine whether your weight is trending in the right direction. In women it can help identify patterns in fluctuations during the course of your monthly cycle so you know when to expect to see a higher number. Understanding that your fluctuations are normal and expected can help to prevent that feeling of disappointment when there is a scale increase.
  • CurtisR85
    CurtisR85 Posts: 7
    I usually weigh myself twice a day because I like to see fluctuations. It helps me to stay conscious about what causes certain fluctuations and how to minimize them. Sometimes from the morning to the evening I will see over a 1 pound fluctuation, sometimes the morning is higher, sometimes lower, vice versa for the evening.

    For people that often check the scale there are two types from what I see; those that are discouraged, and those that are encouraged. If you can't find encouragement from the scale (even if it's not moving in the right direction) I suggest setting it away and weighing yourself less. If it's not budging for me, instead of getting upset or disappointed, I just switch up my game a little bit.
  • carlyjaner
    carlyjaner Posts: 36 Member
    My number one recommendation would be to get rid of the scale. Weighing every morning means you are setting up your mood for the day ahead based on a number on the scale. If it's down you have a happy, if it's up you have a sad.

    If you really can't resist stepping on those scales and can't bear to part with them, try using a weight tracking phone / tablet app such as Libra or Happy Scale.

    Log your weight every day and the app will monitor your fluctuations and calculate your 'true' weight, so you can determine whether your weight is trending in the right direction. In women it can help identify patterns in fluctuations during the course of your monthly cycle so you know when to expect to see a higher number. Understanding that your fluctuations are normal and expected can help to prevent that feeling of disappointment when there is a scale increase.

    I'm going to look for them apps now, they actually sound like they would be a great help. Thanks KarenJanine :)
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    I tend to weigh myself at least twice a day, right before bed and first thing in the morning. I only record on my "official" day, Wednesday morning. The rest is almost a game for me. I know I will weigh more at night than I did in the morning, but I can usually guess +/- 1lb what I will weigh the next morning based on the evening number.

    No matter the number, the trend remains downward and that's what matters right now.
  • Jim_G10
    Jim_G10 Posts: 132
    Threw mine out months ago and the squirrels now play with them up the trees out the back of the house.
    Never want to see them again.

    I got "hung up" on the numbers and friends told me to start using measures and general feelings with clothes fitting.
    By using measures and fat2fitradio.com I managed to hit my body fat target and that will do for me......

    It is just a number as most people have advised here and there are other ways in measuring success.

    Give it a go.
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    I weigh every 2 weeks. Try once a week or something. Hard to see difference in 1 day. And set non-scale short-term goals, x more crunches or whatever. It takes time. Worry about the day to day in your intake and exercise, worry about weight in the mid to long term.
  • carlyjaner
    carlyjaner Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I find it hard with measurements as I can never seem to get it in the same place as before so I never know if it is the true measurement or not.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I don't use my scale anymore- it was driving me crazy! I use my clothes now. They are a much better indicator.
  • carlyjaner
    carlyjaner Posts: 36 Member
    I don't use my scale anymore- it was driving me crazy! I use my clothes now. They are a much better indicator.

    Clothes can be a good way for some, but alot of my clothes are stretchy so whether im big or small they still fit.