Weirdos at Work



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I work with this chick who talks to herself all the time, drinks so much water and tea she gets up to pee every 45 minutes and sends co-workers unsolicited cat pictures.

    Oh wait, that's me..
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I AM the weirdo at work. Sometimes I spend hours trying to think of the most bizarre things to have for lunch. Or I let my toddler my outfit for the day.
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    I work with a woman that is a talker. The kind of talk like, "You know what happened Tuesday? Oh wait, was it Tuesday? It might have been Wednesday. Oh yeah, it was Wednesday because I had pizza on Wednesday. I remember . . ." Aaaaah! I want to puncture my eardrums.

    Especially when she tells me sex stories about she and her husband. She's about 67 years old. Gah . . . I mean, I'm glad they're getting busy and all, but please! And no thank you.

  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    There's this one girl who threw her lap top across the room a few months ago. That was slightly uncomfortable...
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I used to have this bi-polar, mean b*tch of a boss that used to scream at us one minute, then the next ask one of us to run to the corner store and buy her peanut M&M's and pumpkin seeds. Once a week.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I used to have this bi-polar, mean b*tch of a boss that used to scream at us one minute, then the next ask one of us to run to the corner store and buy her peanut M&M's and pumpkin seeds. Once a week.

    I used to have a boss who would flip out and scream at us until her nose bled. Turns out she had a massive cocaine habit, got fired for stealing all or credit card tips and ended up in jail for dealing.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    I'm fairly certain I AM the weirdo.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I work in a grocery store. Most of the people with whom I work are lovely people. Some of the customers, though... :laugh:
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I used to have this bi-polar, mean b*tch of a boss that used to scream at us one minute, then the next ask one of us to run to the corner store and buy her peanut M&M's and pumpkin seeds. Once a week.

    I used to have a boss who would flip out and scream at us until her nose bled. Turns out she had a massive cocaine habit, got fired for stealing all or credit card tips and ended up in jail for dealing.

    Damn. You win :laugh:
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    I used to work with an emergency doctor who would crack under pressure every couple of years and walk out in the middle of major resus's. I once saw him tip a spinal boarded patient off the trolley because the patient kept swearing at the nurses.

    I also worked with a Serbian ex-military doctor who when asked by an 11 year old kid what the worst thing he had ever seen was replied "I saw my best friend have his head blown off". He used to tell cardiac patients "you smoke, you drink, you ****ed, you die"
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Haha dang he really loves Under Armour... maybe he has stock in them or something

    But speaking of people's work attire..... there are some people in my office who actually wear SWEATPANTS to work! like grey baggy sweat pants. This is supposed to be a professional office, people! :P

    LOL that is pretty bad.

    I worked with a woman who was probably a size S/5-6 and wore clubbing-type shirts, but they were not too crazy or revealing so they looked professional enough, and nice trousers from Express, and heels...and then EVERY DAY no matter the weather, she wound up wearing this big grey sweatshirt over her clothes. It was the kind men wear who work in construction, with a thick fuzzy white lining and industrial zipper, and it had to be a mens size XL! I get that she was cold in the frigid office, but come on...get something a bit more stylish and work-appropriate, or at least something close to your own size!!

    I wear sweatpants to work. :angry: I work graveyard in IT and on planned gym days, I come into work wearing sweatpants/workout attire and I head straight there after I get off work in the mornings. Guess I am a weirdo...SWEET! :bigsmile:
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I work in a lab, lab people are the epitome of weird, we're all crazy. For my department, there are only three of us, all female, and we're on one side of the building in a secure hallway, thankfully we all get along really well and there are some pretty interesting conversations that take place, occasionally my boss makes the mistake of coming to our side when we're in the middle of them and he just turns and walks away as soon as he realizes what he's walked into, and pretty much every time he says "you three are crazy, do you know that?" I just remind him he was the one that said I couldn't be a polar bear....
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I work for a pharmaceutical manufacturer and do the art layouts for all the cartons, labels, etc that the medication goes in before it hits your local drug store shelf. We have proofreaders check all our work, and they are a special bunch. They work in teams, one reading out loud while the other proofreads the artwork.

    We once had one, a temp, who got bored reading the drug facts (that tiny little print on the back of your headache relief carton) so she would read in different accents.

    Another one, also a temp, was a psychic. She used to leave her business cards for her psychic reading business in the bathroom. She talked to spirits up in the corners of the rooms. At lunch she would go sit in her car and pound her chest and shout and "cleanse her aura." She once wrote a paragraph-long edit on one of my friends' layouts about the proper use of a semicolon. She was probably the weirdest person who ever worked here...and we've had some people who were certifiable.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I used to work with a woman who would listen to static on her radio all day and let out big deep belly burps followed by a teensy little "ooh! excuse me!" all day.

    She was sitting in my area as overflow. Maybe because there actually was no space for her where her co-workers were, or maybe because they were trying to stick her somewhere out of sight, because everyone else was in a completely seperate building. Because she was so far from her co-workers and bosses, she would sometimes come in, call her boss on the phone to tell him she was there, and then leave to go see a movie. She'd frequently come back with the popcorn bags or bags from shopping at the mall.
  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member
    I work in a cemetery. We are all a bit weird around here.

    haha that's kinda cool though! :)
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    The guy who sits next to me makes the exact same noises as Peter Griffin does when he makes 'old man' noises... ALL DAMN DAY
  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member
    Haha dang he really loves Under Armour... maybe he has stock in them or something

    But speaking of people's work attire..... there are some people in my office who actually wear SWEATPANTS to work! like grey baggy sweat pants. This is supposed to be a professional office, people! :P

    LOL that is pretty bad.

    I worked with a woman who was probably a size S/5-6 and wore clubbing-type shirts, but they were not too crazy or revealing so they looked professional enough, and nice trousers from Express, and heels...and then EVERY DAY no matter the weather, she wound up wearing this big grey sweatshirt over her clothes. It was the kind men wear who work in construction, with a thick fuzzy white lining and industrial zipper, and it had to be a mens size XL! I get that she was cold in the frigid office, but come on...get something a bit more stylish and work-appropriate, or at least something close to your own size!!

    I wear sweatpants to work. :angry: I work graveyard in IT and on planned gym days, I come into work wearing sweatpants/workout attire and I head straight there after I get off work in the mornings. Guess I am a weirdo...SWEET! :bigsmile:

    It's only weird HERE because when I first got here the office manager told me she had to send a memo in the winter letting people know it's not acceptable to wear sweatpants at work... and they're still doing it
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    You should work in my Courthouse (felony court)..... Need I say more?
  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member
    You should work in my Courthouse (felony court)..... Need I say more?

    Haha one of my temp jobs I read prisoner complaint letters against the Department of Corrections. Now THERE were some crazyy people. lol
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    You should work in my Courthouse (felony court)..... Need I say more?

    Haha one of my temp jobs I read prisoner complaint letters against the Department of Corrections. Now THERE were some crazyy people. lol