Fast Food Addiction

I started working at Burger King a little over a year ago. At the beginning, I would only eat the food maybe once a week. But, when I got promoted to a manager I started to receive free food. I would eat there every day I worked. Now, even if I'm not working I still eat fast food everyday. I can't seem to shake the habit..

Has anybody else dealt with and overcame this issue?



  • Arena0717
    Arena0717 Posts: 2
    I kind of have this problem too,unfortantly, I know it's hard to resist. But what I did was try to ween myself. For example, usually I get a cheeseburger, a 10 piece chicken nugget, and a large fry and a large coke which is an ungodly amount of calories. After not eating McDonalds for a week, I had a cheeseburger and a medium fry and a medium coke. I'm going to try not to have it again until 2 weeks from now, and then I will just get smaller choices, maybe just a medium fry and a medium coke or just nuggets. Even if this is everyday, just do it slowly. If you have a lot this day, try to cut it in 1/3 tommorow if you get it again, or fight it and try in 2 days, a week, whatever you can do. However, if you get soda, just get a small non-diet soda. Diet soda is actually worse because of the chemicals used in it, even though the zero calories is nice, just get a smaller size if you get soda from fast food joints. Everyday just get a smaller portion. :) good luck!!!
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Is it a lack of self control or an actual addiction? Like would you kill for a whopper? Rob your grandmother for some french fries?

    People use this food addiction excuse way to much. If you want to stop eating fast food then stop eating it.
  • ZebraGlee78
    ZebraGlee78 Posts: 83 Member
    My addiction is tied to my soda addiction (literally used to drink at least a liter a day). If I'm doing really well at not drinking soda, the rest follows since I like to wash my junk/fast food down with a nice big Sprite. It's been 10 days no soda!
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I say it all comes down to pure laziness and self control. Including myself if I happen to have a lot of fast food in one week (in which I barely do), but it is simply because I am too lazy to put a meal together or do the dishes.

    I have self control though and fast food eff's my stomach up (I have tummy problems). You don't need it all the time. You can minimize how much fast food you eat, but you have to want to.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    However, if you get soda, just get a small non-diet soda. Diet soda is actually worse because of the chemicals used in it, even though the zero calories is nice, just get a smaller size if you get soda from fast food joints.

    100% no
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Habit, addiction
    Potato, po-tah-to

    Work at McDonalds.
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    I use to stop at the BK lounge every day on my way to work and scarf down about 3500 calories. the way im able to not stop at those places, is eat lunch before i go to work at home, and I dont drive by those places on my way unless i have to for gas or something. now i cant remember the last time i had BK. and I dont crave it much anymore (well not until i saw this post lol) i will occasionally eat fast food, but its maybe once a month and its in my calorie goal.

    And people that have never been addicted to fast food like that dont know how hard it is not to eat it. it's the one thing i think i've really been addicted to in my life and it was really hard to stop going all the time. those foods are quick, easy, tasty, which make them extremely addictive for some of us which leads to a lot of our weight issues. Just because you wouldnt kill for a whopper doesnt make it not an addiction, just like people who smoke wouldnt kill for a cigarette. we're not all the same when it comes to self control of the food choices we make.
  • Arena0717
    Arena0717 Posts: 2
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Two things:

    1) Actually log every day and log it all for 30 daysl to make yourself accountable.

    You need to see this. It's important.

    2) Save ALL your fast food receipts. Add them up after the 30 days. Hell, put the price in the notes of your food diary.

    Add up the total calories AND the amount of money you spent on it.

    Say the amounts out loud. Get mad and say it angrily.

    That should slow your brain down.

    Think about how much a piece of grilled chicken with some side dishes from the market would have cost in calories and monetarily.

    You can do it!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member

    If Dr. Oz said it then I automatically reject it out of hand.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    same when I used to work at dominos pizza. I would eat a entire medium pie everyday I worker. I had to quit that job to be able to lose weight. Overeating was a hard addiction to overcome.

    Now I just remember how sexy I ma look when the weight is gone. I do not crave fast food like before. If I do go fast food I make healthy choices or eat in moderation.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member

    Yeah i stopped as soon as I got to Dr. Oz.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Two things:

    1) Actually log every day and log it all for 30 daysl to make yourself accountable.

    You need to see this. It's important.

    2) Save ALL your fast food receipts. Add them up after the 30 days. Hell, put the price in the notes of your food diary.

    Add up the total calories AND the amount of money you spent on it.

    Say the amounts out loud. Get mad and say it angrily.

    That should slow your brain down.

    Think about how much a piece of grilled chicken with some side dishes from the market would have cost in calories and monetarily.

    You can do it!

    That actually is a great idea...that might help you too...especially the calorie part of it
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I think you approach this like any other bad habit or addiction you wish to break.

    Make a list of reasons why you want to stop. Make a list of reasons you'd continue the habit. See which outweighs the other.

    Also, if convenience is a big part of your "addiction", make it inconvenient. Don't go in the direction of the place. Premake your meals on weekends, and have them in tupperware with you at all times. Buy some Quest bars (particularly nummy protein bars) or fruits and keep one in your purse/car/wherever to snack on if you get hungry, so you won't use "But I'm SO HUNGRY now" as an excuse.

    Chew gum.

    I frankly can't imagine being addicted to fast food. I eat the stuff a couple times a year under very specific circumstances, and afterwards I always feel weighted down and greasy. It's not a pleasant feeling. Maybe focus on how the food makes you feel, as opposed to how freshly made, nutritive dense food makes you feel?
  • geekishgirl
    geekishgirl Posts: 117 Member

    I tried reading this article just to see what he was using to back up his claims, 3 times it's crashed my browser. I'm just saying, even my browser doesn't believe this.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Is it a lack of self control or an actual addiction? Like would you kill for a whopper? Rob your grandmother for some french fries?

    People use this food addiction excuse way to much. If you want to stop eating fast food then stop eating it.
  • nobel99
    nobel99 Posts: 62 Member
    I use to stop at the BK lounge every day on my way to work and scarf down about 3500 calories. the way im able to not stop at those places, is eat lunch before i go to work at home, and I dont drive by those places on my way unless i have to for gas or something. now i cant remember the last time i had BK. and I dont crave it much anymore (well not until i saw this post lol) i will occasionally eat fast food, but its maybe once a month and its in my calorie goal.

    And people that have never been addicted to fast food like that dont know how hard it is not to eat it. it's the one thing i think i've really been addicted to in my life and it was really hard to stop going all the time. those foods are quick, easy, tasty, which make them extremely addictive for some of us which leads to a lot of our weight issues. Just because you wouldnt kill for a whopper doesnt make it not an addiction, just like people who smoke wouldnt kill for a cigarette. we're not all the same when it comes to self control of the food choices we make.

    Agree! It's probably the MSG.... I have moodiness and I'm so much better after that McD's intake. I eat it weekly & I count it in my daily calorie....some days it makes me go over but at least I'm happy :)
  • Kaye_Marie
    Kaye_Marie Posts: 15
    Is it a lack of self control or an actual addiction? Like would you kill for a whopper? Rob your grandmother for some french fries?

    People use this food addiction excuse way to much. If you want to stop eating fast food then stop eating it.

    People are addicted to smoking. Would they kill for a cigarette or rob their grandmother for them?
    Food is an addiction for some people.
  • zeastronomer
    I'm eating fast food every day right now. Often, it's all I eat each day. (really.) I log everything into MFP, exercise every day, and I still lose weight. I've lost 15 pounds so far. Sure, fast food isn't healthy. But the issue you're having is eating too much of it.

    Don't feel bad about that. I've done it too, it's very easy to do. But plan what you're going to eat at the fast food joint, pick exactly what you'll eat that won't blow the calorie-bank and order only that. I drink diet soda only. Although, I've recently switched to water-only at the fast food joint, and a 12 ounce can of diet soda at home (cheaper).

    And if you really want to change your habit of eating fast food, instead of eating smaller amounts, well, sounds like other people have given some good advice in that area.