Weirdos at Work



  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Hand washing?
    We have a lady here that is constantly washing her FEET in the sink.

    Falling asleep at their desk?
    We had a guy here that did that on a regular basis. Last year he died at his desk and no one noticed for hours......
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Haha dang he really loves Under Armour... maybe he has stock in them or something

    But speaking of people's work attire..... there are some people in my office who actually wear SWEATPANTS to work! like grey baggy sweat pants. This is supposed to be a professional office, people! :P

    LOL that is pretty bad.

    I worked with a woman who was probably a size S/5-6 and wore clubbing-type shirts, but they were not too crazy or revealing so they looked professional enough, and nice trousers from Express, and heels...and then EVERY DAY no matter the weather, she wound up wearing this big grey sweatshirt over her clothes. It was the kind men wear who work in construction, with a thick fuzzy white lining and industrial zipper, and it had to be a mens size XL! I get that she was cold in the frigid office, but come on...get something a bit more stylish and work-appropriate, or at least something close to your own size!!

    I wear sweatpants to work. :angry: I work graveyard in IT and on planned gym days, I come into work wearing sweatpants/workout attire and I head straight there after I get off work in the mornings. Guess I am a weirdo...SWEET! :bigsmile:

    Well...working graveyard shift in IT is *way* different than working in an accounting department 8-5 where you often face the public and 60 professionally dressed coworkers. I'd say you get slack on that for sure. When I was in college and worked 18-24 hour shifts with adults with autism, I often wore shorts & band logo t-shirts.

    Yeef. I'm a software engineer, and everyone's generally dressed in khakis and dress shirts. One time I had to be in the office at 4:00am for a conference call with some contractors in Germany, and when I came in a colleague of mine was coding away at his desk ... in his boxers.
  • WonderWhitney11
    WonderWhitney11 Posts: 78 Member
    I must work at the weirdest place ever. I think I may be the only "normal" one... although they probably think I'm weird.

    I work in a graphic design office with 3 guys who constantly talk about and draw boobs and/or phallic symbols on stuff, and two of them like to fill us all in when they get laid.

    The newest member of our team must have some sort of gastrointestinal thing, because he sure farts a lot. And he doesn't care who hears it. Like seriously- in the middle of a conversation he'll stop talking and let one rip for a minute straight. Weird.

    Don't even get me started on the rest of our team... I work in R&D so we've got lots of really smart and very unusual people around here... add to that that Fridays become "beer Fridays" after 2:00...
  • Idefinenichelle
    Idefinenichelle Posts: 116 Member
    You guys don't even know about weird. I had to make TWO threads about my weird new co worker, Jeff.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OMG I AM WEAK!!! I read both of your threads!
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I'm the weirdo at work. I get questions every few months regarding my personalized license plate (it's a potion from RPG's) and here's my geek wall and the upper part of my desk.


  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I have a coworker that I'm sure is a hoarder - like the ones you see on TV, although I've never seen her house. She keeps 11 pairs of shoes at her desk. She keeps the lids of dead pens (she has dozens) - I don't know why. She'll keep old pages of used labels to cut the edges to use as white out- despite the fact we have plenty of whiteout sticks in the stationary cupboard. She also has an entire large cupboard filled with vitamins, she's like a health store. She takes a couple dozen pills a day, and I'm not exaggerating (none of them are prescription pills)

    . I keep thinking of more: She microwaves her food in tin foil pretty well every day, and she also reheats coffee in the to-go cups from restaurants so the bottom scorches (it smells so bad).
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Haha dang he really loves Under Armour... maybe he has stock in them or something

    But speaking of people's work attire..... there are some people in my office who actually wear SWEATPANTS to work! like grey baggy sweat pants. This is supposed to be a professional office, people! :P

    LOL that is pretty bad.

    I worked with a woman who was probably a size S/5-6 and wore clubbing-type shirts, but they were not too crazy or revealing so they looked professional enough, and nice trousers from Express, and heels...and then EVERY DAY no matter the weather, she wound up wearing this big grey sweatshirt over her clothes. It was the kind men wear who work in construction, with a thick fuzzy white lining and industrial zipper, and it had to be a mens size XL! I get that she was cold in the frigid office, but come on...get something a bit more stylish and work-appropriate, or at least something close to your own size!!

    I wear sweatpants to work. :angry: I work graveyard in IT and on planned gym days, I come into work wearing sweatpants/workout attire and I head straight there after I get off work in the mornings. Guess I am a weirdo...SWEET! :bigsmile:

    Well...working graveyard shift in IT is *way* different than working in an accounting department 8-5 where you often face the public and 60 professionally dressed coworkers. I'd say you get slack on that for sure. When I was in college and worked 18-24 hour shifts with adults with autism, I often wore shorts & band logo t-shirts.

    Yeef. I'm a software engineer, and everyone's generally dressed in khakis and dress shirts. One time I had to be in the office at 4:00am for a conference call with some contractors in Germany, and when I came in a colleague of mine was coding away at his desk ... in his boxers.
    Yes, I agree it is different working graveyard and a guy coding in his boxers? At work? Yeah, no. Even working overnights and knowing I will be the only guy at my workplace, like it is on holidays, I would never be just in boxers.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    At my work there's this lady who always washes her hands BEFORE she enters the stall to do her business. Maybe she's a clean freak, but I find it a little odd to do that beforehand when she's just going to have to do it again anyway.

    i do that. i don't want to touch my penis with dirty hands.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I think I am the work weirdo!!!
  • WonStepAtaTime
    WonStepAtaTime Posts: 101 Member
    "At my work there's this lady who always washes her hands BEFORE she enters the stall to do her business. Maybe she's a clean freak, but I find it a little odd to do that beforehand when she's just going to have to do it again anyway."

    I do this too. Of course, I also wash my hands AFTERWARD to protect everyone else from MY germs but, I also like to protect MYSELF from anything I may have picked up elsewhere. Just a thought.

    I have MANY "weirdos" at are a few

    1) an optometrist (no longer here) who would ALWAYS turn seemingly innocent conversation into completely inappropriate ones. Example: we were in the breakroom and I mentioned something about coffee filters and he somehow thought it would be relative and appropriate to bring up anal sex... WTH?? Doesn't get much more random or uncomfortable that THAT

    2) a tech (somehow, also in the optometry dept) always turns the topics of discussion to horses. Is this the only thing they have knowlege of? ALWAYS! and I know virtually NOTHING about horses. So, our conversations are pretty short...thankfully

    3) the mental health provider (also no longer here) used to text during sessions and talk more about her own problems...Those sessions are NOT ABOUT YOU!!! SHEESH

    Sometimes I just have to shake my head and wonder What is WRONG with this place?? haha
    There are more but I would be here ALL DAY. And yes, I'm sure I would be on that list somewhere (maybe with the handwashing lol)
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    I love this thread!!
    I'd also love to think some of the people here washed their hands at all, much less twice! :explode:
    We have the crazy cat lady, hoarders, drop the f-bomb in the middle of the office, re-use styrofoam/tissues, burp & fart out loud, pick their nose or dig in their ears while carrying on a conversation with you, slovenly, talking to the voices inside their head, "just when you think you've heard it all" kinda people here. (most of this is rolled into two people, but.... )
    I feel so much better now, knowing I'm not alone in my plight! :flowerforyou:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have a coworker that I'm sure is a hoarder - like the ones you see on TV, although I've never seen her house. She keeps 11 pairs of shoes at her desk. She keeps the lids of dead pens (she has dozens) - I don't know why. She'll keep old pages of used labels to cut the edges to use as white out- despite the fact we have plenty of whiteout sticks in the stationary cupboard. She also has an entire large cupboard filled with vitamins, she's like a health store. She takes a couple dozen pills a day, and I'm not exaggerating (none of them are prescription pills)

    . I keep thinking of more: She microwaves her food in tin foil pretty well every day, and she also reheats coffee in the to-go cups from restaurants so the bottom scorches (it smells so bad).

    I think I worked with her too ;-) My version also clung to items that had outlived their use, and she kept her Miche handbag shell collection at work so her husband wouldn't see it. DOZENS of the things, under and around her desk in their boxes and all original packaging. We worked in a psychiatry practice (!) but no one ever mentioned her hoarding habits.
  • dinadeee
    dinadeee Posts: 217 Member
    I work at a pizzeria and the driver's are the illest creep's they stare at me at all time's they stare at my bum when I walk stand close when I'm doing something just all together creep me out!!
  • MissNayMalmoe
    MissNayMalmoe Posts: 14 Member
    I'd like to talk about the office weirdo, but then I hate to brag.

    Well played.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member
    For how small my office is, there is a surprising amount of weirdos...
    I have a work mom who insists on buying me clothes for holidays and brings me food that I don't like. She talks a lot about random annoying things for hours. I have heard her stories multiple times (more times then I have heard my bf's stories), but the fun part is she is a compulsive liar who can't keep her stories straight. She cries (literally) about how could never have kids and had miscarriages and just yesterday she was showing me pictures of a man who she says is her son that she adopted 24 years ago. She said she was raised with dobermans to protect her, but she recently changed them to poodles for some reason. She also flushes toilets when she is mad, which is a lot.

    There is rather large man who is always bragging about stuff he gets for free for complaining at restaurants. He eats out at every meal, waits to use the restroom until he is at work because toilet paper is "too expensive," steals supplies, yet tries to tell on me for watching hulu and netflix (my boss doesn't care and actually suggested some shows) and everyone else. Every time I walk by him he is on FB, or yelp. He also claims to be trying to lose weight and uses "Lose It" and logs walking from his car to his desk as 20 minutes of walking and eats 6 Jack in the Box tacos every day. He ate the gingerbread house we made over a year ago this last May, dust and all. He doesn't wash his hands after using the restroom (you can hear the water run in our building), or shower daily (his hair is greasy and he smells). He criticizes EVERYONE. And he eaves drops outside the bosses office during her meetings.

    There is also a close hand talker who has drawn on me accidentally while talking because she is flailing around so much.

    haha Hunnib you're friggin hilarious
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    1. My wife works with a lady that carries baby wipes to the bathroom. In the open. Almost to the point of making sure people know it that she makes it messy every time. And about twice a day.

    2. I once worked in an office where the next cubicle row over a girl would microwave a heating pad every day at 3:30PM. It literally smelt like burning rotten poo. It would stink the entire building up. My boss' boss walked up to me and asked what the smell was (after about the second straight week) and I told her exactly: "Oh, that? That's Kate's heating pad full of rotten *kitten* that she microwaves every day at 3:30. I get a headache every day from it." Thankfully after my strongly worded comment she never used it again.

    3. At the same company there was this guy that everyone avoided. He was a non-stop talker. He would never let you out of a conversation HE was having AT you. Even if you said, "Sorry, I have to use the restroom.", then proceed to walk into the bathroom, and even in a stall... HE WOULD FOLLOW YOU STILL TALKING.

    4. My wife worked at a different company where one of the older male workers would constantly talk to her about his sons. And despite her saying she was uncomfortable, he would make comments like "You should've married my one son." "You'd really like >InsertNameHere<, I'll tell him to stop by so I can introduce you two." It got to the point after a couple months where I was going to drive over one day and tell him to his face to back off. My wife kept telling me she would handle it because she knew I'd smash his face in and probably get arrested. Eventually she snapped and screamed at him in the middle of the office that she was repulsed by him and would most likely think his sons were pathetic creeps like their father, and if he made one non-work related comment to her she would have me come over to beat the *kitten* out of him for the constant sexual harassment. I heard from a co-worker of my wife later that he began to open his mouth to say something back and my wife promptly screamed again "One MOTHER F**KING WORD I swear to God!!" God I love that woman :flowerforyou:
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I've heard rumors that there is this one weird guy at work, but I haven't been able to find him.
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    4. My wife worked at a different company where one of the older male workers would constantly talk to her about his sons. And despite her saying she was uncomfortable, he would make comments like "You should've married my one son." "You'd really like >InsertNameHere<, I'll tell him to stop by so I can introduce you two." It got to the point after a couple months where I was going to drive over one day and tell him to his face to back off. My wife kept telling me she would handle it because she knew I'd smash his face in and probably get arrested. Eventually she snapped and screamed at him in the middle of the office that she was repulsed by him and would most likely think his sons were pathetic creeps like their father, and if he made one non-work related comment to her she would have me come over to beat the *kitten* out of him for the constant sexual harassment. I heard from a co-worker of my wife later that he began to open his mouth to say something back and my wife promptly screamed again "One MOTHER F**KING WORD I swear to God!!" God I love that woman :flowerforyou:

    This... Made my day.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I work at home now, so I just have to look in the mirror!
  • ancurtis
    ancurtis Posts: 68 Member
    I teach, kindergarten, which means I'm crazy as they come to try to heard 25+ 5 year olds daily like cats. Hardest job ever that I absolutely love and adore. Wouldn't trade that crazy for anything else!