I hate yogurt



  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    if you don't like it- don't eat it.

    ^^^ that seems like the logical approach
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    if you don't like it- don't eat it.

    ^^^ that seems like the logical approach

    I've said why I want to try to incorporate this into my diet multiple times throughout this thread.
    I've also stated that consuming it in other ways are fine with me (example: frozen and in smoothies).
    I'm just looking for tips. I hate it straight up. But I'm looking for other ways to try it. Not "don't eat it" as the only example given.
  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    I can't get into plain Greek yogurt either. Just seems basic and tastes like I'm eating a tub of sour cream. I like the ones with the fruit added and you must mix it thoroughly before eating. I also like the Dannon Traditional Oikos Key Lime. It's the best tasting one I've found yet because the key lime pairs with the Greek yogurt taste really well. Plus the texture isn't super thick like Fage or Chobani. But if you like the thickness Chobani Apple Cinnamon is very good as well. I've heard of people mixing in cheesecake pudding mix into plain yogurt and then adding cherries. I want to give it a try! My brother doesn't like yogurt either (says it tastes like feet lol) so it's definitely not an uncommon thing.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    I totally understand because I am pretty much anti-yogurt however my doctor recommended it for me for a specific reason and so I started to try to eat it daily (she said 2 a day would be better but I can't do it so I take the probiotic pills for the second one). I am sorry you tried chocolate - to me that is actually some of the worst, probably because it is the most disappointing. I have worked my way up to greek yogurt but I used to get the thinner kind without fruit just so I could swallow it down quickly. I recently switched over to Fage and for yogurt it isn't the worst and it is the only one that is still 6oz so I like that too. The suggestion of adding spices to make it for dips is great and the Fage isn't too bad but I would say go for the kind with the fruit already blended in if you are going for straight yogurt on its own (but don't do chocolate). I decided I wanted to avoid some of the sugar (but artificial sweeteners are just gross tasting) so I have been blending up my own fruit to add to plain - I go for the light (2%) and honestly - it isn't great - but it is thinner so it kind of goes down quicker. Good luck - it took me a long time to get to the point where I don't dread eating it daily and I hope if you keep it up you don't take as long as I did. But again - this is the one area where I would say avoid the chocolate - eat the yogurt then just eat a piece of chocolate after as your reward.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I can't get into plain Greek yogurt either. Just seems basic and tastes like I'm eating a tub of sour cream. I like the ones with the fruit added and you must mix it thoroughly before eating. I also like the Dannon Traditional Oikos Key Lime. It's the best tasting one I've found yet because the key lime pairs with the Greek yogurt taste really well. Plus the texture isn't super thick like Fage or Chobani. But if you like the thickness Chobani Apple Cinnamon is very good as well. I've heard of people mixing in cheesecake pudding mix into plain yogurt and then adding cherries. I want to give it a try! My brother doesn't like yogurt either (says it tastes like feet lol) so it's definitely not an uncommon thing.

    I think the thickness is what did me in today. It was definitely very custard-like, and that texture put me off a bit. I have been looking at Oikos (and have coupons I think..haha), so I may give that one a try. Especially because I do love Key Lime!
    Have you tried any that are a bit more runny?
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I totally understand because I am pretty much anti-yogurt however my doctor recommended it for me for a specific reason and so I started to try to eat it daily (she said 2 a day would be better but I can't do it so I take the probiotic pills for the second one). I am sorry you tried chocolate - to me that is actually some of the worst, probably because it is the most disappointing. I have worked my way up to greek yogurt but I used to get the thinner kind without fruit just so I could swallow it down quickly. I recently switched over to Fage and for yogurt it isn't the worst and it is the only one that is still 6oz so I like that too. The suggestion of adding spices to make it for dips is great and the Fage isn't too bad but I would say go for the kind with the fruit already blended in if you are going for straight yogurt on its own (but don't do chocolate). I decided I wanted to avoid some of the sugar (but artificial sweeteners are just gross tasting) so I have been blending up my own fruit to add to plain - I go for the light (2%) and honestly - it isn't great - but it is thinner so it kind of goes down quicker. Good luck - it took me a long time to get to the point where I don't dread eating it daily and I hope if you keep it up you don't take as long as I did. But again - this is the one area where I would say avoid the chocolate - eat the yogurt then just eat a piece of chocolate after as your reward.

    I tried a vanilla one; the chocolate was a poorly executed joke! Lol.
    Thanks so much for your insight! You kind of sound just like me when it comes to yogurt. I never had to eat it as a kid, so I never grew to like it. Same with fish. But both are good for you, and I've learned to like one, so might as well learn to like the other!

    I think after going through this thread and seeing the responses, I'll give Fage and Oikos a try, and use them in some of the recipes/meal suggestions I've gotten so far. :)
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Yeah I don't know why you think you need to have yogurt in your diet? I don't eat things I don't like so you shouldn't feel like you need to either.

    Although with that said, I use greek yogurt to make protein pancakes. Ya like pancakes?

    3/4 cup yogurt
    1/4 cup protein powder
    1/4 cup flour, white or wheat or whatever kind you want
    1 egg white
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    combine the dry ingredients (flour and protein powder) in one bowl and then the yogurt, egg white (or whole egg, doesn't matter) and vanilla in another. Then combine both and cook the mixture like pancakes.

    Fruit, nut butter, maple syrup, whatever you like on pancakes is awesome and you won't be able to taste or tell there is yogurt in it :)

    Do you beat the egg white?
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    I can't get into plain Greek yogurt either. Just seems basic and tastes like I'm eating a tub of sour cream. I like the ones with the fruit added and you must mix it thoroughly before eating. I also like the Dannon Traditional Oikos Key Lime. It's the best tasting one I've found yet because the key lime pairs with the Greek yogurt taste really well. Plus the texture isn't super thick like Fage or Chobani. But if you like the thickness Chobani Apple Cinnamon is very good as well. I've heard of people mixing in cheesecake pudding mix into plain yogurt and then adding cherries. I want to give it a try! My brother doesn't like yogurt either (says it tastes like feet lol) so it's definitely not an uncommon thing.

    I think the thickness is what did me in today. It was definitely very custard-like, and that texture put me off a bit. I have been looking at Oikos (and have coupons I think..haha), so I may give that one a try. Especially because I do love Key Lime!
    Have you tried any that are a bit more runny?

    Oh this reminded me - key lime is actually a good starting choice because the sourness of the lime kind of covers up the sourness of the yogurt (lemon is an ok choice too if you like lemon). Still not great - still has a yogurt smell - but you can kind of fool yourself. Key lime was one of my "starter yogurt" flavors.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Make coleslaw and replace 3/4 of the mayo with Greek, plain yogurt. The raw cabbage and carrots are super healthy if you get rid of some of the high calorie, no nutrient mayo.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Yeah I don't know why you think you need to have yogurt in your diet? I don't eat things I don't like so you shouldn't feel like you need to either.

    Although with that said, I use greek yogurt to make protein pancakes. Ya like pancakes?

    3/4 cup yogurt
    1/4 cup protein powder
    1/4 cup flour, white or wheat or whatever kind you want
    1 egg white
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    combine the dry ingredients (flour and protein powder) in one bowl and then the yogurt, egg white (or whole egg, doesn't matter) and vanilla in another. Then combine both and cook the mixture like pancakes.

    Fruit, nut butter, maple syrup, whatever you like on pancakes is awesome and you won't be able to taste or tell there is yogurt in it :)

    Do you beat the egg white?

    I think you compliment it and ask it how it's day went.

    (Haha, bad joke). I'm assuming so, since you're combining wet and dry separately, before combining them both together.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    What about some frozen yogurt? YOu can get greek frozen these days and low sugar, so it would be good for you also!?
  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    I can't get into plain Greek yogurt either. Just seems basic and tastes like I'm eating a tub of sour cream. I like the ones with the fruit added and you must mix it thoroughly before eating. I also like the Dannon Traditional Oikos Key Lime. It's the best tasting one I've found yet because the key lime pairs with the Greek yogurt taste really well. Plus the texture isn't super thick like Fage or Chobani. But if you like the thickness Chobani Apple Cinnamon is very good as well. I've heard of people mixing in cheesecake pudding mix into plain yogurt and then adding cherries. I want to give it a try! My brother doesn't like yogurt either (says it tastes like feet lol) so it's definitely not an uncommon thing.

    I think the thickness is what did me in today. It was definitely very custard-like, and that texture put me off a bit. I have been looking at Oikos (and have coupons I think..haha), so I may give that one a try. Especially because I do love Key Lime!
    Have you tried any that are a bit more runny?

    Oikos is definitely a thinner Greek yogurt. Also what helps the thickness is leaving it out of the fridge for a minute or two then mixing it with a spoon really good. I've had the Lemon Pie, Key Lime, and Orange Cream and I like them all. I hated the Coffee and banana flavors. I find that the citrus taste pairs with the Greek well. If you want just a regular yogurt Yoplait is on the thinner side and has so many flavors. I've had Activia too and that's not so bad either. But for Greek I'd go with the Oikos. It seems to be the best for the "non yogurt-y" bunch. lol

    OH and I've had these things called Healthy Choice Frozen Greek Yogurt cups and those are really good. The strawberry and blueberry is the best. Might not be the "healthiest" option but definitely one of the most enjoyable! lol
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Yeah I don't know why you think you need to have yogurt in your diet? I don't eat things I don't like so you shouldn't feel like you need to either.

    Although with that said, I use greek yogurt to make protein pancakes. Ya like pancakes?

    3/4 cup yogurt
    1/4 cup protein powder
    1/4 cup flour, white or wheat or whatever kind you want
    1 egg white
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    combine the dry ingredients (flour and protein powder) in one bowl and then the yogurt, egg white (or whole egg, doesn't matter) and vanilla in another. Then combine both and cook the mixture like pancakes.

    Fruit, nut butter, maple syrup, whatever you like on pancakes is awesome and you won't be able to taste or tell there is yogurt in it :)

    Do you beat the egg white?

    No you don't have to. If you use the whole egg then lightly beat the egg.

    I can't remember who asked earlier about what the Greek yogurt is a substitute for? I don't think it's a substitute for anything. It's just a way to make pancakes with yogurt, lol. You can do it with bananas and eggs too.

    Op, and anyone else interested in the pancakes, I came back because I forgot an important ingredient! 1 tsp baking powder!!!
  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    Did not read all replies so this might be double: add 1 egg to half a cup of greek yogurt, add spices, and pour over a veggie casserole.
  • LeafyEdge
    LeafyEdge Posts: 41 Member
    I enjoy yogurt a lot, but if I eat more than a cup every few days, my body odor starts to smell like it. It is quite unpleasant. So I generally avoid it.
  • trublutopaz
    trublutopaz Posts: 70 Member
    It's an acquired taste. Some brands are better than others. I prefer the more pudding like brands than the runny stuff. I have the same issue with hummus. Suddenly everyone loves it and its at every gathering and I just can't handle it. Give me guacamole any day.
  • GKat04
    GKat04 Posts: 16 Member
    OP, because you are trying to up your calcium absorption... make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D, it is very important to calcium absorption!
  • DCarter1701
    DCarter1701 Posts: 45 Member
    I mix nonfat Greek yogurt (Trader Joes is the best IMO) with chocolate syrup (about 2 T to 6 ounces yogurt) and some thawed frozen sweet cherries. YUM.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    In addition to the tip I already gave, I am hopelessly addicted to those DanActive bottles. They come in flavors like Vanilla, Mixed Berry and Strawberry (my fave). Great way to sneak in a bit of calcium, and some great probiotic pain prevention all in one gulp.
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    I dislike yogurt as well, I call it disappointing pudding.