Paleo anyone?



  • Ive lost 24 lbs since I have started on march 18th..sugar cravings are gone..and I stick to strict paleo eating. ..which is in all honesty the healthiest way of eating!..I love it and I feel so much better inside and out.
  • MsUndastood247
    MsUndastood247 Posts: 8 Member
    a lot of people do it, I personally find it useless, as long as you're on a deficit. If you eat an apple tomorrow on the keto diet (or the paleo) and drink water.. you will gain back 10 lbs... The reason why people like the paleo is cause the first week, you lose all your glycogen storages and that makes you lose ~10 lbs of water weight

    um. this is not true.
    Wait.. you do have a great initial drop.. that's true.. but you can have apples on paleo... unless you're keto paleo (which is just too mind boggling for me to even contemplate right you can have all kinds of fruits actually.. and still see a loss

    if it works for you.. and you like what you're eating, I say do it. :D
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you want support and to hear from others with experience, without the silly BS, please join the Primal/Paleo Support Group.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    a lot of people do it, I personally find it useless, as long as you're on a deficit. If you eat an apple tomorrow on the keto diet (or the paleo) and drink water.. you will gain back 10 lbs... The reason why people like the paleo is cause the first week, you lose all your glycogen storages and that makes you lose ~10 lbs of water weight

    um. this is not true.
    Wait.. you do have a great initial drop.. that's true.. but you can have apples on paleo... unless you're keto paleo (which is just too mind boggling for me to even contemplate right you can have all kinds of fruits actually.. and still see a loss

    if it works for you.. and you like what you're eating, I say do it. :D

    Why'd you bump a month old thread to correct someone who was actually right. Low carb diets make you lose water weight, eating carbs causes water retention (glycogen in the muscles) so when you eat low/no carbs, you weigh less. Then you gain a bunch of water weight as soon as you eat carbs.

    But whatever, was hoping for a Paleo thread. Bored today.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I like beans too much.

    Hey, I have a question...if beans were not a part of Paloelithic peoples diet, where did they come from? Did they just magically appear and someone started to cultivate them? I mean, they had to have been present SOMEWHERE during the late Paloelithic era.

    This is was I was pondering last night.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    hi, I just started paleo 6 days ago, and I'm already down pounds! I love this way of eating, it actually works!

    Everything works. People just have to stick to it and do it, whatever it is.

    OK, eating 12 snickers bars and yoo hoo's doesn't work, but you get my drift.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I like beans too much.

    Hey, I have a question...if beans were not a part of Paloelithic peoples diet, where did they come from? Did they just magically appear and someone started to cultivate them? I mean, they had to have been present SOMEWHERE during the late Paloelithic era.

    This is was I was pondering last night.

    What I wonder, is why do paleo people not eat more crickets? Paleolithic man ate mad bugs, y'all. Start harvesting grubs asap.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Ok there is my take on it... CALL IT WHAT EVER YOU WANT... I use the guidelines from Paleo to eat a more healthy and clean diet of foods. People who dislike seem to hate on the idea of the PALEO/CAVEMAN thing and use that to discredit it. I get it.

    What PALEO did for me was get a lot of processed food out of my diet. Kept me away from fast food and forced me to cook more for myself which in the end helped me go from a size 12/14 to a size 2/4. I eat it "paleo" about 80/20% of the time. I allow myself to enjoy life and have foods that aren't part of the program some of the time.

    I make sure I get my carbs from certain veggies and sweet potatoes which I love. I don't drink soft drinks that often (no diet coke in 42 days), I drink a ton more water. I fuel for my workouts and I am ... AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART FOR ME... I am HAPPY in my own skin for the FIRST TIME in my LIFE.

    Add me if you like or are interested in seeing my food diary. Post most of the time.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I personally find it useless, as long as you're on a deficit.

    ^ This for me. I like food and drinks too much to limit any thing except how much I eat and drink of it all.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    My name is christa and I have spent the past 18 years , 100 lbs over weight. I have been Eating paleo since March 18th and as of today have lost 22 lbs. Is there anyone else doing this?

    Congrats on the 22lb loss. I eat LCHF and have lost a Similar amount.

    Are you logging or not?
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Ok there is my take on it... CALL IT WHAT EVER YOU WANT... I use the guidelines from Paleo to eat a more healthy and clean diet of foods. People who dislike seem to hate on the idea of the PALEO/CAVEMAN thing and use that to discredit it. I get it.

    What PALEO did for me was get a lot of processed food out of my diet. Kept me away from fast food and forced me to cook more for myself which in the end helped me go from a size 12/14 to a size 2/4. I eat it "paleo" about 80/20% of the time. I allow myself to enjoy life and have foods that aren't part of the program some of the time.

    I make sure I get my carbs from certain veggies and sweet potatoes which I love. I don't drink soft drinks that often (no diet coke in 42 days), I drink a ton more water. I fuel for my workouts and I am ... AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART FOR ME... I am HAPPY in my own skin for the FIRST TIME in my LIFE.

    Add me if you like or are interested in seeing my food diary. Post most of the time.

    I am against paleo not because of the caveman thing, but because of the fact that it is a restrictive diet and the fact that seemingly no one can follow it, yet uses the name. I dislike labels, fads, whatever you want to call it. Just eat less and move more. If you want to "eat less processed foods" then do so, you don't have to call it anything but "the way I eat."

    I am also happy in my own skin for the first time in my life, and I am not restricting anything out of my diet, just eating less of what I used to eat and lifting weights. I'm not trying to dump on anyone for improving their life through diet and exercise, I'm just pointing out that there are simpler, less gimmicky ways to accomplish this.

    ETA: Although, making fun of the caveman part of it is funny, and so easy.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Ok there is my take on it... CALL IT WHAT EVER YOU WANT... I use the guidelines from Paleo to eat a more healthy and clean diet of foods. People who dislike seem to hate on the idea of the PALEO/CAVEMAN thing and use that to discredit it. I get it.

    What PALEO did for me was get a lot of processed food out of my diet. Kept me away from fast food and forced me to cook more for myself which in the end helped me go from a size 12/14 to a size 2/4. I eat it "paleo" about 80/20% of the time. I allow myself to enjoy life and have foods that aren't part of the program some of the time.

    I make sure I get my carbs from certain veggies and sweet potatoes which I love. I don't drink soft drinks that often (no diet coke in 42 days), I drink a ton more water. I fuel for my workouts and I am ... AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART FOR ME... I am HAPPY in my own skin for the FIRST TIME in my LIFE.

    Add me if you like or are interested in seeing my food diary. Post most of the time.

    I am against paleo not because of the caveman thing, but because of the fact that it is a restrictive diet and the fact that seemingly no one can follow it, yet uses the name. I dislike labels, fads, whatever you want to call it. Just eat less and move more. If you want to "eat less processed foods" then do so, you don't have to call it anything but "the way I eat."

    I am also happy in my own skin for the first time in my life, and I am not restricting anything out of my diet, just eating less of what I used to eat and lifting weights. I'm not trying to dump on anyone for improving their life through diet and exercise, I'm just pointing out that there are simpler, less gimmicky ways to accomplish this.
    they get all butthurt when it is pointed out what they are doing isnt really paleo but in reality just eating healther and having more calories out than calories in..they just like to say they do paleo as it labels them as thinking they are better than the rest of us who simply lose weight by eating less calories and dont do all the restrictions!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    a lot of people do it, I personally find it useless, as long as you're on a deficit. If you eat an apple tomorrow on the keto diet (or the paleo) and drink water.. you will gain back 10 lbs... The reason why people like the paleo is cause the first week, you lose all your glycogen storages and that makes you lose ~10 lbs of water weight

    What??? I think you have paleo and keto confused. In your defense, many paleo eaters are keto-paleo or keto-primal, but paleo in itself is not automatically very low carb and fruit is usually eaten regularly.


    I was Paleo forever, than went Keto-Paleo and OMG OUCH OUCH OUCH I got sick for the first time in years.

    I should've never trusted a diet that cut out fruits like apples and veg like carrots. LOL.

    I'm back to normal Paleo wishing I'd never deviated, and I got down on a banana last night!

    Tonight... MANGO!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    PS I do believe I could make myself gain on a Paleo diet, and I know for a fact I can stall my progress with it.

    The first six months or year it did just melt off, but as my Paleo cooking matured and my weight got lower I found a stall, and that's normal.

    That's why I'm over here logging my caloric intake!

    Mark Sisson blatantly says that if you go over on calories even eating Primal you will gain weight, and lays out a modified version of the diet for those that are trying to drop weight vs. those that are in maintenance.

    Ya'll already know this though.

  • I do for health reasons. I tried to eat oatmeal didn't turn out so good. The tummy pain isn't worth it.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Ok there is my take on it... CALL IT WHAT EVER YOU WANT... I use the guidelines from Paleo to eat a more healthy and clean diet of foods. People who dislike seem to hate on the idea of the PALEO/CAVEMAN thing and use that to discredit it. I get it.

    What PALEO did for me was get a lot of processed food out of my diet. Kept me away from fast food and forced me to cook more for myself which in the end helped me go from a size 12/14 to a size 2/4. I eat it "paleo" about 80/20% of the time. I allow myself to enjoy life and have foods that aren't part of the program some of the time.

    I make sure I get my carbs from certain veggies and sweet potatoes which I love. I don't drink soft drinks that often (no diet coke in 42 days), I drink a ton more water. I fuel for my workouts and I am ... AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART FOR ME... I am HAPPY in my own skin for the FIRST TIME in my LIFE.

    Add me if you like or are interested in seeing my food diary. Post most of the time.

    I am against paleo not because of the caveman thing, but because of the fact that it is a restrictive diet and the fact that seemingly no one can follow it, yet uses the name. I dislike labels, fads, whatever you want to call it. Just eat less and move more. If you want to "eat less processed foods" then do so, you don't have to call it anything but "the way I eat."

    I am also happy in my own skin for the first time in my life, and I am not restricting anything out of my diet, just eating less of what I used to eat and lifting weights. I'm not trying to dump on anyone for improving their life through diet and exercise, I'm just pointing out that there are simpler, less gimmicky ways to accomplish this.

    ETA: Although, making fun of the caveman part of it is funny, and so easy.

    I'll call it whatever I please, thanks.

    Having a blanket statement for the term helps convey a much clearer message than "way of eating."

    Everyone on this site has a "way of eating."

    Some are Paleo, and there are many, many, many other labels out there that help identify ideas and methods.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Ok there is my take on it... CALL IT WHAT EVER YOU WANT... I use the guidelines from Paleo to eat a more healthy and clean diet of foods. People who dislike seem to hate on the idea of the PALEO/CAVEMAN thing and use that to discredit it. I get it.

    What PALEO did for me was get a lot of processed food out of my diet. Kept me away from fast food and forced me to cook more for myself which in the end helped me go from a size 12/14 to a size 2/4. I eat it "paleo" about 80/20% of the time. I allow myself to enjoy life and have foods that aren't part of the program some of the time.

    I make sure I get my carbs from certain veggies and sweet potatoes which I love. I don't drink soft drinks that often (no diet coke in 42 days), I drink a ton more water. I fuel for my workouts and I am ... AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART FOR ME... I am HAPPY in my own skin for the FIRST TIME in my LIFE.

    Add me if you like or are interested in seeing my food diary. Post most of the time.

    I am against paleo not because of the caveman thing, but because of the fact that it is a restrictive diet and the fact that seemingly no one can follow it, yet uses the name. I dislike labels, fads, whatever you want to call it. Just eat less and move more. If you want to "eat less processed foods" then do so, you don't have to call it anything but "the way I eat."

    I am also happy in my own skin for the first time in my life, and I am not restricting anything out of my diet, just eating less of what I used to eat and lifting weights. I'm not trying to dump on anyone for improving their life through diet and exercise, I'm just pointing out that there are simpler, less gimmicky ways to accomplish this.

    ETA: Although, making fun of the caveman part of it is funny, and so easy.

    I'll call it whatever I please, thanks.

    Having a blanket statement for the term helps convey a much clearer message than "way of eating."

    Everyone on this site has a "way of eating."

    Some are Paleo, and there are many, many, many other labels out there that help identify ideas and methods.

    So you would be ok with someone who says they are a vegetarian but still eats meat sometimes.......
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Ok there is my take on it... CALL IT WHAT EVER YOU WANT... I use the guidelines from Paleo to eat a more healthy and clean diet of foods. People who dislike seem to hate on the idea of the PALEO/CAVEMAN thing and use that to discredit it. I get it.

    What PALEO did for me was get a lot of processed food out of my diet. Kept me away from fast food and forced me to cook more for myself which in the end helped me go from a size 12/14 to a size 2/4. I eat it "paleo" about 80/20% of the time. I allow myself to enjoy life and have foods that aren't part of the program some of the time.

    I make sure I get my carbs from certain veggies and sweet potatoes which I love. I don't drink soft drinks that often (no diet coke in 42 days), I drink a ton more water. I fuel for my workouts and I am ... AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART FOR ME... I am HAPPY in my own skin for the FIRST TIME in my LIFE.

    Add me if you like or are interested in seeing my food diary. Post most of the time.

    I am against paleo not because of the caveman thing, but because of the fact that it is a restrictive diet and the fact that seemingly no one can follow it, yet uses the name. I dislike labels, fads, whatever you want to call it. Just eat less and move more. If you want to "eat less processed foods" then do so, you don't have to call it anything but "the way I eat."

    I am also happy in my own skin for the first time in my life, and I am not restricting anything out of my diet, just eating less of what I used to eat and lifting weights. I'm not trying to dump on anyone for improving their life through diet and exercise, I'm just pointing out that there are simpler, less gimmicky ways to accomplish this.

    ETA: Although, making fun of the caveman part of it is funny, and so easy.

    I'll call it whatever I please, thanks.

    Having a blanket statement for the term helps convey a much clearer message than "way of eating."

    Everyone on this site has a "way of eating."

    Some are Paleo, and there are many, many, many other labels out there that help identify ideas and methods.

    So you would be ok with someone who says they are a vegetarian but still eats meat sometimes.......

    Sure. I'm not the diet terminology label police.

    Other people's use of terminology to describe diets is not my circus and not my monkeys.

    Calling out a vegan for eating eggs wouldn't prove anything to anyone about anything except perhaps show that I feel an urge to be condescending or argumentative for no reason.

    Vegetarians who eat meat know it's not part of the mainstream version of their diet plan.

    Vegans who eat eggs know it's not part of the mainstream version of their diet plan.

    Paleo people who drink diet Root Beer sometimes know that diet soda is not an acceptable part of their diet plan.

    Chances are they made a very informed decision of deviation and are well aware of the consequences (if any) and don't need me to point out the obvious like they are two years old.
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 173 Member
    I am against paleo not because of the caveman thing, but because of the fact that it is a restrictive diet and the fact that seemingly no one can follow it, yet uses the name.

    I eat Keto which is even more restrictive although I don't know what is restrictive about eating all the eggs, meat, cheese, cream and veges (except starchy ones) that I like :)

    All I am missing is chips, pasta, rice, bread and sweets that are full of sugar. How is that restrictive?

    Edit for on topic: I do frequent my local Paleo cafe for lunch on a regular basis!
    Just eat less and move more

    Unfortunately that mantra didn't work for me all the times I tried it. Now, I eat more and move not too much more than usual to lose :D
  • dawnn33
    dawnn33 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I started on May 19th and am down almost 10 lbs! I have way more energy and am eating wonderful foods. I feel full and am not looking at the clock waiting for my next meal!!