SAHM 01/10 to 01/16

Welcome! We are an amazing group of Stay at Home Mom's that support each other through our weightloss, parenting, etc. We welcome all newcomers!:flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM everyone! My parents left yesterday, so I wll be able to chat more! My running has kinda slacked a little bit and with how I ate over the holidays, I gained 4 lbs.:grumble: I started the 30 day shred again, so I hope that I can get those pesky pounds off and them some!

    My goals for this week: drink more H20, do the shred 3 times and run 4days....also to have better portion control. I am starting to eyeball my portion sizes again, I just need to measure them again!
  • jessicalhall85
    I am a SAHM mom and i would love to join!! :) I have three daughters, ages 5, 3 and 6 months. My husband works a lot so i don't get out much.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Haha forgot it was Monday & a new thread so I copied & pasted my posted I typed this morning to here from last weeks thread...

    Baby woke up at 6 to nurse this morning so I am up and enjoying a bit of peace & quiet at the moment! It only dawned on me just now after being downstairs for over 30 minutes that I could of squeezed in my workout already so I didn't have to do it at naptime, oh well just sitting in the dark with a cup of coffee stareing at the tv was kinda nice.
    Well Day 1 of Slim in 6 wasn't to bad, the hardest part for me was keeping my arms up as long as she did & of course the push-ups but everything else I could pretty much do so I'm excited about that because it means I will only get better! I did the pictures and they were as expected horrible, I see myself in the mirrow but when you put it on the camera then look at it on the computer it's kinda scarey! I even made DS#1 go away when he tried to see what I was doing, haha! But it just makes me that much more determined to see a change.
    Now I just have to work on my eatting. I made Amish Friendship Bread yesterday and it was so good, which of course is bad because then I want to keep eatting it but I did log in every piece so I know and can't keep doing that. I have to be sure to thank my friend who brought me the starter for it, haha! I will just have to let the boys eat it all up or maybe freeze the second loaf until hubby is home to eat it cause the next batch will be ready to go in 10 days and I can't keep eatting it every time. I did make it to the store to replenish my fruit & veggie supply though so I can eat lots of salads while hubby is gone, luckily I really love salad so that will be any easy meal for me. Now I just have to be careful about the meals with friends I have planned for this week (all of us with hubbys gone try to do dinner together a night or two a week so we don't have to cook for just our kids), I will just make the thing I bring a salad & eat more of that than anything else.
    Happy Monday to everyone I better go wake up my oldest so he can get ready for school, have a great day!!

    And I'm down another pound from last week which means about 8lbs since joining MFP!
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I'm new to this thread. I am a SAHM- I have a great hubby and two kids- a boy 11 and a daughter almost 15. My kids cyber school- so they are SAHKs! We live in a very rural area actually in a National and State forest- with neighbors miles away. My kids both love to bike on trails and many forest roads. We are also avid hunters. Both of my kids dance classical ballet. My daughter spent the fall at a residency/boarding school before an injury and homesickness made the decision for us to bring her home. I am a pro-photographer.

    I LOVE to run! II am a penguin runner (very slow) because I had a spinal cord injury in 92- and I have nerve deficits in my legs. but I do run and I love it. My goal is to run and FINISH the Palm Beach Marathon (half) in Dec 2011. It will be 20 years since my SCI and being told I would never walk again (boy were they wrong). I am working on dropping this weight so I can actually start working on building a TRUE base so I can start my half training.

    We eat very healthy. Very few processed foods. I cook from scratch- and use almost ALL fresh ingredients. We DO NOT eat any High Fructose Corn Syrup- or derivatives of. We also do not use or consume a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners. We use honey to sweeten things- I also use a stevia extract.

    I have lost 37 pounds- but have slowed down immensely and have been semi-stuck recently. I have 35 more to go to hit my goal- I am kind of disheartened. I have recently upped my calories and strength training and hope that this will help my body out of this plateau - because it is making me nuts!

  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Options guys love the amish friendship bread...and you are right it is too yummy.....I have a loaf in the freezer that im not pulling out any time soon:0) good luck with your slim in 6.......I cant say I have a set workout each depends on my boys schedule and practice that day as to what I can do.....tonite I will run my youngest to wrestling practice, go to a meeting, then hop on the treadmill and run.....then go pick him up........tomorrow 2 of my guys have basketball practice and 1 hubby and I will split and I will take out oldest and the dog with me...while he is practicing I will walk our dog around the neighborhood where he practices......thursday will probably be another run on the treadmill day and Friday i will take 2 to practice and go to my Zumba class....(which I LOVE)....Saturday will either walk the dog for an hour or do an workout dvd....never know what a day is going to bring but I usually can figure out some kind of workout for each situation:0) Wed. and Sun....are usually rest day
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    christi--congrats on the loss!

    welcome jessica and nanny k. and how cool to live in a natl forest--espec as i'm in the middle of the desert!

    chat later--stacey
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Jenn and Nanny! This is a great group of ladies!

    Nanny- I have my 14 year old in Cyber school. He is in Connections academy and we love it! We also eat almost no processed foods and I feel like I live in a National park, I live on 20 acres! :-)

    Krisl- where do you live in PA? I grew up in Chester County and lived in Lanc. County before I moved across the Country.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Welcome Jenn and Nanny! This is a great group of ladies!

    Nanny- I have my 14 year old in Cyber school. He is in Connections academy and we love it! We also eat almost no processed foods and I feel like I live in a National park, I live on 20 acres! :-)

    Krisl- where do you live in PA? I grew up in Chester County and lived in Lanc. County before I moved across the Country.

    I live in Mifflin County....we are about an hour and half from Lancaster....we go to the outlets in Lancaster a couple times a year to shop......
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Cristi! I forgot to say yay on the weight loss!

    Krisl- We almost bought a house in Juniata county, so close by.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls! how did your monday wrap up? i finally got a real workout in!--i used my new ifone and did the nike training club--a 30min workout for beginners. more like HIIT therefore big calorie burn. but i don't feel like i WORKED cuz i wasn't dripping sweat. make sense? it was challenging but short.
    will try another one later this week.

    my eating is OK today. too much salad dressing so sodium is too high. but i'll be okay. at least i don't have the 3 oclock hungries.

    my goal tomorrow--workout B4 kids get up; drink 40 oz water
    also, need to have exact plan for lunches and snacks for the rest of the week.

  • Tamelaine
    Still haven't gotten my Monday workout in! Going to do it as soon as my little monsters go to sleep. They've been a handful today! My littlest is teething and got up at 4:30 and woke the oldest up, so they were crabby all day, even with naps! So, can't wait to get them to sleep and get a great workout in with p90x! I am starting week 2 today.
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Survived my first week back into the swing of things! Got in at least 45 minutes of exercise per day...mostly elliptical but yesterday the kids wouldn't give me a break, so I made them do wii Active with me!!! I'm feeling great and can't wait to step onto the scale tomorrow!

    My goal for this week is to try and eat more veggies and keep up the workouts. Now if only I can get my youngest to go to bed!!! That seems more challenging then getting back into the healthy way of living!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Boo! Was so disappointed about the snow this morning, everything was supposed to be covered in white, and it wasn't :( It's winter time, I need snow! LOL It's starting to fall now, but the prediction of inches has gone way down

    Anyway, enough complaining from me! I am down 2.5lbs this morning after 1 week of being back on track! Only 3 more to go to get rid of Holiday weight, wohoo! I worked out twice yesterday, ran 2 miles in the am, and did circuit and abs in the PM :) I feel great!

    Katie ~ Yikes about your sledding adventure!

    Christi ~ Good luck with slim in 6! That looks like a great program! Congrats on the loss!

    Stacey ~ That program is only available for the iPhone, you need a 4G network, I'm so sad! It looks really cool!

    Welcome Jessica! You are so close to goal!! Congratulations! What all did you do?!

    Nanny ~ You are so inspiring!! Congrats on all you have accomplished :)

    My goals this week, keep up with the protein intake, I'm not cutting out carbs (heck I eat a half a bagel every morning!) but I really want to get better at getting more protein in. I've been substituting my afternoon snack for a glass of milk with a scoop of protein powder, it helps hold me over til dinner time too. I've been doing great with water, so I just need to keep that up. Drinking a glass before every meal has really really helped! :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i'm so glad you women are out there! cuz of you--and b/c i had to report in---i got up and DID MY EXERCISE! b4 the kids got up. now i can go on with my day not worrying about where to fit in the workout. yay!

    thank you all!!:flowerforyou:
  • paigeofpearls
    Hi, I've been on this site since just after Christmas and have been looking for a group to sort of join. I am a stay-at-home mom most of the time, except for the fact that I'm taking classes part time. My husband is really supportive of all my endeavors, and losing weight is no exception! We have five kids. The last one we had was five years ago, and I have seven pounds per kid that I need to lose. Actually, I've lost nearly one kid's worth already and am looking forward to continuing my new habits. Exercise 5-6 days a week and lowering my caloric intake has been a blessing, because it's helped me to cut out my cravings tremendously. Anyway, I'm excited to find a like-minded group and hope to glean some great ideas from you ladies!

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  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yay Stacey for doing your exercise!!!!!!

    Katie- Protein definitely helps me fill up so I don't get the hungries so quick.

    Skinny- I still have trouble getting my older ones to bed!

    Welcome all newcomers! YAY!

    I ran today, and I am going to MEASURE my lunch food.....must use portion control! ( I am reminding myself!)
  • fitmom125
    Hey I would love to join. I am a SAHM too. I have three children and one grandchild. I'm home most of the time except when I go shopping. I just started excercising, something I haven't done in years.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome fitmom and paige!

    nicole--good for you on the run!

    and katie, i actually went over on my protein today. normally i'm under cuz i'm a carbaholic, but for the past 2 days i've really tried to focus on protein.

    sorry abt the nike training. up until a month ago i had just a phone--a flip phone, calls only no texting.
    and now i have this amazing thing! i never thought i would want one but i LOVE it! not bragging...just amazed at 21st cent technology :laugh:

    hope everyone has a good night!

    think about your goals for tomorrow--post them on your fridge!!:flowerforyou:
  • time2loseitall
    Hi There Everyone! I am a newbie here this past week, I have 4 boys and a SAHM and from Northern Indiana. I have been working out since the 20th of dec, and lost 11... then this week I came here to start a diet plan to add to my working out.. It has been hard going so far, only because I am actually eating MORE than I have in the past, which is just a killer to me... but with being more active I have still lost 2 more lbs this week!! So far so good! I just wish New Year's was in the middle of SUMMER.. because making this a New Year Resolution would have been a lot easier if it was warm out!! LOL
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Sooo...we set up our workout room downstairs, which I love!!! Baby gate for a door so that I don't have to worry about my kids running around the machines and weights, and so they can see me and though they may cry and scream, I can see that they are okay!!! Problem is, I have an old tv in there and a dvd regular channels to watch Biggest Loser, which motivates tonight I improvised and used a step stool to do stepping for 45 minutes while watching the show! It was great, I will definately start looking into investing in a proper step for the nights I can't sneak away.

    Lost 11 lbs this Biggest loser weight loss, and totally due to all the crap I put in my body over the holidays...but what a great way to start!!!

    Hope everyone else gets a feel good pick you up motivater this week too!