Nerds Unite!



  • myboysmom80
    myboysmom80 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I'm Reagan. I'm a single mom of 3 boys. I'll be 34 on Friday. I've lost 30 lbs since last August, when I weighed in at 191+. I've plateaued this spring, big time, and I'm hoping MFP will help me get the last 20+ gone. I started out as a jogger (though I never had before in my life). I got a new bike in April so I've been doing more of that lately. I try to do a lot of home exercises, like sit-ups, push-ups, planking, squats... I save my gym money for the cold months.
    As far as my nerdiness, I have always been a geek. I adore Rocky Horror Picture Show, Charmed and all things witchy... I have recently discovered Doctor Who (what was I missing!!!). For summer family viewing, my sons and I are watching 1 episode per night of Once Upon A Time on Netflix. Other favorites are How I Met Your Mother and The Following. Movies/books I like are Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc... Good to find like-minded people looking to get healthy!
  • naechai40416
    naechai40416 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Narungchai, and my wife and I are using MFP together. I am halfway to my goal of losing 30lbs. I am always looking to add more friends on MFP! I will have my Bachelor's in Computer Science next month, and will work towards a Masters in the same after that.

    I love all things computers! I used to build and repair computers, but now I am a VTC Engineer. Would love to eventually build iPhone/Android Apps, but right now it's just baby steps...I'm working on some simple software for my father-in-laws church using Visual basic, which is really good. updates to follow!

    Love to see so many nerds getting fit!

    Hope I make the cut! Feel free to add me!
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    this thread is way to cool for me. Where do the real nerds hang out?
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    Hello, I'm Kevin. Currently at 45lbs lost, with another 45 to go. Love all things gaming and movies. Eventually would like to join the Air Force or Navy and be a part of their version of Military Police.
  • hihi all~!!!! my name is ashley and i was starting to think i was alone in the nerd world here! >_< i am 25 with 25 - 30 ibs to lose. i am nerdy in the way of i go to anime conventions and i am currently in the middle of making a cosplay right now for the upcoming Anime USA! I am more into Japanese fashion (which can be hard if you are a bigger girl) and Music. I LOVE j-rock and visual kei.... obviously. lol i hope to be friends with you all! i am looking for lots and lots of nerdy friends so add me :D
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    Hi everybody!

    So I figure if I'm going to make a first post anywhere, it may as well be to a group that I feel like I fit right into :). I'd definitely consider myself a nerd. I'm a 25 year old chemical engineer working in the environmental, health, and safety field.

    I am a HUGE superhero fan. If I'm going to go out to the movies, 99.9% of the time it's for one of the Marvel new releases. Although, my greatest amount of love goes to Batman. I've been a Bat-fan (hur hur I feel silly even saying that) for years now.

    I'm also a big Star Wars fan. As well as zombies, The Walking Dead, Stephen King, The Dark Tower, Wil Wheaton (is anyone else watching his new show on SyFy?), Castle, Firefly, Dexter and BSG. Is there a nerddom for Disney too? If so, I'd say I fall into that category as well. Same goes for music...I listen to *just* about everything and love listening and sharing with new people.

    I'm an avid reader and have the bookcases to prove it. My friends joke that my house looks like it should have a teenage boy living in it with all of the random memorabilia and posters. Oh well...

    As for my fitness goals... I'm looking to lose about 100 lbs. I completed my first half marathon on May 18, 2014 here in sunny Cleveland, Ohio and am looking forward to running more than I walked in the Akron half marathon in September and the Cleveland half marathon next May. I ran/walked my first 13.66 mil in 3:35:46 and would like to get my time down to less than 3 hours...and to have lost enough weight to increase my speed to feel comfortable running a full.

    Anyhow, I'm participating in a no-weigh June...because I kept finding myself getting discouraged and obsessing over the scale. Instead I'm focusing on my intakes and starting over my training program for Septembers race. I'm looking to make new nerdy friends so feel free to add me! :)

  • k_piggy
    k_piggy Posts: 9
    I'm Kirsten (: I absolutely love sci-fi and my favoritest show of all time is doctor who. I love pokemon, especially classic, and i still play the classic game cube games. I love playing the xbox, play station, and game cube (sometimes gameboy, DS, or wii but not as much). I LOVE books and learning too. I'm that kid who sits in the corner of the classroom by myself and if i don't have work to do i just read lol. I like anime too, I've gone to several conventions
    um i also really love super heros (marvel is ok but i like DC better)
    also love RPGs and DND even though i can't play it anymore lol
  • Matrix_Dragon
    Matrix_Dragon Posts: 33 Member
    I'm Tim

    A few of you already know me as " The metal loving, friendly Canadian nerd "

    I'm here to get back in shape. motivate people and network.

    I'm a PC and console gamer; and in raptures of delight ( and agony ) at the E3 reveals ( and a little cheesed that I Need to buy an Xbox One now... )

    Always looking for new people/friends; so feel free to add me up.

    Also on steam, Xlive ( when I renew subscription ) as: dakondakblade

  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey all, my name is Mikki. I enjoy the classics. Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Super Mario 64, Pokemon Emerald. The best stuff! I also read way too many books. Feel free to add me!

  • BodhiZ
    BodhiZ Posts: 4
    Hi fellow nerdy people! My name is Teresa. I have lost 40 so far, have another 50 I'd like to take off. I am a World of Warcraft player when I have time. I was a guild master for years, but now have limited my playing due to the fact that I can't play WoW 12 hours a day AND lose weight at the same time. If anybody knows how to do that, let me know. :) Anyway, now I play when I have time and also love to read.

    ....and my counter still says 38 pounds lost. ??? Now I get to go on a quest to see why it hasn't updated.
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hey there! Like someone who posted previously I'm an "older" nerd. Grew up on Time Tunnel, Star Trek, Jonny Quest, even a silly comedy about two astronauts that end up back in the caveman days called "It's About Time." I'd watch GoT, but don't get HBO anymore so only got the first two seasons in. I've been a Whovian since the 70s. A big fan of Highlander, Forever Knight, Hercules, early Xena, Battlestar Galactica, and the original B5. These days it's still Doctor Who, but also Torchwood, Defiance, and Sleepy Hollow. I enjoyed the British version of Being Human, but never saw the American version of it. And liked what I saw of Almost Human but that didn't last long.

    I could/would get into cosplay if I was creative or rich. LOL I go to Ren Faire when I can, in garb. Would like to learn some of the games that are out there, most recent one I've had an opportunity to experience was Cards Against Humanity at a wedding reception about a month ago. That was interesting. I read a lot and scribble a little.

    Love seeing so many likeminded people!
  • veeit
    veeit Posts: 1 Member
    Hello All,

    It is very nice to see you all on the interwebs. It feels nice to be in a habitat of all things nerdy. Marvel movies to comics i do very much enjoy. I watch anime but I'm still waiting on some good anime to pop up(Remember anime in the 90's!?!) I'm willing to have conversations about how tyrion and arya are the best characters in GOT. I'm a gamer and I've played a many, trust me.

    Well anyway lets all support each other and succeed in our goals. Feel free to add me, as I will be adding you all.
  • kimdallmeier
    kimdallmeier Posts: 2 Member
    Hiya everyone:) Just started using the app and would love to make some new friends here:) I love all things Geek - from Zombies (Everything Romero & Walking Dead)... to Gaming (LOVE Adventure/Fantasy/Mystery clicking games these days - especially on Gog & Steam:) .. ahah) and reading (Asimov, PK ****:, Douglas Adams....:)
  • Jelliebean_Army
    Jelliebean_Army Posts: 21 Member
    My name is Ellie and I am totally nerdtastic! Comicon last year was the most fun I've ever had! I am hardcore whovian and have been since I was a kid watching the classic episodes with my brothers. I love anime, star wars, harry potter, comic books, all thing super hero, mythology, art, music.... the list goes on and on. I also love reading and could easily spend my time devouring books. I love learning and am endlessly curious.

    As for why I'm on MFP. On top of being awesomely nerdy, I've also always been a very athletic, outdoorsy, person. As we nerds know obsessions come easily to us and I've obsessed about my weight at times, in a very unhealthy way. I've struggled with eating disorders over half of my I life. I'm working on changing that negative obssion into a positive one with a focus on health and fitness. I've been working on that for years and I do a good job for the most part. However, recently I had a small relapse and crossed back over to the dark side. Happily I was able to stop myself before it going too far down that path and I got it under control.

    I'm new-ish to MFP and haven't gotten involved in the community aspect of it. I couldn't have found a better place to start! I've also just moved and don't know many people in my area yet, so an online support system would be awesome! I've had a blast reading the this thread and think you are all crazy cool people I'd be excited to know! Add me! I'll be doing the same with all of you!
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    35 year old nerd here. I love any kind of sci-fi or fantasy. My favorites are Star Trek (even wearing my ST shirt in my pic), Doctor Who (Tom Baker is MY Doctor!) and so many others. I'm almost at my halfway point goal of losing weight. Started at 297 and down to 240 now! Hopefully will get into the 230s by the time I step on the scale on Sunday :) Add me! Allons-Y!
  • JustinSlick
    Hi all! Total nerd here! Mostly for sci-fi (I read a lot.... Neal Stephenson, Kim Stanley Robinson, Cherryh, Silverberg, etc.). Fantasy too occasionally, but I haven't picked up a fantasy series since I read Farseer last year.

    I love all the typical geeky television and film stuff too, GoT, Marvel, BSG, Star Trek (DS9 for the win!), AtLa, and on and on and on. I'm in a weekly D&D game, so I guess I'm pretty lucky to have people with similar interests around me. I'm pretty interested in digital art, 3D, game-dev type stuff.

    Anyway, I'm very new here... just trying to lose a tiny bit of weight (10ish lbs) to improve my strength-weight ratio for climbing. Add me, or whatever people do around here!
  • SeattleRaven
    I definitely belong in this group--hello, fellow nerdlings.

    I'm not a gamer (but most of my friends are so I've spend many an hour in front of a game screen). However, I do read comics, manga, science fiction, and graphic novels. And I dig Star Trek (except Enterprise), Doctor Who in all incarnations, Firefly, and Babylon 5. Currently re-watching my Crusade DVDs. I'm a Bat family fan more than Marvel, although I have to say I dig the recent X-Men movies and did enjoy the Avengers enough to read Civil War.

    I go to cons, but sadly have never made it to SDCC. Not a cosplayer, but I do want a steampunk outfit, so I might one day attain that nerd badge.

    I'm here on MFP to be healthier; since my new year's resolution, I've lost 17 lbs, with 24 to go to be under 25 BMI. My doctor gave me the usual "lose weight" warnings, so I decided to be mindful of what I eat and be more active, but I haven't been working out seriously. Tomorrow I do a 17-mile overnight walk to benefit American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I've been preparing for that since last October by walking every day.
  • Sayonara_SKArc2009
    Hello, I am Steph. Currently, I am watching Doctor Who and am loving it! I've watched the new series, now I'm watching all of the classic episodes (that are available.) I've watched anime series in the past, and probably will in the future. I've also read manga. I've watched all of Breaking Bad, and nearly all of Lost. (I need to finish that one!) I spend a lot of my free time watching series and learning a lot about them as I watch them. Sadly, I seem to
    forget a lot of information as soon as I move on to another series. I guess that's why it's important to live in the moment, right?
  • Order_66
    Order_66 Posts: 35
    What's up, everybody! Guilty of being a nerd, and damn proud of it, Just moved to OKC and trying to establish some nerd roots out here. Play a little Lord of the Rings Online and a lot of Star Wars The Old Republic. Am excited to get into The Elder Scrolls Online. Just now reading the Star Wars books so I can further understand the universe. My girlfriend and I were unpacking her stuff and we came across an N64 with Zelda, so there goes my workout time. Haha. Anyway, if there is anyone out there, locally or from afar, that would like to join this epic quest for life, loot, and the pursuit of gaming, well, you know where I'll be!
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Bumping cause it would be a shame for this to go away.:drinker: